U1: Part 1 Terms.APUSH

★ Colonial Experience ★

Part 1

10 Q


Civilization of the south, huge cities built, in the middle of Mexico, capital-> Tenochtitlan (Mexico City)


Civilization of the south, Yucatan peninsula-Mexico, Accurate/advanced calendar


Civilization of the south, advanced road systems

Black Death

A catastrophic epidemic of the bubonic plague that began in Constantinople in 1347, had decimated Europe, killing more than a third of people of the continent and debilitating it's already-limited economy

Ferdinand & Isabella

Spain’s two most powerful regional rulers, they produced the strongest monarchy in Europe. In 1492 they agreed to fund Columbus’s expedition

Christopher Columbus

Italian explorer whose expedition was funded by Ferdinand & Isabella, believed that nothing layed west between Europe and Asia and there was a faster route. Landed in the islands of the Americas and believed it was another part of Asia that was just further from the mainland


First known circumnavigation of the globe 1519-1522


Spanish colonizers, decided on using the Americas as a source of wealth rivaling and even surpassing the original Indies


Hernando Cortés, most brutal conquistador. Sent a military attack against the Aztecs and exposed them to smallpox and decimated the population and made it possible to easily suppress them/Thought the smallpox epidemic was sent from God

Ordinances of Discovery

Third phase of Spanish colonization in 1570s, new Spanish laws that banned the most brutal military conquests. This era is when the Spanish expanded their presence in America through colonization. Spanish wealth and catholic church having played major role


As the Spanish settled northward into North America in the 16th century they established Catholic Churches/missions which became the cultural and economic center for the indigenous people

Pueblo Revolt

This 1680 revolt by Indians of the Southwestern part of the contemporary United States successfully removed Spanish control for twelve years


Influenza, measles, chicken pox, mumps, typhus, and more were diseases Europeans had spread which they had partial immunity to, while Native Americans tragically suffered and killed millions


Introduced to the Europeans by the Native American peoples, this agricultural crop was the main staple crop that sustained both societies

Columbian Exchange

Plants, animals, diseases, and material goods were transferred between he Western and Eastern Hemisphere because of the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus in 1492

Racial Hierarchy

Spanish at the top, natives at the bottom, and people of mixed races/mestizos in between. Occurred after intermarriage

John Cabot

England’s first documented contact with the New World came only five years after Spain’s, 1497 JC sailed to the northeastern coast of North America on an expedition sponsored by King Henry VII


Landlords evicted small farmers, raised more sheep w/ modern technology for the expanding wool trade, and fenced in what was previously common area**-Uprooted thousands of people****-Encouraged people to leave for the New World**

Joint-Stock Companies

Merchants joined forces and made chartered companies. Investors in these companies often made fantastic profits from the exchange of English manufacturers, especially woolens, for excotic goods; they felt a powerful urge to continue to expand of the profitable trade→ central to modern day capitalism


A trade system between a mother country (European nation) and her colonies that uses the colonies both as a source of raw materials and as a market for manufactured goods

Richard Hakluyt

An oxford clergyman who argued that colonies would not only create new markets for English goods, but they would help alleviate poverty and unemployment by depending off the surplus population

Protestant Reformation

Began in Germany in 1517; Initiated by Luther, was an attempt to reform the Catholic churches but ended up creating a new branch-> protestant churches

Martin Luther

An augustian monk and ordained priest, challenged the Catholic belief that salvation could be achieved through good works or through loyalty/payments to the Church. Defied the Pope and led a huge following out of the Catholic Church

Henry VIII

King, in 1529 broke England;s ties with the Catholic Church because of pope’s refusal to grant a divorce with his Spanish wife and established himself as the head of the Christian Faith in his country

Catholic Church

Catholics asserted allegiance to the Pope, emphasized obedience and respect to church elders


They had proper religious roles on women, making them to be able to be preachers


Hoped to “purify” the church, simplify Angelica forms of worship, reduce power of bishops and people appointed by crown

Bloody Mary

Based on King Henry's daughter who ascended to throne and executed protestants who refused to return to the Catholic fold; her nickname

Subjugation of Ireland

England tried to subdue/colonize the native population and perceived them as vicious and ‘savages’ and subjugated the natives, (foreshadows the same xtreme colonization they would do in America)

Plantation Model

This large Southern farm during the pre-Civil War period employed slaves and grew cash crops such as cotton and tobacco

Coureurs de Bois

Adventurous fur traders and trappers who also moved far into the wilderness and developed an extensive trade that became one of the underpinnings of the French colonial economy

Henry Hudson

1609, english exposed sailed up a river(Hudson River) in New York state and made a step for Dutch territory in America and made Dutch participate in the fur trade

Philip II

Powerful Spanish King united his nation with Portugal, and was determined to end England’s challenges to Spanish commercial supremacy and to bring the English back into the Catholic Church.

Spanish Armada

King Philip II assembled one of the largest military fleets to carry his troops across the English Channel and into England itself. But the smaller English fleet dispersed Armada and ended Spain’s domination of the Atlantic.


Est. 1585; An island (Now North Carolina) that Raleigh hoped to establish a colony in. His first time failed, and his second time he brought a lot of people to start the colony again and they had mysteriously disappeared and this had ended Walter Raleigh’s involvement in colonization in the New World
