What Do the Unhoused Need_ _ UCLA Blueprint
Overview of the Unhoused Population
In Los Angeles County, approximately 75,000 people are unhoused on any given night.
Over 70% find shelter under tarps, freeways, and in encampments.
Unhoused individuals face threats such as violence, food insecurity, and illness due to poverty.
Introduction of PATHS
Supportive Initiatives in Healthcare
Challenges and Limitations of PATHS
Structural Obstacles: Street medicine is hindered by sweep displacements and lack of homeless council support.
Sample Limitations: The current respondent group may not fully represent the homeless population, as only healthier individuals can participate in surveys.
Healthcare Access Findings
Housing Impact on Health: In permanent housing, access to healthcare services increased by 25% to 60%.
Hotel-Based Transitional Housing: Positive healthcare access parallels with those in permanent housing, but larger sample sizes are needed to confirm effectiveness.