Fish Physiology

Oxygen, Metabolism, and Bioenergetics


  • Require oxygen to produce sufficient energy to support metabolic needs

  • Acquiring Oxygen from water is challenging

    • Water is more viscoius than air

      • More energy is required to move water across respiratory surfaces

    • Saltwater holds less O2 due to diminished solubility of gases in water = more solute concentration, the less gas dissolution occurs

    • Warmer waters: gas solubility in liquids decreases with increasing temperatures

    • Also affected by:

      • High rates of decomposition that use O2 to break down organic matter

      • Deeper areas of still water; No oxygen mixing

    • Oxygen levels in water are 1% in volume

Aquatic Breathing

  • Efficient respiratory organs: Gills

    • Large surface area

    • Secondary Lamellae: thin membranes that uptake O2

    • Countercurrent Gas Exchange: blood in the secondary lamaellle flows in the opposite direction than the oxygen water flowing in

      • Oxygen rich blood meets oxygen-rich water: results in more oxygen being exchanged towards the end of the current because it is not all used up

  • Function only when water is kept moving over gills: from anterior to posterior

  • Methods of Water Movement

    • Actively pumping water across gills (energetically expensive)

    • RAM ventilation: Swimming with mouth open for water to pass over gills

      • Ex: tunas

    • Larger fish can rely on both mechanisms: ram ventilation for swimming, but rely on pumping while still or moving slowly

      • Ex: Sharks

  • Non-gill-driven respiration techniques:

    • Cutaneous respiration: gas exchange across skin

      • Improaint in smaller fishes with a larger SA/V ratio

      • This occurs in young fish whose gills have not fully developed

    • Aquatic Air breathers:

      • Facultative air-breathing: supplement gill respiration when necessary

        • Seen in areas with low oxygen conditions, such as tropical freshwaters

      • Obligate air breathing: must have access to air or will drown

    • Amphibious air breathers: ability to breathe oxygen and survive without water

      • Cope with drought: lungfishes

      • Forage marine intertidal area: mudskippers

    • Air Breathing Organs:

      • Derived from Gut: Lungs, Gas Bladder, Stomach, Intestine

      • Structures of the head: modifications of gills, mouth, pharynx, opercles

        • Walking Catfish: modified treelike branches above gill arches

      • Skin: Cutaneous respiration

        • Ex: mudskipper

Metabolic Rate

  • Metabolism: sum total of all biochemical processes taking place within an organism

  • Rate of oxygen consumption: indicator of metabolism

  • Higher metabolic rates in higher temps

    • Temperature increases a fish's need for O2-> while warm wter holds less oxygen

    • Evolution of air-breathing in many tropical fishes

  • Metabolic Costs:

    • Swimming: favors traits that reduce metabolic costs of movement

      • Fusiform streamlined bodies

      • Fin shape and placement such as dorsal fin distance

      • Stream fishes

        • Body shape or use of fins to hold position

      • Buoyancy regulation

      • Tucking away fins in grooven when swimming

        • Ex: sailfish

    • Buouyancy regulation:

      • Also energetically expensive

      • Need to regulate the volume of the gas bladder-> effect of changing pressure as fish changes depth

      • Physostomous condition: connection of gas bladder to the gut

      • Physoclistous condition: gas bladder is sealed off

      • Gas bladder may disappear all together in evolution of benthic organisms

    • Bioenergetics Models:

      • Obtain energy to meet metabolic demands: feeding

      • Energy budgets:

        • How energy that is consumed is allocated

      • Energetic costs of activities:

        • Estimated by measuring the heat produced by an organism or the oxygen consumption (ask for clarification)

        • The energy remaining after basic needs-> used for growth and reproduction

      • C = E + R + P

        • C= energy consumed

        • E= energy excreted

        • R: energy used in respiration

        • P: energy used in production

      • Predicts individual growth, reproduction, or feeding rates

        • Energy budget: based on energy resvirors and transfers

        • Unit of energy flow: grams/C or cal/day

        • Balanced bodel: energy input is balanced by energy used or lost

      • Depend on:

        • Body size

        • Developmental stage

        • Water temperature

        • Food quality

        • Quantity of food

      • Includes component predictions based on body size, temperature and food parameters

      • Uses:

        • Predict fish population dynamics

        • Model-based on consumption or growth of an individual from ahtcling to death: multiple to create individual based models

  • Energetic Costs:

    • Some food is never digested

    • Mechanism of lose:

      • Excretion of nitrogenous waste

      • Providing energy for digestion

      • Routine metabolism

      • Swimming

      • Maintaining homeostasis

      • Immune system function

      • Physiological maintances

    • Affected by environmental factors-> affect the amount of energy needed to sustain metabolism


  • Regulated by the neuroendocrine system

  • Endocrine System:

    • Releases hormones in blood

    • EDC: Endocrine disruption compounds from industrial chemicals and pharmaceuticals

      • Effect all areas of the nervous system

      • Effects levels of sex homormes, creating intersex individuals

      • Affect hatching success

  • Regulation of internal osmotic environment cocnentration of ions (NaCl)

  • Most fish are Osmoregulators:

    • Regulation of internal osmotic enviroment

    • Within a narrow range

  • Osmoconformers: internal osmotic concentration is the same of that as sea water (isomotic)

    • Hagfishes(Class Mixini)

    • Occurs in environments where salinity is stable

  • Elasmobranchs:

    • Osmoregulators

    • Method:

      • Conversion of nitrogen water into urea and retain high concetrations of it in their blood

    • Hyperosmotic: saltier than the environment

      • Causes water to move into the fish and salt concentrations to move out

    • FW elamobranch(FW stingray) do not produce uera

  • Sacropterygians:

    • Osmoregulators

    • Hyperosomtic

    • Convergent evolution with sharks

      • Colecacanths: maintain elevated elvels of urea in their blood

      • Lungfishes(Dipnoi):

        • FW, so do not retain urea EXCEPT during estivation

        • Store nitrogen waste in a less toxic form than ammonia and as a way to retain water

  • FW Teleosts:

    • Hyperosmotic:

    • osmoregulators

    • Tend to gain water and loss solutes by diffusion across secondary lamaelle and oharnyx

    • Needs to prevent osmotic lysis:

      • Excrete a large volume of dilute urine and actively transport solutes back into their blood

    • Uptake of Ions:

      • NA and Cl are taken up through ionoregualtory cells in gills

      • Kidneys recover ions from urine before release

  • Marine Teleosts:

    • Osmoregulators

    • Hypoosmtoic (less salty than envriometn)

      • High salt concentrations draws FW out, and ions diffus in across the permeable membranes

    • Regulation techniques:

      • Prevent dehydration-> drinking seawater

      • Actively extreme excess salt in highly concentrated urine

    • Ionoregulatory cells: uptake ions from body fluids-> which then diffuse out of gills

    • Permeable bladder:

      • Diffusion within the fish-> excretion of urine that is isosmotic to their blood

  • Diarmous Teleosts:

    • Osmoregulatros

    • Adjustments must be made in the ionoregulatory cells at the gills

    • Regualted by hormones,

      • Growth hormoze

    • The number and size of chloride-transporting ionoregulatory cells is increased and the activity of enzymes associated with sodium-potassium exchange is enhanced

    • Occurs in euryhaline fishes

    • Various other hormones-> Increase water permeability, enhance gene expression of proteins that transport ions across cell membranes


  • Ectotherms

  • Lack of mechanism for heat production and retention

  • Make internal adjustments:

    • Genes switch on and off to cope with flucating temps

  • Heterothermic: evolutionary adaption in large, active, pelagic marine fishes

    • Use internally generated heat to maintain warm temps in swimming muscles, guts, brain, eyes(what ways do they do this that is different than other fish species)?

    • Heterothermy: evolved independently among fishes

    • Different mechanisms and diversity of heterothemic fishes

      • Manta and Sicklefin devil ray under debate

Sensory Systems

  • Accessories to nervous system that act as transducers

  • Mechanorecpetion (Pressure sensing)

    • Lateral line: detects disturbances in the water, helping fish detect currents, capture prey and maintain position in school

    • Inner part: fish equilibrium and balance, healing

  • Electroreception:

    • Evolved over 500 mya

    • Lost and secondarily evolved in several different groups of fishes

    • Organs:

      • Ampullary receptors: sensitive to low frequency electric fields; many groups of primitive fishes

        • Ampullae of Lorenzini

        • Ex: Lungishes, reedfishes, coelacanths, sturgeons paddlfish, chondrichtyes, lampresy

      • Tuberous receptors: detect higher frequency electric field

        • Produce their own electric field (active electrolocation)

        • Limitedto FW Fish

        • Used in prey detection

        • Also canbe used to attach and defend (electric eels)

  • Vision:

    • Eyes: corena, lens, pupil, and sensory cells: rods and cones

    • Rods: sensitive to low light

      • HIGH ROD:CONE RATIO: nocturnal and deep-sea fishes

    • Cones: require brighter light; provide greater resolution:

      • HIGH CONE:ROD Ratios: highest in diurnal fishes

  • Chemoreception:

    • Used for finding and identifying food, habitat, communication, avoiding predators

    • Olfaction(smell)

      • Detect a broad range of chemical stimuli

      • In anadromous species: identify suitable spawning streams(detect chemical released by juveniles, and male pheromones)

    • Gustation: focused on food recognition

Magnetic Receptions

  • Detection of magnetic fields, direction information with respect to compass headings

  • May be connected to spawning site location in mightly migrational species

  • Unknown

Feeding and Locomotion:

  • Adaptions in these two areas are the reasons teleosts diversified so quickly

  • Caudal Fin locomotry complex: homocercal tails:

    • Change of the caudal fin to heterocercal-> abbreviated heterocercal-> homocercal

      • Abbreviated heterocercal: moderately asymmetrical; bowfin, gar

    • Heterocercal tail:

      • Provides lift-> useful for heavily armored primitive actionpterygian species to get off the bottom

      • Axis of rotation: oblique-> push down as well as back

        • Upward and forward rotation of read end of the fish (somersault effect)

        • Sommersualt effet must be counteracted by large planning pectoral fins

          • Does not allow for frequent locomotion

        • Homocercal tail:

          • Vertical axis of rotation

Pushes directly backward

Fish is pushed forward

  • Increased efficiency in horizontal swimming=> thrust provided by the locomotory organ is purley horizontal

Locomotory organ (caudal peduncle and tail)

  • Associated with:

Loss of heavy bone armor and heavy scaltion

Modification of lungs to act as hydrostatic organ-> evolution of swim bladder makes body plan that accounts for lift obsolete

  • Increased veraility of pared fins:

Pectoral fins no longer serve as planning devices

Serve other locomotory functions

Shift from horizontal insertion low on the body to vertical insertion high on the body

Greater maneuverability

  • Feeding Mechanisms (upper-jaw mobility)

    • Greater upper-jaw mobility: protrusible upper jaw

      • Promoted highly successful food exploitation

    • Opened new trophic possibilities for teleosts

      • Increases in ecological niches and evolutionary potential of mouth parts

      • Variety of specialized predaceous and non-predaceous feeding types

  • Swimming in Sharks: alternative approach

    • Enhance efficiency of swimming despite not convegrning with fusiform shape (in most cases)

    • Trends towards homocercal tails in osteichthyan: capitalize off of stress than is placed on rigid, bony skeleton and the forces achievable by muscle masses attached directly to the skeleton

    • Sharks have a softer skeleton-> different path

    • Swim bia undulations of body or pectoral fins

      • Anguilliform locomotion

    • Increased thrust available from the large heterocercal tail

      • Homocercal tail: pelagic Lamniformes converged with tunas and dolphins

      • Large amplitude of wave in the casual fin region

    • Interaction between skin and body musculature: (read this chapter in the book)

      • Skin:

        • Inner sheath, stratum compactum(made up of collagen fibers)

        • Fibers from layers of alternately oriented sheets that run in helical paths around shark’s body-> readily bendable

      • Inside the skin: hydrostatic pressure varies from activity level

        • Faster swimming-> higher internal hydrostatic pressure

        • Hydrostatic pressure: fluid in the bloodstream is pulled down by gravity, causing higherpressure near the barrier, causing fluid to be forced out

        • Unkown source of hydrostatic pressure-> due to changes in surface area of contracting muscles relative to skin area and to changes in blood pressure in blood sinuses that are surrounded by muscle

      • Elastin covering

      • Pressure cylinder with an elastic covering

      • Higher internal pressure + stiff skin = increases the energy stored in the stretched skin

        • Body muscles attach via collagenous septa and the inside of the skin

        • Muscles on right side contract/ muscles and skin on left side area contracted->when right side releases, skin on left side releases energy, aiding muscles at a point when they provide little tension

        • Skin initiates the pull of the tail across the midline and increases the power output at the beginning of each propulsion stroke

      • Elastic recoil from stretched skin:

        • Muscles attached to skin form a large cylindrical external denon

        • Fibers of th dermis extend onto the peduncle and caudal fin

          • Adds rigidity to both

          • Stores elastic energy during each swimming stroke

        • Muscles pull on skin: propuslive energy that exceeds the thrust derived from muscles attached to verbal column

    • Swimming with a heterocercal tail”

      • Tail pushes back a down (F reactive)

      • Chases rotation around the center mass

      • Counteracted by head and pectoral fins

      • Shape and body angel: generate lift forces that are added to the lift of the tail

        • Equal and opposite to the weight of the shark in the water

  • Placement of dorsal fin:

    • First is larger than the second, separated by a gap

    • Dorsal lobe of heterocercal tail-> “third median fin” in line with dorsal fins, separated from second dorsal fin by a considerable gap

    • Fin tapers posteriorly, leaving behind a wake

      • Displaced laterally by sinusoidal waves passing down the fish, so the wake is sinusoidal path that moves posteriorly as the fish moves through the water

    • Ideal distance between fins: maximize the thrust of the second dorsal fin and tail

      • Trailing fins can push against water coming towards them laterally from the leading fin

      • Enhances thrust from trailing fin

      • Median fins as thrusters
