3. X-Ray Imaging

How it Works

  • X-ray particles are called photons

  • X-ray photons are delivered in packets called quanta.

  • If the particle energy is greater than the binding energy of the electron, then the photons
    are capable of ionizing atoms.

  • Diagnostic radiation is typically in the range of 100 nm to about 0.01 nm, or from 12 eV to 125


  • The number of X-ray photons produced depends on the number of electrons striking the target material (so tube current)

  • The anode is made of either tungsten or molybdenum. The cathode is composed of two parts: the filament made of tungsten, and a focusing cup.

  • A change in filament current changes the intensity of the X-ray photons.

  • The X-ray beam coming off the cathode material is polychromatic.

    • Filtering out the undesired portion of the X-ray spectrum can substantially reduce the radiation dose delivered to the patient.


  • c = λ * f

    • c = 3E8 m/s

  • 1 angstrom = 10E-10 m

  • High frequency range is from 3E16 to 3E19 Hz

  • E = h * f

    • h = Plank’s constant = 6.63E-34 J*s = 4.13E-18 keV*s

    • f is frequency, or ν (Greek letter nu)

  • eV is an electron volt, a unit of energy representing the amount of energy one electron can obtain from accelerating between the potential difference of 1 volt

    • 1 V = 1.602E-19 columbs = 1.602E-19 J

  • A pjoton with 3E18 Hz frequency has what energy?

    • 4.13E-18 keV*s x 3E-18 Hz = 12.39 keV

Ionization in X-Rays

  • Simplest atom to ionize is an H atom (only 1 e-, super easy to ionize because we have a lot of H in our bodies)

  • If it can ionize, it has enough energy to eject an electron

    • 13.6 eV is enough to kick out an electron, and is the threshold of ionizing

X-Ray Generation

  • X-rays are generated from an x-ray tube

  • High potential difference between cathode and anode

  • Acelerated electrons from a heated filament

  • Electrons strike the target (sometimes tungsten

  • Heat and x-rays are generated

    • 99% of generated energy goes to heat

  • Electrons interact with the target material mainly in 2 ways to generate radiation…. Braking and Characteristic

Braking “Bremsstrahlung” Radiation

  • Electrons are slowed down (lose E)

  • Change on energy is emitted as photon energy

  • Generally, more photons in lower energy

  • Max energy is related to max kV across tube

    • E tube = kV * e

Characteristic Radiation

  • Electron strikes another inner shell electron

  • Inner electron is ejected with lower energy

  • Electrons reconfigure to fill the void

  • Photon is produced with specific photon energy

    • Photon energy depends on the shell (closer to nucleus = more E)

X-Ray Spectrum

  • Spectrum can also be characterized by its “effective energy” defined as the energy of a mono-energetic beam with the same penetrating ability

  • Effective energy is a weighted sum of the spectrum

  • Filtration whether intended or not, increases the effective energy of spectrum

  • Number of photons is the “quantity” of the x-ray beam

  • Energy level of the beam is the “quality”

How Might X-Rays Interact with Matter?

Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering

  • Photon bounces off in a new direction with little energy change

  • The electric field of the incident photon’s EM wave expends energy by making all of the electrons in the atom to oscillate in phase

    • Atom’s electron cloud then radiates the energy as a scattered photon

  • Coherent scattering is used mostly with low energy diagnostic x-rays (mammography, thyroid scans)

  • Electrons are not ejected so ionization does not occur

Compton scattering

  • If it’s above 30keV with soft tissue, it’s probably compton scattering

  • Steps

    • Photon interacts with an electron (usually valence) and only some energy from the photon goes to the electron

    • Photon moves on with reduced energy and new direction

    • Electron is ejected

  • Energy of the initial photon must be equal to the energy of the scattered photon + energy of ejected electron

  • More dense the tissue = more likely Compton scattering occurs

  • Compton scattering makes up most of the background noise & tissue damage

  • If the initial energy is low, then the scattered energy doesn’t matter on the scattering angle

  • If the initial energy is high, the scattered energy is higher for a smaller scattering angle

  • Scattered photons with higher energies will continue in pretty much the same direction

  • Compton scattering in which a photon is not absorbed but rather scattered. The photon energy is reduced, and an electron is ejected. This is the major source of noise in X-ray (and CT) images.

Photoelectric effect

  • In the photoelectric effect, all of the initial energy is transferred to an electron

  • Photoelectric effect in which a photon is absorbed, characteristic radiation is emitted along with photoelectrons, and possibly Auger electrons.

  • Steps

    • All photon energy transfers to electron

    • Electron ejects

    • Electron becomes a photoelectron

      • Energy of the photoelectron is the energy of the initial photon minus the energy it took to bind to the orbital electron

      • Called an Auger electron

    • A lower orbital electron will jump up to take its place

    • Energy needs to decrease now, so energy is given off as fluorescent energy

  • Probability of characteristic x-ray emission (dangerous) decreases as the atomic number of the absorber atom decreases (less protons = less possibility of radiation)

  • Soft tissue has lower atomic number so it’s not super frequent

  • Probability of characteristic x-ray emission also decreases with increasing photon energy

Pair Production

  • Pair production can occur when the energy of the incident photon exceeds 1.02 MeV

  • Steps

    • High energy photons are absorbed by a nucleus

    • A positron (positive electron, a form of anti-matter) is emitted with an electron

    • Energy above 1.02 MeV goes to the electron as kinetic energy

    • The positron and electron interact and shoots oppositely directed 511 keV annihilation photons

  • Unusual because it takes so much energy

  • Describes the same anti-matter formation used in PET scans

  • Pair production in which a photon is absorbed by the nucleus, a positron is emitted, and an electron is ejected.


  • Interaction of an incident photon with a nucleus, which produces one (or more) ejected nuclear particle

  • One element becomes a different element

  • Super unusual so it takes so much energy
