1820s- Hawaii
Convert to Christianity and American planters buy land
1887- Pearl Harbor Naval base established
1890- “How the Other Half Lives” Jacob Riis
Horrors of the slums
1890s- America becomes a global power
1891- Forest Reserve Act
Protect 150 million acres of federal land
1892- Sierra Club-John Mierre
1893- Queen Liliuokalani overthrown by plantation owners
1895- Anti-Saloon League
Legal prohibition of alcohol
1895- Booker T. Washington Atlanta Exposition Speech
Blacks should acquire vocational skills/established Tuskegee Institute
Not directly challenging white supremacy
1898- William McKinley annexes Hawaii
1898- De Lome Letter
Disrespecting McKinley, starting war
1898- Maine Explodes
Start of spanish american war
US, Cuba, Philippines vs. Spain
1898- Teller Amendment
US has no intention of taking over Cuba
1898- End of Spanish American War
1898- Treaty of Paris 1898
US acquired Guam, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Philippines
1899- Guerilla war between Philippines and US
1899- Open Door Policy
All nations should have equal trading privileges in China
1899- Boxer Rebellion
Attempt to remove foreign influence of China
1900- Foraker Act
Puerto Rico granted limited degree of popular gov., withheld full self rule
1901- TR Presidency
1901- Platt Amendment
US can intervene in Cuba, can maintain a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, and Cuba couldn’t sign a treaty with a foreign power that limited independence
1902- Newlands Reclamation Act
Money from sale of public lands could be used for western irrigation projects
1902- Coal Miners strike
TR threatens to take over mines with federal troops to help workers
1902- “History of stanford oil company” Ida Tarbell
1902- England sends warships to Venezuela
Latin American countries owed money to England and Germany
1903- W.E.B Dubois “Souls of Black Folk”
Rejected gradualism/demanded immediate equality
1903- Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty
Gives US right to build Panama Canal
1903- Elkins Act
Increased penalties for rate rebates
1904- breaking Northern Securities Company (railroad monopoly)
Upheld by Supreme Court
1904- “Shame of the Cities”
Exposed political corruption/political machines
1905- Niagara Movement
Advocated for black rights
1905- Roosevelt received nobel peace prize
For helping negotiate a peace agreement ending Russo-Japanese war
1905- “The Jungle” Upton Sinclair
Increase support for socialism and workers rights by exposing unsanitary nature of meat industry
1906- Meat Inspection Act
Fed gov would regulate meat industry
1906- pure food and drug act
Created fda and labeled food
1906- Hepburn Act
Gave interstate commerce commission power to set max rates for railroads
1907-1908- Great White Fleet
TR sends new fleet of US battleships on trip around the world
1908- Muller v. Oregon
Laws protecting women workers constitutional
1908- Gentlemen’s Agreement
TR pressure CA to repeal discriminatory law and Japan would restrict emigration of Japanese workers to US
1908- William Howard Taft Presidency
1909- Payne Aldrich Tariff
Raised rates and angered progressives
1909- NAACP
National association for the advancement of colored people
1911- Triangle shirtwaist fire
1912- 17th Amendment
Voters directly vote for US Senators
1912- Election
Taft wins Republican nomination
TR forms Bull Moose progressive party
Woodrow Wilson on “New Freedom”
Eugene Debs socialist
1912- Woodrow Wilson Presidency
1913- Underwood Tariff
Lowered rates of tariffs
1913- Federal Reserve Act
Regulating money
After economic panics demonstrated problem of limited money supply
1913- 16th Amendment
Graduated income tax established
1914- Panama Canal Completed
1914- Federal Trade Commission
presidential appointed commission investigates monopolies
Exempted labor union prosecution
1914- CLayton Antitrust Act
Increased power of Sherman Antitrust
1915- Lusitania sunk
British passenger ship with 128 Americans sunk by U-boats
1916- Federal Farm Loan Act
Low rate loans to farmers
1916- Arrest of Pancho Villa
Wilson sends General John J. Pershing and an expeditionary force
1916- National Women’s Party
Alice Paul broke from NAWSA/more radical and extreme
1916- Sussex sunk
1916- Election of 1916
Wilson wins
1917- Zimmerman Note
Germany asking Mexico to attack US to recover territory
1917- Congress declares war against Germany
1917- Selective Service Act
Organized federal draft of soldiers
1919- 18th Amendment
1920- 19th Amendment
Women’s suffrage