Lesson 4 - Hell's Illusion

Gehenna Fire: NOT Eternal Torment šŸ”„

  • What is Gehenna?

    • Gehenna was a garbage dump outside Jerusalem where waste, dead animals, and even diseased bodies were burned.

    • Historically, it was also a place where children were sacrificed to Molechā€”a detestable practice condemned in the Old Testament.

    • Because of this history, Gehenna became a symbol of destruction and cleansing, not eternal torture.

  • Where is "Gehenna Fire" used in the Bible?

    • Used 13 times in the New Testament (12 by Jesus, 1 by James).

    • First mention: Matthew 5:21-22 ā†’ "Whoever says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of Gehenna."

  • Key Points About Gehenna Fire:

    • It is not a reference to eternal punishmentā€”Jesus used it as a metaphor for the consequences of sin and social conflict.

    • Fire (Greek: pur) in the Bible is always a symbol of purification, not torture.

    • Jesus never taught that God would use fire to torment people foreverā€”instead, he warned about the real-life consequences of division, hatred, and conflict.

  • Misinterpretation by the Church:

    • Catholic and Protestant translators twisted ā€œGehennaā€ into ā€œhellā€, misleading generations into believing in a torture chamber after death.

    • The "fire of Gehenna" is a metaphor for destruction, refinement, and judgment, not eternal suffering.

Destruction (Apollymi) ā€“ NOT Annihilation šŸš

  • Greek Word: Apollymi (į¼€Ļ€ĻŒĪ»Ī»Ļ…Ī¼Ī¹)

    • Mistranslated as ā€œeternal destructionā€ in many Bibles.

    • The actual meaning is loss, ruin, or breaking down of the oldā€”not annihilation or endless torment.

  • Biblical Examples of Destruction = Renewal

    • John 12:24 ā†’ ā€œUnless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.ā€

      • Destruction leads to transformation.

    • 1 Corinthians 15:36 ā†’ ā€œWhat you sow is not made alive unless it dies.ā€

      • Death leads to new life.

    • Matthew 7:13-14 ā†’ ā€œWide is the gate that leads to destruction, but narrow is the way that leads to life.ā€

      • Jesus was speaking to the Jews, warning that clinging to the law (the broad way) would lead to ruin, while the narrow way of grace led to true life.

  • The True Purpose of Destruction in Scripture:

    • Destruction is part of Godā€™s restorative process.

    • It removes the old to make way for the new.

    • Physical death is not the endā€”itā€™s a doorway to something greater.

  • How the Church Twisted "Destruction"

    • Church tradition made destruction seem like eternal separation from God.

    • In reality, destruction is a temporary, refining process, much like how fire purifies gold (Malachi 3:3).

  • Destruction = A GOOD THING in the Kingdom

    • Just like old houses are torn down to build better ones, destruction is part of Godā€™s restoration plan.

    • Instead of fear, we should see destruction as an act of divine renewal.

Free Will: A Man-Made Illusion šŸ§ 

  • The Myth of Free Will

    • Weā€™ve been told that our "free will" determines our eternal destiny.

    • This implies that our choices override Godā€™s sovereignty and loveā€”which contradicts the nature of God.

  • What Does the Bible Say About Free Will?

    1. Romans 3:11 ā†’ "No one seeks God."

    2. Romans 8:7 ā†’ "The carnal mind is hostile to God and cannot submit to Him."

    3. John 6:44 ā†’ "No one can come to me unless the Father draws (Greek: helko, meaning 'drags') him."

    4. Romans 9:16 ā†’ "It does not depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy."

  • Free Will is an Illusion Because:

    • All of our decisions are influenced by something (environment, upbringing, spiritual encounters).

    • True free will would require us to be completely uninfluencedā€”which is impossible.

    • God is in controlā€”not our ā€œdecision-making power.ā€

  • Why Did the Church Push the Free Will Doctrine?

    • To justify hell:

      • "God doesn't send people to hell; they choose it."

    • To shift responsibility from God to humans:

      • If we go to hell, it's "our fault," not Godā€™s.

    • To maintain control:

      • If we believe our eternal fate depends on our actions, we become easier to manipulate.

  • Reality Check:

    • Godā€™s will is greater than ours.

    • God is not losing a battle against human choice.

    • He will accomplish His purpose of restoring all things (Acts 3:21).
