AP Human Geography Score Calculator

How Do I Use This AP Human Geography Score Calculator? 

Just put an approximation of what you think you’ll get on each section into the AP Human Geography Score calculator above, as in how many questions you expect to get right for both the MCQ and FRQ on the AP Human Geography exam.  

Once you press the button, the AP Human Geography calculator will calculate & then show you your projected score based on what you entered. This can help you plan out the approximate number of minimum/max amount of questions you can miss to get still the 5 that you want! 

How Accurate Is This?

Pretty accurate! This AP Human geography calculator is based on the collegeboard CED & previous years’ point breakdowns released by the College Board. 

So, the weights of each question and the composite raw score are very accurate. Your final score, between 1-5, is calculated based on previous years’ exam curves. Remember, NO AP Human Geography grade calculator can predict your exact score because the College Board does not release official cut points, but our AP Human Geography Score Calculator can give you a pretty good idea of what the benchmarks are for your AP HUG scores. 

How is the AP Human Geo exam scored?

The AP Human Geography is scored in two sections: multiple choice and free response.

Section I, multiple-choice, is 60 questions, worth 50% of your final score, and will take you an hour to complete. About 30% - 40% of the MCQ section will reference stimulus material, such as maps, tables, charts, and graphs, among others. 

Section II, free response questions, is 3 questions, worth the other 50% of your final score, and will take you 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete. The AP human geography FRQ will ask you about a geographic situation and will test your knowledge on describing, explaining, and applying geographic concepts. Question 1 contains no stimuli, Question 2 has one stimuli, and Question 3 has two stimuli. 

What is a good AP Human Geography score? 

Earning a 4 or 5 on the AP Human Geography exam demonstrates to colleges that you have a great understanding of the material and typically makes you eligible to skip college-level courses. If you got a 4 or 5, great work! 

The AP Human Geo pass rate, like for all exams, is a 3. It is the mid-range of scores, showing that you have a moderate understanding of the course, and can be worth college credit, depending on your college. To see if your college will accept your score, check the AP Credit Policy

What percent is a 5 on the AP Human Geography Exam?

The AP Human Geography grading scale, like all AP exams, is scored on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1s and 2s not earning college credit, 3s possibly getting credit, and 4s and 5s earning college credit. 

These scores vary year from year, so make sure to look at the AP Score Distributions for the most up-to-date information. Collegeboard does not publish the official cutoffs, so your best bet is to do as many AP practice exams as possible & make sure to focus extra on the most highly weighted questions.

What were last year’s AP Human Geography Scores?

Here is the 2024 AP Human Geo Score distribution: 

18% of students got a 5, 20% got a 4, 18% got a 3, 14% got a 2, and 20% got a 1. 

While these AP Human Geography scores are not too different from last year, they still varied due to the difference in exam difficulty and student preparation. The same will be true for next year!

Does the AP Human Geography Exam Have a Curve?

Yes, like all AP exams, the AP Human Geography exam is curved each year to ensure fairness between the administration of exams and difficulty. 

This curve varies from year to year depending on student performance and exam difficulty. For this AP Human Geography score calculator, we take the previous curves into account to approximate your final score as accurately as possible.

Is the AP Human Geography Exam Hard?

AP Human Geography is considered an entry-level AP, being one of the easier AP exams. 

The difficulty of a course depends on a multitude of factors, like your familiarity with geological concepts and ability to handle rigorous college-level coursework, but the AP Human Geo course is considered one of the easiest AP courses. 

The material is often seen as easier to understand because it deals with human societies, cultures, and their relationships with the environment, concepts easier to grasp. Unlike AP Calculus or AP Chemistry, AP Human Geography doesn't require advanced math or science skills, making it MUCH easier for many students. 

However, it is the AP Human Geography exams that proves to be more difficult. The AP Human Geography Pass rate was only 56% percent of students this year, which is not as good as the other humanities courses like the AP Gov pass rate of 73%. This is mostly due to the lack of studying on the student’s part, since it is a course that freshmen regularly take. 

How can I get a 5 on AP Human Geography?

The preparation to get a 5 on the AP Human Geography exam varies from person to person, but the basic principles stay the same.

Definitely know how to analyze spatial data and create sound arguments using geographic concepts; this is a focal point of the entire course. 

You also need to be familiar with the format of the multiple-choice section, scoring guidelines of the free-response questions and understand the nuances they contain. Run through tons of AP Human Geography practice questions; you need all the preparation you can get.

When you’re studying, remember that practicing and reviewing must go hand in hand to get you that 5. Study each unit of the course by itself, and spend at least a week reviewing all of the concepts and important theories the AP Human Geography exam will cover. You need to become a master at these concepts; start with the basics and build your way up. For free-response questions, make sure you're familiar with the different ways to earn rubric points and number of questions so you know what to expect going in.

The right resources also matter when it comes to studying. Here’s some free resources that have been recommended by AP Human Geography teachers & students :  

When Do AP HUG Scores Come Out?

The exact date for the release of your AP Human Geography scores varies from year to year, but it is typically early to mid-July after your AP Human Geography exam. 

In 2024, it fell on July 8th, a Monday, so it is likely that next year it will also be released on a Monday, which will fall on July 7th. But for the most up to date information, make sure to check the College Board for official updates.
