1. Be familiar with all of the Scripture you have memorized up to the midterm. Syllabus
2. What were the character traits we discussed in class? P9.5
- heart of compassion
- kindness
- humility
- gentleness
- patience
- bearing one another
- forgiveness
- love
3. What were the relationship skills we discussed in class? Ps-5
- communication skills
- conflict-resolution skills
- understanding roles
- worship
- time together
- honoring and serving one another
4. Be able to explain the relationship skills as they pertain to the character traits. py. 5 + notebook
5. Be able to identify each level of the iceberg diagram used in class. pg. 5+6
Problem areas = the tip of the iceberg
Relationship skills and character traits = the middle of the iceberg
Heart motivations = the source, or bottom of the iceberg
6. Understand the basic teachings of the heart. p3. 5+6
“seat of desire”
Epcenter of man
Your heart has “thoughts”, intentions
- not basically good – Jer. 17:9
- active, not empty or passive
- it takes work to understand – Prov. 20:5
- Its really all about worship
7. What are the purposes of marriage? P3. 10-11
1. Companionship
2. Completer
3. Covenant
4. Children
5. Collaboration
9. What are the results of this comprehensive partnership? pg 14
Unity, partnership, sacrifice
11. What type of relationship is marriage? bottom of py 13
12. Be familiar with the differences between a contract and a covenant. pg 15 –16
- made by the exchange of promises
- limited by the terms of the exchange of property
-based on profit and self-interest
- temporary
- sworn by a solemn oath
- involve an exchange of life
- call for self-giving, loyalty, and sacrificial love
- permanent, even intergenerational
13. What are the commitments a couple must make to purity? pg. 15-16
- Marriage held in honor-Heb.13:4
- You shall not commit adultery-Ex. 20:14
- Wife is to be pure and chaste-1 Peter 3:1-2
- Keep away from someone else’s mate- Prov. 5
Purity in Thoughts
Purity in affections
Purity in behavior
14. How do these commitments relate to each other? pg. 15-16
What starts in your thoughts will be action
adultery begins at the level of your heart desires-adultery is a manifestation of desire
If you are struggling having purity of behavior, then you have already messed up
15. What makes a marriage protected from adultery? 19. 17
An adultery-proof relationship is one that is satisfied in their spouse-be intoxicated with your spouse
16. When considering perseverance in marriage, what analogy was given for a beautiful marriage? py. 18
Why was it given?
The analogy for a beautiful marriage was a beautiful garden. Gardens takes a lot of work. You must de-weed and cultivate. Same with a marriage
17. Regarding the purity of marriage, what did we say makes a marriage "bullet proof" from
immorality? pg 17
Contentment. How do you learn contentment? Philippians 3 and take every thought captive
18. What were the verses we used to develop these principles? pg 16-17
Heb. 13:4
Ex. 20:14
1 Peter 3:1-2
Pro. 5
19. What Biblical passages did we discuss concerning homosexuality? pg 20-21
Genesis 19 Sodom and Gomorrah
Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13 The Law
Romans 1Exchange of worship of the creator to created
1 Corinthians 6 nor effeminate by perversion- if you are known by these things you are not a Christian
James 1:13-15 Your desires come from your heart-when you desire something sinful its a sin
20 What was the passage we used to address the desires of homosexuality, even if those desires were not acted upon? pg. 21
James 1:13-15
21 What were a few counseling strategies we discussed in counseling homosexuality? (be familiar with 2-3) pg. 21-22
Putting off the actions
Repenting of desires
Educating about sexual orientation-can change
Rejecting by birth arguments
Slave to righteousness or unrighteous
Helping convince that desires are sinful
Radical amputation (Matt. 5)
Aiming for growth not perfection (mediate on Christ, not sin)
Growing in masculinity if biological male
Growing in femininity if biological female