1 Foundations of Biology

work in progress!

1.1 Studying biology: the practice of science

  • Biology - the study of living organisms

  • Scientific method is used to design and perform experimental investigations.

    • Well-designed investigations take into consideration current observations and previous results.

The importance of observation

  • Observations can reveal how organisms function and how they interact with others + the environment.

    • Observations take advantage of human senses and apparatus for more accurate results.

  • They can be interpreted differently based on what one already knows/has experienced.

Learning by experimentation: the scientific method

  • Scientists observe what is already known, then ask questions (“why?”); an experimental approach to the study of science.

  • Hypothesis- a potential justification/explanation for things that are observed.

    • Can be used to predict events/behaviour.

    • Tested in experiments to determine accuracy; the hypothesis is rejected if inaccurate, supported if accurate.

  • Theory - if the hypothesis has been proven as correct under all the conditions that it has been tested in, it becomes this (AKA principle)

Asking the right questions: making hypotheses

  • Hypotheses have to be testable, but even if it can’t be tested, it doesn’t mean it’s not correct.

  • Gather information that is relevant to proving (or disproving) the hypothesis.

Choosing the right method

  • Methods have to be reliable; described in sufficient detail to allow for repetitions of the experiment.

    • If similar results cannot be obtained upon repetition, it is considered unreliable.

    • Avoid personal bias; be objective when collecting and analysing data.

  • Results should be clearly stated, separate from discussion of results.

  • Multiple trials should be conducted, to prove that results were not because of a one-time fluke.

  • Experiments and their results need to be able to replicated in order to be validated.

The need for experimental controls

  • Variables that can affect experiment outcomes:

    • Time of day

    • Temperature

    • Amount of light

    • Season

    • Level of noise

  • Independent variable - the variable that is being tested. (AKA experimental)

  • Dependent variable - the variable that is being measured when the independent variable changes.

  • Controlled variable - the variables that are kept constant between experiments

  • Control group - a secondary experiment that is identical to the first, bar the single experimental variable being tested.

    • As a controlled experiment, it means that one variable at a time can be tested and its effects can be analysed.

    • Used to eliminate the effects that random factors have on results.

Making valid conclusions

  • Valid conclusions depend on reliability of results and their interpretations.

  • Speculations - suggestions on what may be occurring based on results.

Conclusion - statement based on the observations and measurements.

Figure 1; a scientific method flowchart

Limitations of the scientific method

  • Can only be applied to hypotheses that are testable, and to questions that can be answered.

    • e.g it is impossible to conduct experiments around ‘life after death’

  • Cannot be used to test moral or ethical issues, but can predict environmental/biological impacts.

1.2 Important principles in biology

  • Biological principles - theories that are supported by immense amounts of evidence, that make it unlikely for it to be disproved in the future.

    • Relevant to the way that almost all living organisms function.

  • “Organisms are living things”

    Organisms are made of cells

    • Cell theory - a theory which states that all organisms are made of cells, that all cells come from pre-existing cells, and that the cell is the smallest living organisational unit.

    • All cells have a cell membrane that encloses the interior fluid, cytoplasm.

    • All cells have DNA as genetic material.

    Evolution explains diversity

    • Similarities, differences and geographic distribution of organisms → organisms have changed over time.

    • Phylogeny - study of evolutionary relationships between organisms.

    • Scientific classification - hierarchy of names based on phylogenetic relationships that encompasses all organisms.

    Characteristics of organisms

    • Common to all organisms, no matter whether plant, animal, fungi, protist or bacteria.

      • Made of cells

      • Chemically complex and highly organised

      • Exchange energy and matter in their environment

      • Sense and respond to stimuli

      • Grow and reproduce

      • Evolve

    Common requirements for life

    • All life requires a source of energy.

      • Amount of energy depends on organism type, stage of growth, activity level and reproductive state.

    • All life requires nutrients and water for growth, maintenance and repair.

      • Waste is produced as a result of the latter processes.

      • Simplicity of waste excretion depends on size of organism

    • All life is composed of water, organic compounds (proteins, carbs, lipids, vitamins) and minerals.

    • All life requires the ability to sense and respond to stimuli in their internal and external environments.

    Organisms are adapted to their environment

    • Over time, species become adapted to their external environment

    • Natural selection - individuals with features most suited to their environment survive and pass those features down to their offspring.

    • Inherited behaviour and functions make organisms suited for survival in their environment.

1.3 The composition of organisms

  • 92 types of naturally occurring elements on Earth (NB. this is approximate and may have changed from the years this textbook was published)

  • Organic compounds - complex compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen that are produced or found in living organisms.

  • Inorganic compounds - all other compounds that are not formed of carbon and hydrogen.

    • They are still important for living organisms (e.g water, oxygen)

Inorganic compounds


  • Most organisms are 70-90% water.

  • Chemical reactions that occur in cells happen in a watery medium.

  • Water’s properties (such as pH and heat capacity) are very important in biological processes.

  • Water molecules are cohesive; strong tendency to stick together.

  • Surface tension - Bonds between surface of molecules.

    • Water’s surface tension allows small insects to walk across its surface without ‘breaking’ the molecule.

  • Heat capacity - The amount of heat needed to change the temperature of an amount of matter by 1°C.

    • Water’s heat capacity is very high.

    • As chemical reactions occur in the body produce heat, water present in the body can absorb said heat without heating the cells up significantly.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide

  • Cellular respiration - the process of releasing energy from food molecules using oxygen.

    • A constant supply of oxygen is needed to keep cells active.

    • Although oxygen can be easily obtained from the atmosphere, solely marine animals are usually small given that oxygen is not soluble in water.

      • Organisms that obtain oxygen from water are small, flat, inactive or have efficient ventilation systems (e.g gills)

  • Photosynthesis - the process of making the organic compound glucose with a by-product of oxygen, using carbon dioxide, sunlight and water by plants.

    • Carbon dioxide is converted into energy by plants in photosynthesis, and returned to the environment through organic material decay and as a result of cellular respiration.

    • The “carbon cycle” between organisms and the atmosphere is essential to survival.


  • Nitrogen fixation- the process performed by bacteria of converting atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that plants can be used.

    • Nitrogen is a key component of all proteins and thus is needed in a relatively large amount.


  • Biologically important minerals:

    • Phosphorous

    • Potassium

    • Calcium

    • Magnesium

    • Iron

    • Sodium

    • Iodine

    • Sulphur

  • Mineral ions (mineral salts) are retrieved from weathered rocks and absorbed into plant roots.

    • Also found in cell cytosol, structural components such as bone, and enzyme + mineral molecules.

  • Humans require more than 20 different minerals.

Organic molecules

  • Four main types:

    • Carbohydrates

    • Lipids

    • Proteins

    • Nucleic acid

  • Can be converted from one form to others, in places like the liver.

    • Carbohydrates are converted to fats for storage when food is plentiful.

    • The reverse occurs when food is no longer plentiful.

  • Can be linked together into larger molecule chains.


  • Carbohydrates - compounds made out of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

  • Most abundant organic compound.

  • Important source of energy for organisms.

  • Plants - the carbohydrate starch is used to store energy; the carbohydrate cellulose is used to support structure.

  • Animals; the carbohydrate glycogen stores energy.

  • Monosaccharides - subunits of carbohydrates; simple sugars.

    • Glucose is an example.

    • Monosaccharides have hydrogen/oxygen in the same proportions as water, meaning two hydrogens for every oxygen.

  • Disaccharides - two sugars joined together.

    • A molecule of water is removed.

  • Polysaccharides- many sugars joined together.


  • Lipids - fat and oil molecules that store energy.

    • e.g phospholipids (cell membrane component) and steroids (hormones)

  • Composed of carbon, hydrogen and vitamins in different proportions to carbohydrates.

    • Smaller proportions of oxygen and can contain other elements (e.g nitrogen).


  • Thousands of differing types of proteins; functions vary widely.

  • Each kind of organisms have own unique proteins.

    • e.g some are hormones, some are carrier molecules.

  • All are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.

    • May also contain sulphur, phosphorus and other elements.

  • Composed in chains of units called amino acids.

    • Peptide bonds - the chemical links between amino acids in proteins.

  • Proteomics- the study of all proteins in an organism.

Nucleic acids

  • Nucleic acids- genetic material of all organisms.

    • Two types: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acids)

    • DNA contains instructions to assemble new proteins from amino acids.

    • RNA plays a role in protein manufacture.

  • Composed of subunits called nucleotides.


  • Vitamins - Organic materials used by animals in small amounts.

  • Used merely for normal functions.

  • Can be naturally synthesised, but other vitamins must be obtained in diet (e.g humans must obtain Vitamin C in our diet because we cannot ‘create’ them ourselves)

  • Vitamins can be used to make enzymes.
