market segmentation

  1. Behavioral segmentation: The division of a market on the basis of customers’ responses to a product

  2. Consumer market: A customer or potential customer who purchases goods or services to satisfy personal desires

  3. Demographic segmentation: The division of a market on the basis of its physical and social characteristics

  4. Geographic segmentation: The division of a market on the basis of where customers are located

  5. Hijab: A head scarf worn in public by some Muslim women; can also be used to describe the Islamic dress code for Muslim women, which requires them to dress modestly in public

  6. Industrial market: A customer or potential customer who purchases items for use in the operation of a business, for resale, or for making other goods

  7. Lifestyle: The way in which people lead their daily lives; determined by their income, interests, and activities

  8. Market: A customer or a potential customer who has an unfulfilled desire and is financially able and willing to satisfy that desire

  9. Market segment: One of the groups into which the total market is divided

  10. Market segmentation: The division of a total market into smaller, more specific groups

  11. Mass marketing: Designing products and directing marketing activities to appeal to the whole market; also known as undifferentiated marketing

  12. Personality: An individual’s qualities or traits and behavior

  13. Psychographic segmentation: The division of a market on the basis of customers’ lifestyles and personalities

  14. Segment marketing: The classification of customers into similar groups to appeal to one or more individual segments

  15. Socioeconomic status: An economic and sociological measure of a person’s income, education, and occupation

  16. Target market: The particular group of customers a business seeks to attract

  17. Target marketing: The identification and selection of markets for a business or for a product

  18. Undifferentiated marketing: Designing products and directing marketing activities to appeal to the whole market; also known as mass marketing
