programming language - is a formal notation system or instructions for writing computer programs and other software applications.

1843 - Machine Language - Ada Lovelace invented the first machine algorithm

1940s - Plankalkül - It was the first high-level computer programming language ever developed. This language included mathematical expressions.

1949 - Assembly Language - a low-level programming language developed to simplify machine code for writing instructions for processors

1949 - Shortcode - Implemented by William Schmitt to improve the operations of the BINAC and UNIVAC computers.

1952 - Autocode - It was considered the first compiled programming language that could be translated into machine code using a special application known as the compiler.

1957 - Fortran - Formula Translation was created by John Backus to shorten the process of programming.

1958 - ALGOL - It became the point of origin for other programming languages, including Pascal, Java, C, and C++.

1958 - LISP - John McCarthy created the List Processor (LISP) for his artificial intelligence (AI) applications.

1959 - COBOL - for business computer programs in industries.

1964 - BASIC - Microsoft’s first commercially successful product.

1970 - Pascal - Apple was one of the leading companies to endorse this due to its streamlined and straightforward process.


  • C - It is recommended for creating embedded system drivers and applications.

  • SQL - It was first called SEQUEL and was used for modifying, viewing, and altering information in databases.


  • C++ - The changes include new features such as templates, classes, and virtual functions.

  • Objective-C - Apple’s iOS, macOS, and iPad operating systems.


  • Python - build control and management, testing, and many other ways. It is a general-purpose, high-level language.

  • Visual Basic (VB) - It allows users to drag and drop sections of code simultaneously.


  • Java - world’s most famous and popular programming languages for coding web applications.

  • Javascript - It is also used for web development, PDF documents, and desktop widgets.

  • PHP - (previously known as Personal Home Page, now known as Hypertext Preprocessor) to build and maintain web pages and server-side development. Facebook, Wikipedia, and WordPress use PHP.

Scientific Applications - As efficiency is a concern in this domain, Fortran was the first language used.

Business Applications - he first successful high-level language for this domain was COBOL, the initial version from 1960.

Aritificial Intelligence (AI) - As this requires flexibility, LISP was the first widely used programming language for this domain before 1990.

Web Software - Embedding programming code can be in the form of a scripting language such as JavaScript or PHP.

Syntax - is the form of its expressions, statements, and program units.

Source code - is a program written in a high-level programming language.

Source file - is the file containing the source code.

Keywords – reserved words that have a special meaning in the language.

Operators – symbols that perform operations on variables and values.

Punctuation - includes symbols such as commas, semicolons, and braces that help structure the program.

Metalanguage - is a language or set of terms used to describe another language.

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), it is a tree representation of the syntactic structure of the source code.

BNF - means Backus-Naur Form

BNF rules - can be created by combining terminals and nonterminals.

Operational Semantics – describes the behavior of a program in terms of abstract machine execution steps.

Denotational Semantics – maps syntactic constructs to mathematical objects, offering an abstract, mathematical description of their meaning

Axiomatic Semantics – uses logical assertions, such as preconditions and postconditions, to specify and prove properties about a program.
