Untitled Flashcards Set

9.For each of the psychological therapies discussed in class (Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy—Enhanced, and Family-Based Therapy): Who developed the therapy and for whom? If applicable, what is/are the theory or theoretical components underlying the therapy? What are the major tenants or techniques employed in the therapy? If the therapy is divided into steps or stages, what are they, and what are the major components of each stage?

DBT was originally for multi-diagnostic patients with severe mood and personality symptoms

Origins of DBT Dr. Marsha Linehan, PhD, a professor at the University of Washington

• DBT grew out of a study on CBT and chronic suicidal ideation, attempts, and self-harm that Dr. Linehan led in the 1990s

Structure of DBT Individual therapy: 1 hour/ week

• Group skills training: 1.5 or 2 hours/ week

• Consultation team: 1-2 hours/week

• Telephone coaching: as needed

• "Optional" parent training/family therapy for adolescents

*6 months for adolescents, 1 year for adults

Dialectical agreement- there is no absolute truth 

Phenomenological empathy agreement-we agree to reach for empathetic interpretations of our patients 

Therapy—Enhanced (CBT-E):

     - Developed by Christopher Fairburn, specifically for eating disorders.

     - Focuses on changing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors related to eating.

   - Family-Based Therapy (FBT):

     - Developed by Lock and Le Grange, primarily for adolescents with anorexia.

     - Involves the family in treatment, focusing on restoring the adolescent's weight and healthy eating patterns.

16. What is integrated care as it applies to substance use and eating disorders?

1)Comprehensive, evidence based screenings for ED, SUD, other psych disorders, medical conditions & relevant lab testing

2)Individualized treatment plans that encompass both ED & SUD

3)Therapists & treatment teams that are trained in evidence based treatments for COD

4)Services that are provided in the same location by the same providers in a stepwise, integrated fashion

5)A plan or contract to manage service elsewhere if needed (e.g., methadone maintenance, AA/NA meetings)

13. What medications have been empirically supported for use in eating disorders? Note differences across disorders.

Prozac BN

Vyvanse BED

ARFID Remeron and zyprexa 

Topiramate BED and BN

10.What is the role of the registered dietician in integrated care for eating disorders? What are the major components of dietary therapy? Be able to list and describe what each of these components may look like in practice.

Nutrition counseling:

-resolves client relationship with food

-discover and challenge beliefs and fears about food

-process barriers of progress

desensitization and exposure therapy 

-hunger and satiety work and food journaling 

Nutrition education:

-education about macro and micronutrients

-anatomy and physiology


-how to grocery shop cook etc 

Medical nutrition therapy:

-establish goal weight range 

-monitor weight changes 

-monitor nutrition 
