multi store model

Attics on and shiffrim and Milner Agricola number

  • Atkinson and shiffrin (1968) were among the first to suggest a basic structure of memory with the MSM, although simplistic, it sparked much research based on the idea that humans are information processors.

  • The multi store model was suggested in 1960 and clearly inspired by computer science, the model is based on a number of assumptions; the model argues that memory consists of a number of separate locations in which information is stored, secondly the memory processes are sequential. Third each memory store operates as a single, uniform way. In this model short term memory serves as a gateway why which information can gain access to long term memory.

  • The various memory stores are seen as components that operate in conjunction with the permanent memory store through processes such as attention, coding and rehearsal, according to this model rehearsal is vital to keep material active in short term memory by repeating until it reaches long term memory.

  • The model also suggests that sensory information from the world enters sensory memory, which is modality specific, that is related to all different senses, such as hearing and vision . The most important stores in the model are the visual and auditory store. Info in the sensory store stays here for a few seconds and only a small amount of information will continue into the short term memory store.

  • Capacity of short term memory has traditionally been assumed to be limited around seven items (7+/-2) and duration about 6-18 seconds. Info in short term memory is quickly lost if not rehearsed, information may also be displaced from short term memory by new info. When your attention is taken away from the info in your shotrt term memory, it is displaced and no longer available.

  • The rehearsal of material in short term memory plays a key role in determining what is stored in long term memory in the multi store of that memory.
