Type of Body Systems:
Digestive System: break down of food in the body, mechanical and chemical process of digesting food (mouth, teeth, tongue, stomach, intestines)
Nervous System: the system that makes responses to the stimuli and processes information in the brain, provides short-term control over other organ systems (brain, spinal cord)
Reproductive System: produces sex cells to create children, controls the male and female characteristics (testers, penis, uterus, ovaries, and breasts)
Immune System: protects body from diseases and infections (lymph nodes, white blood cells)
Integumentary System: 1st barrier to protecting the body from diseases and the environment: controls the body temperature and keeping bodily fluids in the body (skin, nails, nail follicles, hair, sweat glands)
Endocrine System: controls body’s metabolism, temperature, and development and maintains homeostasis (pineal gland, thyroid, kidneys, pancreas, glands)
Circulatory System: transport of cells and dissolved materials (heart, blood vessels, blood cells, lymph nodes)
Skeletal System: support and protection of soft materials, mineral storage, and blood production (bones, cartilage, joints)
Muscular System: produces heat and is support for the skeletal system (muscular tissues)
Excretory System: filters blood and gets rid of nitrogenous wastes from the body (kidneys, ureters, uthera)
Respiratory System: Intake of gases and air (lungs)
Non-living particle that has genetic material like DNA or RNA
Factors about viruses