beethoben symphony no 9 choral

  • msut be remembererd that beethoven bridged two eras of music

  • repected by ecvery subsequent composer


  • took classical conventions and expanded them

  • - beethoven was huegly influential to later composers

  • expanded and infused them with romantic , expressive sensibilities ]lobegr and more complex -

  • more adventurous w tonality and horminy

  • ]often used largr orchestra

  • instruments nt used in the classical symphony

  • had a sense of narrative and drama

    beethovens 9th symphony - long and complex work (70 mins) in 4 movements

  • 1 allegro in d minor

  • 11 scherzo in d minor

  • 111- scherzo in d monor (trio in d major)

  • vi- finale w multiple sections starts in dm ends in d - tonic resoloutio,

    movement 1 - dramatic allegro - inetersting interpretation of sonata form that intrigues open piannisimo section through the final coda

  • begins w mysterioys tremolo - falling 4th/5th in vln1 which gradually gathers

  • key is a/am by implications of bear 5y

  • d minor not firmly established until bar 17

  • main theme is presented in both major and minor versions

  • pace of harmonic change reletivley slow - adds solemnity to the content

  • development - includes triple fugue and the thematic material approached in multiple ways

  • great variety in figuration - lots of motivic ideas evidengt

  • structure not clearly defined as prior workds

  • no distinctions between sections

  • third symphony - eroicica - coda is like a complete development section


    Movement 2 - scherzo - molto vivace

  • written in tripe time - but w accents that make it sound quadruple

  • tuning of timps and octave apart - offbeat and disrupt metre - hemiola feel

  • trio introduces the trombones for the first time in the movement

  • movement 3 - adagio movement

  • - loosely in double variation from romantiv in spirit

  • main harmonic changed only noted in modulatory sections

    movement 4 - allegro /andante / allegro

  • includes satb vocal soloists and choir

  • first tme voices had ever been heard in a symphony ( later comps berilox, lizt and mahler - used vouces in some of theor symohonies

  • HUGE rondo finale

  • intricate movement beethoven ever wrte

  • dissonant openin

  • quotes from prior movements

  • earlier ideas are dismised by recitative kuje grumbling in cello/double bass

  • bass solo sings beethovens wors ‘o friends not these sounds’ - triumphant appeak ti brotehrhoiod

  • choral ‘ode to joy - double fugue and extended coda

    UNUSUAL OVERALL tructure

  • violent and dissonant beginning - shriek of pain

  • lower strings are given number f quasi - operatic’ passages - brief remindedrs of materials from the three preceeding movements

  • solo baritne delivering similar phrases - gradually w chorus being included in the texture

  • orchestral exposition of teh amin theme in four stanzas

  • reminder of the opening dissonat passages

  • bass recitative

  • oorchestral/choral section - ‘joy’ tjeme including an instrumental section which is a double fugue

  • new theme for chorus and orchestral

  • doube fugue utilizing bith themes

  • complex extended coda sect
