What Do the Unhoused Need_ _ UCLA Blueprint

Overview of the Unhoused Population

  • In Los Angeles County, approximately 75,000 people are unhoused on any given night.

  • Over 70% find shelter under tarps, freeways, and in encampments.

  • Unhoused individuals face threats such as violence, food insecurity, and illness due to poverty.

Introduction of PATHS

  • Purpose of PATHS: To provide longitudinal data on homelessness, focusing on the experiences and needs of unhoused individuals.


  • Survey Implementation: Monthly digital surveys administered via SMS, targeting those with cellphones (80%-90% of the unhoused).

    • Participants receive a $10 gift card for each completed survey.

    • Surveys designed to accommodate trauma and cognitive difficulties.

    • Median completion time: 17 minutes.

Supportive Initiatives in Healthcare

  • Street Medicine: A new care model providing direct health services to the unhoused, aiming to bridge gaps in healthcare access.

    • Addresses barriers such as insurance complications and personal belongings.

    • Focus on connecting patients from wound care to healthcare systems.

Challenges and Limitations of PATHS

  • Structural Obstacles: Street medicine is hindered by sweep displacements and lack of homeless council support.

  • Sample Limitations: The current respondent group may not fully represent the homeless population, as only healthier individuals can participate in surveys.

Healthcare Access Findings

  • Housing Impact on Health: In permanent housing, access to healthcare services increased by 25% to 60%.

  • Hotel-Based Transitional Housing: Positive healthcare access parallels with those in permanent housing, but larger sample sizes are needed to confirm effectiveness.
