Stress is a condition in which the human system responds to changes in its normal balanced state
A stressor is anything that is perceived as challenging, threatening, or demanding
This can include new jobs, moving into adulthood, marriage, retirement, death of a loved one, financial problems, chronic illness/injury, workplace stressors, divorce, and more
An adaptation is a change in the response to a stressor, which can be physical or mental
Eustress is stress interpreted as beneficial, while distress is perceived as detrimental
General Adaptation
Developed by Hans Selye
Explained the reactions to stress
The alarm reaction occurs when stressors upset homeostasis, and an ‘alarm’ is sent to the entire body
An acute, short-term, intense response
Resistance is the body fighting back by adjusting to the stressor
A chronic, long-term, less-intense response
Exhaustion occurs when the body is no longer able to resist the stressor