Fine Arts. A visual Art Considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics and architecture.

Fine Art involves different art styles and the process of creating something unique which appeals to our visual or auditory senses.

When did Fine Arts Start?

According to historians, can be traced back to 18th Century

  • Early Modern period in Western Art

  • Sooner to the Renaissance art in Italy

  • Later throughout the rest pf Europe.

Fine art refers to an art form practiced mainly for its aesthetic value and beauty (art for art’s sake) rather than its functional value.

Painting. Is the practice of applying paint, pigment color or other medium to a solid surface.

Architecture. It is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures.

Sculpture. Is the 3D art work which is physically presented in the dimensions of height, width and depth. One of the plastic arts.

Sculpture is divided into two class: Free standing sculpture & Relief

Free Standing Sculpture. aka as in the round, are sculptures that are raised independently in its given space; can be observed in all POVs.

Relief. sculptures that are raised from the background. Depending on the figure’s distance from the background.

2 kinds of Relief: Bas-relief & high reliefs

Bas-relief/low relief. Are reliefs that are slightly protruding from their background.

High relief. Are reliefs that are prominently raised against their background, giving the sculpture more dimensionality.

“Art imitates the objects and events of ordinary life.” - Plato

“Art is form of imitation” - Aristotle He defined imitation as the representation of nature in the medium of human actions.
