Focus Topic: Understanding the impact of oil spills on ecosystems through the story "Tehya's Pollution Solution."
Preparation Time: 5-10 minutes
Lesson Duration: 90-120 minutes (2-3 sessions)
Ecosystem: A community of living organisms and their interactions with the environment.
Engineer: A professional who uses scientific principles to design and build solutions.
Engineering Design Process: A systematic approach to problem-solving in engineering.
Pollution: Contamination of the environment that causes adverse effects.
Environmental Engineer: A professional who develops solutions to environmental issues.
Food Web: A system of interconnected food chains within an ecosystem.
Technology: Tools and methods used to solve problems.
Setting: The story takes place around the Elwha River, a key ecological area in Washington State.
Connection to Community: Tehya, a member of the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, emphasizes the cultural importance of the river.
Main Characters: Tehya, Sam, and their neighbor Thomas, an environmental engineer.
Story's Theme: Interconnectedness in ecosystems and how oil spills affect not just water but all life forms dependent on it.
Picture Comparison Activity: Students analyze two pictures of the same ecosystem from 50 years apart to discuss ecological changes.
Engineering Design Process Discussion: An introduction to how Tehya applied engineering principles to address the oil spill.
Interconnectedness of Ecosystems:
A change in one part of an ecosystem can affect many others (Example: Oil spill in the river can impact land organisms).
Students learn to appreciate the complexity of ecological relationships (e.g., food webs).
Students have hands-on applications using local knowledge about their environment in clean-up efforts.
Understanding how environmental engineers like Thomas use design processes to solve ecological problems.
How can oil spills disrupt small food web dynamics?
What roles do different organism types (producers, consumers, decomposers) play in recovering from oil spills?
How does the Engineering Design Process assist in developing solutions to environmental issues, such as oil spills?