112 Study Guide

Study Guide Overview

  • The exam focuses on topics from weekly videos and textbook readings.

Key Topics Covered

  • The Enlightenment

    • A cultural and intellectual movement emphasizing reason, individualism, and skepticism of traditional authority.

  • The Social Contract

    • Philosophical theory about the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual; key figures include Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau.

  • Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires

    • Major Islamic empires that shaped global history; notable for their cultural, economic, and political impacts.

  • Peter I of Russia

    • Known as Peter the Great; he modernized Russia and expanded its territory in the late 17th and early 18th centuries.

  • The Scientific Revolution

    • A period of major advancements in scientific thought from the 16th to the 18th centuries, highlighting figures like Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton.

  • Mercantilism

    • An economic theory that emphasizes the role of the state in managing international trade to increase national power.

  • Transatlantic Slave Trade

    • The forced deportation of millions of Africans to the Americas; pivotal in shaping economies and societies.

  • Indentured Servitude

    • A labor system where individuals worked for a fixed term in exchange for passage to America or land.

  • European Incursions into Africa

    • European exploration and colonization; significant conflicts and changing dynamics in African societies.

  • African Slavery

    • Enslavement and exploitation of African peoples; understanding its legacy and historical context.

  • Shogun

    • A historical title in Japan; military leaders who held power during the feudal era.

  • Revolutions of the 18th Century

    • Major political revolutions including the American Revolution and the French Revolution; shifts in power dynamics.

  • Haitian Revolution

    • The first successful slave revolt resulting in the establishment of Haiti as the first Black republic in 1804.

  • Napoleon

    • French military leader and emperor known for his role in the Napoleonic Wars and the spread of revolutionary ideals.

  • Marxism

    • The political and economic theories of Karl Marx; focus on class struggle and the critique of capitalism.

  • Imperialism

    • Expansion of empires and domination of weaker nations; caused significant global political changes.

  • Opium War

    • Conflicts between China and Britain over trade and opium; led to significant repercussions for China.

  • Meiji Restoration

    • A pivotal turning point in Japanese history leading to modernization and westernization of Japan.

  • Causes of WWI

    • Analyze the political, military, and social factors leading to the global conflict.

  • World War I

    • Overview of the conflict, its major battles, consequences, and peace treaties like the Treaty of Versailles.

  • Causes of WWII

    • Factors leading to the outbreak of the second global conflict; including economic troubles and totalitarian regimes.

  • World War II

    • Details on key battles, strategies, alliances, and the outcome of the war.

  • Russian Revolution

    • The 1917 revolutions that led to the rise of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Romanov dynasty.

  • Decolonization

    • The process of colonies gaining independence, particularly in the mid-20th century; significant movements and figures involved.
