“ambu” means “move”
“andro” means “man”
“anthro” means “human”
“bellu” means “fight”
“clam” means “shout”
“clin” means “bend”
“cred” means “trust”
“fract” means “break”
“gnos” means “knowledge”
“grad”means “to go”
“greg” means “group”
“gyn” means “female”
“her” means “to stick”
“jac” means “to throw”
“ject” means “to throw”
“lum” means “light”
“meta” means “change”
“morph” means “shape”
“narco” means “sleep”
“oper” means “work”
“pac” means “calm”
“plac” means “calm”
“phon” means “sound”
“senti” means “emotion” or “feeling”
“somn” means “sleep”
“son” means “sound”
“soph” means “wise”
“spec” means “look”
“term” means “end”
“theo” means “god”
“ven” means “come”
“vid” means “to see”
“voc” means “call”
“vol” means “will”
“A-/An-” means “without”
“Ab-” means “away”
“Ad-” means “toward”
“Anim-” means “mind” or “spirit”
“Ante-” means “before”
“Anti-” means “against” or “opposite of”
“Auc-” means “increase”
“Aug-” means “increase”
“Aud-” means “hear”
“Aur-” means “hear”
“Auto-” means “self”
“Ben-” means “good”
“Bon-” means “good”
“Circum-” means “around”
“Co-” means “joint” or “together”
“Con-” means “with”
“Contra-” means “against” or “opposite”
“De-” means “separation” or “negation”
“Hyper- means “over” or “excess”
“Hypo-” means “beneath” or “below”
“Inter-” means “between” or “among”
“Intra-” means “within” or “inside”
“Ir-” means “not”
“Mal-” means “bad” or “wrongful”
“Post-” means “behind” or “after”
“Pre-” means “before”
“Pro-” means “forward movement” or “advancement”
“Se-” means “apart”
“Sub-” means “below,” “secondary,” or “part of”
“Super-” means “above” or “excess”
“Syn-” means “with” or “together”
“Trans-” means “across” or “through”
“Ultra-” means “beyond” or “on the far side of”
“Vice-” means “in place of”
“-able” means “capable of”
“-ate” means “make” or “function”
“-cess” means “move” or “yield”
“-cede” means “move” or “yield”
“-cide” means “to kill”
“-cis” means “shorten”
“-ette” means “feminine role” or “smaller form
“-ist” means “a person related to something”
“-logy” means “the study of something”
“-ology” means “the study of something”
“-ous” means “full of”