Q: What is A.I. trying to figure out?
A: What makes us human? How do we think? How do we make decisions? What are the limits to our rationality?
Q: What does disposition explain?
A: Behavior due to a person's characteristics (-).
Q: What does situational explanation focus on?
A: Behavior influenced by the situation (+).
Q: What is Bandura's Social Learning Theory?
A: Learning through observation.
Q: What are the four requirements for Bandura’s Social Learning Theory?
A: Attention, Retention, Reproduction, Motivation.
Q: What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
A: The tendency to attribute others' behavior to their disposition and our own to our situation.
Q: What is Vroom’s Expectancy Theory?
A: Expectancy × Instrumentality × Valence = Motivation.
Q: What is the effort aspect of Vroom’s Expectancy Theory?
A: The belief that effort will lead to performance.
Q: What is the performance aspect of Vroom’s Expectancy Theory?
A: The belief that performance will lead to an outcome.
Q: What is the outcome aspect of Vroom’s Expectancy Theory?
A: The degree to which an outcome is desired.
Q: What is Bandura’s Reciprocal Determinism Model?
A: The interaction between a person, behavior, and environment.
Q: What is Berlo’s Communication Model?
A: Source → Encodes → Channel → Decodes → Receiver.
Q: What is satisficing?
A: Choosing a "good enough" alternative.
Q: What is the satisficing point?
A: When we have enough information to decide and move on.
Q: What is bounded rationality?
A: The idea that we cannot process everything to perfection.
Q: What are the four ways of knowing?
A: Tenacity, Authority, Reason, Science.
Q: What is tenacity in knowing?
A: Fundamental beliefs.
Q: What is authority in knowing?
A: Learning from a trusted or credible source.
Q: What is reason in knowing?
A: Experience, inference, sense-making, rational consideration.
Q: What is science in knowing?
A: Process over outcome, rigorous skepticism, hypothesis testing.
Q: What is sense-making?
A: How we come to understand things by inventing new knowledge.
Q: How do we convert sense into knowledge and behavior?
A: Through retrospective analysis, anomalies, sorting, and testing different perspectives.
Q: What are the Big 5 personality traits?
A: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism.
Q: What is openness in personality?
A: Adaptive, adventurous, curious, fun-loving.
Q: What is conscientiousness in personality?
A: Organized, dependable, a planner, focused on excellence.
Q: What is extraversion in personality?
A: Friendly, social, empathetic, emotionally intelligent.
Q: What is neuroticism in personality?
A: Sensitive, anxious, overreacting.
Q: What is the Dark Triad in psychology?
A: Machiavellianism, Narcissism, Psychopathy.
Q: What are the four humor styles?
A: Affiliative, Self-Enhancing, Aggressive, Self-Defeating.
Q: What is Benign Violation Theory?
A: Humor occurs when something is both a benign (safe) and a violation (unexpected).
Q: What are the three types of empathy?
A: Emotional, Cognitive, Compassionate.
Q: What is emotional empathy?
A: The ability to feel what another person is experiencing.
Q: What is cognitive empathy?
A: Understanding another’s perspective.
Q: What is compassionate empathy?
A: Understanding feelings and taking action to help.
Q: What are the three selves?
A: Physical, Presented, Cognitive.
Q: What is impression management?
A: Altering self-presentation to satisfy audiences.
Q: What are the five tactics of impression management?
A: Ingratiation, Exemplification, Intimidation, Self-Promotion, Supplication.
Q: What are Tuckman’s stages of team development?
A: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Adjourning.
Q: What are the types of trust?
A: Transactional, Interactional, Relational, Identificational, Intuitional.
Q: What is social exchange theory?
A: Relationships function like social bank accounts.
Q: What is the Law of Reciprocity?
A: The obligation to return a favor or service.
Q: What are the five dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)?
A: Altruism, Compliance, Sportsmanship, Courtesy, Civic Virtue.
Q: What is expectancy theory in motivation?
A: Effort → Performance → Outcome.