ERTH 2 (Jan 9th)

Big Bang

Universe started through the big bang, thus idea comes from Alexan freedmen in 1922 and he said that the universe was expanding

Edwin Hubble shows that the galaxies were moving away form each other ata rate that accelerates proportionally with distance. He thinks this because of RED vs BLUE shift. It was being red shifted

George laetre propsed the universe emerged from a primeval atom

Ralph Alpers and Robert Herman predict that a cosmic microwave background would be a consequence of a big bang that we would stil be able to detect today

Arno Penza’s managed to aceturate first evidence of th cosmic microwave background radiation in 1965, providing strong support for the Big Bang theory and confirming the predictions made by Alpher and Herman.

Stages of Big Bang

  1. 0 to 10^-32 seconds A indifferently dense ball of matter exposed into much more matter

  2. 106-6 we get the first particles, nutrients electors and so forth

  3. First nuclei such as hydrogen helium and etc

  4. 380,000 years after the big bang the first light is emitted through the universe

  5. 200m we get the first stars which were comprised of primarily hydrogen and helium, in addition Iron and lead

  6. 400m years after the big bang we witnessed the first galaxies

  7. 3.8B years ago expansion appears to axcellerate


Formation of the heavy elements

The most commonly found material on the earth is oxygen (49%)

Secondly is silicon

  • Followed by aluminum (8.1%) and iron (5.0%), which play crucial roles in the planet's geology and core composition.

The sun started in a nebula and coalesced into a start, it will become a red giant and possibly a supernova

Nucleosyntheses: is the formation of elements through combining atomic nuclei (nuclear fusion) This is the process which exists in the core of the sun, this creates the light

Hydrostatic Equilibrium:The state of balance in a star where the inward force of gravity is countered by the outward pressure from nuclear fusion reactions, ensuring the star remains stable throughout its lifecycle.

Eventually hydrogen will run out and the outward force will lesson and the star will collapses

when this happens slightly heavier elements will form, this will work its way through the periodic table

When th star reaches red giant, fusion is now occurring at the surface

the process will continue at ever increasing pace until Fe forms in the core. After Fe fusion stops

After a star reaches the red giant phase, nuclear fusion processes occur at an increasing pace in its outer layers. During this phase, various lighter elements are fused into heavier elements within the star's core until iron (Fe) is formed

The more matiel in th star the faster it will burn through its life cycle

Earths Differentiation

If we understand how a plant differse we can unerstand hwo much life may exist in the universe

Earth differnencian refers to the inner and outer layers of the Earth, which include the solid inner core, the liquid outer core, the mantle, and the crust.

Earth has a magnetic field, we need this to have an atmosphere and protect the planet from harmful solar radiation and cosmic rays.

The structure of the earth is also an import differentiated aspect this consists of:

  • Crust

  • Mantle

  • outer Core

  • Inner core

Where do earthquakes occur

They occur along plate boundaries where tectonic plates interact, leading to stress accumulation and eventual release of energy.

Earthquakes send P(Primary) waves and S(Secondary) waves. These waves differ as P waves travel faster and can move through both solid and liquid, while S waves are slower and can only travel through solids, indicating the Earth's inner structure.

The Moon

Impact theory: Early astronomers speculated that perhaps the moon was inhabited BUT the main idea was that the moon formed by impacting bodies coalescing into moon we see (people also thought that people lived of theory planets)

Fission Theory: George Darwin (son) hypothesized that the moon formed form a rapidly spinning proto-earth and broke off

Co-Accretion Theory: Perhaps the moon and Earth formed formt he same dust and gas cloud

Capture Theory: Ury proposed the Moon was captured by the Earths Gravity formed elsewhere in the solar system

1969 Apollo Missions: Changed everything, now we had actual samples to test and analyze, providing critical insights into the Moon's composition and the processes involved in its formation.

Koan Conference- Lunar Scientist from around the world gathered to debate the origin of the moon, The impacts hypotheses by far seemed to explain the available data
