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James Blaine - Expand American influence to Latin America, founder of Pan-American congress, Republican Stalwarts and Half-Breeds - Republican factions (groups that oppose each other on one or more issues) disagreed on patronage which \*weakened the republican party since there was fighting from within\* Civil Service Reform - Merit-based hiring (competitive based exams rather than patronage) Rutherford B. Hayes - Ended Reconstruction James Garfield - Assassinated for civil service reform Chester Arthur - Signed first civil service reform, improved navy Grover Cleveland - Conservative Democrat, 2 separate terms Mugwumps - Republicans who supported Democrats Benjamin Harrison - President who signed Sherman Antitrust Act William McKinley - President who stood for election in 1896 Theodore Roosevelt - Progressive, Rough Riders, Pure Food and Drug Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, Environmentalist Sherman Antitrust Act - Law to prevent monopolies, improved economic fairness The Grange - Farmers' organization that promoted their needs, failed Yellow Journalism - Sensationalized news over facts, Spanish atrocities General Valeriano Weyler - Spanish commander who confined Cubans to concentration Dupuy de LÔme - Spanish diplomat critical of President McKinley Battleship Maine - Ship falsely blamed for bombing, led to Spanish-American War A Splendid Little War - John Hayes' term for the Spanish-American War George Dewey - Navy commander who led the Philippines war Rough Riders - Cavalry unit in the Spanish-American War Reasons for imperialism - control, power, trade, money, cheap labor, help for other countries, access to natural resources, spread democracy, diversity, expansion Leaders in the imperialism fight - Cecil Rhodes, William Jennings Bryan Platt Amendment - Treaty between US and Cuba to protect Cuba's independence The Philippine War - Conflict between US and Philippines for independence The Open Door - John Hay's policy of equal trade in China Boxer Rebellion - Revolt against foreigners in China Elihu Root - Secretary of War under Roosevelt The Progressives - Political movement for social reform What is Progressivism? - Human intervention in social/economic affairs was essential to society. What are the anti-progressivisms? - Those who opposed reform (against women's suffrage etc.). What are Muckrakers? - Journalists who exposed corruption and social problems. What is the Social Gospel movement? - Redeeming America's cities here and now. What are Settlement Houses? - Places that elevate the distressed by improving living conditions. Who is Jane Addams? - Founder of Hull House. What is the American Medical Association? - Previously no medical standards, anyone could be a doctor What are some female dominated professions? - Social work, settlement houses, education, nursing. What is Women's suffrage? - The right for women to vote. (19th amendment) Who are Stanton and Catt? - Leaders of the NAWSAW. What is NAWSA? - National American Woman Suffrage Association. What is the 19th Amendment? - Amendment that gave women the right to vote. What is Municipal Reform? - Reform of city governments. Who is Robert La Folette? - Progressive governor of Wisconsin. What are Initiative, Referendum, and Recall? - Forms of direct democracy. What is the Triangle shirtwaist fire? - Deadly factory fire that led to workplace safety laws. (OSHA) Who is WEB Du Bois? - Civil rights activist who cautioned Woodrow Wilson. (President do you know of these things?) What is NAACP? - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. What is Lynching? - Extrajudicial killing, often of African Americans. Who are Jessie Daniel Ames and Ida Wells Barnett? - Anti-lynching activists. Who is Ida Wells Barnett? - African American journalist and anti-lynching activist. What is the Temperance Crusade? - Movement to prohibit alcohol. -order to society, cub prostitution, limit divorce, prevent work accidents, improve women's lives What is the 18th Amendment? - Prohibition of alcohol. What is Immigration? - Movement of people from one country to another. What are Eugenics and Nativism? - Beliefs in the superiority of certain races and limiting immigration. What is Socialism? - Economic system where the means of production are owned by the community. Who is Eugen V Debs? - The leading socialist candidate. What are Wobblies? - Members of the International Workers of the World. Who is Louis Brandeis? - Lawyer and author of "Curse of Bigness". Who is President Theodore Roosevelt? - President who passed the Hepburn RR regulation Act and Pure Food and Drug Act. What is the Square Deal? - Roosevelt's domestic program. What is Roosevelt and Conservation? - Efforts to conserve natural resources. What is Hetch Hetchy? - Water reservoir in San Francisco. Who is John Muir? - Founder of the Sierra Club and advocate for national parks. Who is President William H. Taft? - Republican president who succeeded Roosevelt. What is New Nationalism? - Roosevelt's call for vigorous government involvement. What is the Election of 1912? - Presidential election with Eugene V Debs, TR, Woodrow Wilson, and Taft. Who is President Woodrow Wilson? - President elected in 1912. Democratic and Republican strongholds - Roscoe Conkling - \*essay\* progressive era - The progressive era was a broad based reform movement 1900-1917 that sought governmental action in solving problems in many areas for american life including education, public health, the economy the environment, labor, transportation, and politics. Reasons against imperialism - Easy to abuse power and taking on other problems makes it hard for you to focus on yours