Study Focus: Examines longitudinal effects of educational expectations and achievement attributions on academic achievements of adolescents in Taiwan using TEPS data.
Sample: 2,000 Taiwanese secondary school students, with data collected across three waves (grade 7 in 2001, grade 9 in 2003, grade 11 in 2005).
Key Findings:
Educational expectations predict a moderate amount of variance in academic achievements.
Students with high expectations and effort attribution show higher growth in academic achievements.
Low expectations and attributions of success to others correlate with lower achievements and growth.
Implications for educational practice and further research discussed.
Previous Research: Educational expectations correlate with academic achievements (Bui, 2007; Sanders et al., 2001).
Reciprocal Relationship:
High school students' educational expectations and achievements were found to be mutually predictive (2001 research).
Path from achievements to expectations is generally stronger.
Expectancy-Value Theory:
Expectations of success influence achievement performance.
These expectations are influenced by perceptions of competence and goals shaped by prior achievements.
Cyclical influence of expectations and achievements over time results in better long-term outcomes when high expectations are held earlier.
Definition: Causal attributions for past achievement outcomes determine future engagement in learning (Weiner, 1986).
Dimensions of Attributions (Weiner, 1992):
Locus of Control: Internal vs. External
Stability: Stable vs. Unstable
Controllability: Controllable vs. Uncontrollable
Ability is internal and stable; effort is internal, unstable, and controllable.
Previous studies link positive attributions (to effort) with higher motivation and performance, while negative attributions (to ability) are linked to disengagement.
Utilized TEPS database from Academia Sinica, collecting longitudinal educational data from 2001 to 2007.
Three Waves of Data:
Base Year: 2001 (7th graders)
First Follow-Up: 2003 (9th graders)
Second Follow-Up: 2005 (11th graders)
Sample Size:
Base Year: 20,004 students
First Follow-up: 18,903 students
Second Follow-up: 4,172 students
Final study size: 2,000 students after exclusions for missing data.
Variables: Educational Expectations, Achievement Attributions, Academic Achievements.
Academic achievement measured using IRT scores on the General Analyzing Ability Test.
Educational expectations and achievement attributions sourced from Student Questionnaire in TEPS.
Educational expectations assessed through two specific questions.
Achievement attributions assessed through one critical question about factors affecting academic success.
Analysis performed through two-phase hierarchical linear modeling.
Phase One: Random-coefficient regression model for initial significance testing.
Phase Two: Identification of predictors (educational expectations and achievement attributions) for variance explanation.
Graphical representation of academic achievements over three waves for varying education expectation levels shows consistent growth across all groups.
Results confirmed that students attributing achievements to effort outperformed those attributing success to ability or external factors.
Significant initial achievement and growth rate across all students.
Educational expectations were identified as strong predictors for both initial achievements and growth rates.
Models (2-1 to 2-3) explored the influence of educational expectations and three attributions (ability, effort, others) on achievements and growth:
Educational expectations significantly predicted both initial achievements and growth rates.
Effort attribution positively impacted growth rates but not initial achievements.
Attribution to external factors negatively influenced academic outcomes.
Confirmed Educational Expectations as a significant predictor for academic achievement and growth rates.
Reinforced expectancy-value theory, highlighting importance of educational expectations in long-term academic growth.
Noted cultural differences in attributing success: Taiwanese students emphasize effort over ability compared to American students.
Educators should promote high educational expectations among students.
Encourage students to link success with personal effort rather than external factors.
Comprehensive list of studies mentioned throughout the research supporting findings and framing the theoretical context.