Medical Abbreviations and Acronyms

bA → accommodation or anterior 

a → artery

Ā → before

α → alpha

@ → at

A1AT → Alpha-1 Antitrypsin

A1C → glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c)

A2 → aortic second sound

AA → amino acid or associate of arts (2nd year degree) 

aa, āā, ĀĀ → of each

aa → arteries

AAA → abdominal aortic aneurysm or apply to affected areas

AAD → antibiotic-associated diarrhea

AAI → acute arterial insufficiency

AAL → anterior axillary line

AAO → awake, alert, and oriented

AAPMC → antibiotic-associated pseudomanbranous colitis

AATD → Alpha-1 Antitrypsin deficiency (severe heredity deficiency)

A&OX3 → alert and oriented times 3 (person, place, and time)

A&OX4 → alert and oriented times 4 (person, place, time and event)

AB → abortion

ABC → airway, breathing and circulation

ABG → arterial blood gas

abd. → abdomen or abdominal

ABO → three basic blood groups

aBP → arterial blood pressure

AC → antecubital space; air conduction; adrenal cortex; alternating current; axiocervical; before meals

a.c. → or ac ante cibum (before a meal)

acc. → accommodation

AC&HS → Accu-Chek done before meals (AC) and at bedtime (HS_

ACE → angiotensin-converting enzyme

ACh → acetylcholine

AChE →acetylcholinesterase

AChR → acetylcholinesterase receptor

ACL → anterior cruciate ligament

ACLS → Advanced Cardiac Life Support

ACO → awake, conscious and oriented

ACTH → adenocorticotropic hormone

AD → advance directive

ad → to or up to

a.d. → auris dextra (right ear)

A.D.D. → Attention Deficit Disorder

ADH → antidiuretic hormone

ad hoc → (adverb) when necessary (needed); (adjective) created or done for a specific purpose as needed

ADLs → activities of daily living

ad lib → at will; as desired

ad lib (adverb) → in accordance with one's wishes; without restraint

ad lib (adjective, verb) → speak, compose or perform without previous preparation

ADM → admission, admitted

admov → apply

ADN → Associate Degree in Nursing (2-year degree)

ADR → adverse drug reaction

ad sat.→  to saturation (ad saturatum)

AED → automated external defibrillator; antiepileptic drug

AEMT → advanced emergency medical technician

AERD → Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease

AF/AFIB→ atrial fibrillation

AFP → alpha-fetoprotein

ag → silver

A-G ratio → or A/G albumin to globulin ratio

AgNO3→  silver nitrate

ah → hypermetropic astigmatism

AHA → American Heart Association

AHF → anti-hemophilic factor

AI → aortic incompetence; aortic insufficiency

AICD → automated implantable cardioverter defibrillator

AIDS → Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AK → above the knee

AKA → above the knee amputation

a.l. → left ear (auris laeva)

Alb → Albumin

ALL → acute lymphoblastic leukemia

ALP → alkaline phosphatase

ALS → Advanced Life Support

ALS → amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

alt. d. → every other day/on alternate days (alternans diebus)

alt. h. → every other hour or alternate hours

alt. noc. → every other night

AMA → against medical advice

AMB → ambulate (walk)

AMD → age-related macular degeneration

AMI → acute myocardial infarction

AMLS → Advanced Medical Life Support Course

AMS → altered mental status

amp. → ampule (ampulla)

amt. → amount

ANA → antinuclear antibody

anat → anatomy

ANED → arrived no evidence of disease

ANP → atrial natriuretic peptide

ant. → anterior

Ao. → aortic

AOS → apraxia of speech

ap → apical

A&P → anatomy and physiology

A-P → anterior-posterior

ap → before dinner

APAP → Tylenol © or acetaminophen

APD → auditory processing disorder

APE→  acute pulmonary edema

APGAR → Assessment tool for newborns - appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respirations\

aq. bull. → boiling water

aq. com. → common water (aqua bulliens)

aq. dest. → distilled water (aqua destilllata)

aq. ferv. → hot water (aqua fervens)

ARC → American Red Cross/ AIDS-related complex

ARDS → acute respiratory distress syndrome

ARF→  acute renal failure, acute respiratory failure

ARMD → age-related macular degeneration

AS → aortic stenosis; ankylosing spondylitis

A.S. → Associate of Science (degree)

A.s. → astigmatism

a.s.→  left ear (auris sinistra)

ASA→  aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid

ASC → atypical squamous cell

asc.→  ascending

ASCVD → atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease

ASD → atrial septal defect; autism spectrum disorder

AsH → hypermetropic astigmatism

ASHD → atherosclerotic heart disease

ASHF → acute systolic heart failure

AsM → myopic astigmatism

AST → asparate aminotransferase

Ast.→ astigmatism

ATC → around the clock

AUL → acute undifferentiated leukemia

AV → arteriovenous; atrioventricular

A/V→  arteriovenous

AVM → arteriovenous malformation

AVP → arginine vasopressin

AVPU → "alert" "verbal" "pain" "unresponsive"

at. wt. → atomic weight

A&W → alive and well

Au → gold

a.u. → both ears (auris utraque)

Bx → biopsy

B → boron; bacillus

β → beta

B.A. → Bachelor of Arts (4-year degree)

BA → bronchial asthma

Ba → barium

BAC → blood alcohol concentration

BAD → bipolar affective disorder

BADL → basic activities of daily living

BAO → basic acid output

BAT → brown adipose tissue

BAV → bicuspid aortic valve

BBA → bilateral breast augmentatioin

BBB → blood-brain barrier; bundle branch (cardiac rhythm term)

BBB L l→ eft bundle branch block (cardiac rhythm term)

BBB R → right bundle branch block (cardiac rhythm term)

BBT → basal body temperature

BC → blood culture; bone conduction

BCC → basil cell carcinoma; blind carbon copy

BCG → bacille Calmette-Geurin (a tuberculosis vaccination)

BCP → birth control pills; blood chemistry profile

BCx → blood culture

BD → bipolar disorder; twice a day; brochodilator

BDD → body dysmorphic disorder

BDI → Beck Depression Inventory

BDR → background diabetic retinopathy

BDS → twice daily (bis die sumendum)

BE → barium enema; base excess

Be → beryllium

BEB → benign essential blepharospasm

BGL → blood glucose level

BHS → beta-hemolytic streptococci

Bi → bismuth

BIB → brought in by

bib. → drink (bibe)

b.i.d. → twice a day (bis in die)

bilat. → bilaterally

b.i.n. → twice a night

BiPAP → bilevel positive airway pressure

bis ind. → twice a day (bis indies)

BK → below the knee

BKA → below the knee amputation

b/l → bilateral

BLS → basic life support

BLE → bilateral lower extremities (both lower legs)

BM → bowel movement; breast milk; bone marrow

BMBx → bone marrow biopsy

BMC → bone mineral content

BMD → bone mineral density; bone mass density

BMI → Body mass index 

BMP → basic metabolic panel (electrolytes - potassium, sodium, carbon dioxide, chloride) creatnine &


BMR → basal metabolic rate

BMS → bone marrow suppression; bare metal stent

BMT → bone marrow transplantation

BNP → brain natiuretic peptide

B/O →  because of

BOI → born on island (perhaps a local patient)

bol. → bolus; pill

BOM → bilateral otitis media (ear infection in both ears)

BP → blood pressure

BPD → biparietal diameter

BPD → bronchopulmonary dysplasia

BPD → borderline personality disorder

BPH → benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia

BPM → beats per minute

BPPV → benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

BPSD → behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia

Brady →  bradycardia

BR → bed rest; bedroom

BRAT → banana, rice, applesauce, toast (diet for some GI issues)

BRATY → banana, rice, applesauce, toast, yogurt (diet for some GI issues)

BRB → bright red blood (especially important with internal bleeds)

BRBPR → bright red blood per rectum

BRCA1 (gene) → breast cancer 1 (human gene and its protein)

BRCA2 (gene) → breast cancer 2 (human gene and its protein)

BRM → biologic response modifier

BRP → bathroom priviledges

BROW → barley, rye, oats, and wheat

BS →  breath sounds; bowel sounds; blood sugar; barium swallow; body secretions

B.S. → Bachelor of Science (4-year degree)

BS x 4 → quads bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants

BSA → body surface area

BSC&= → breath sounds clear and equal

BSE → breast self-examination

BSE → bovine serum albumin

BSN → Bachelor of Science in Nursing

BSO → bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy

BSS → Brown-Sequard syndrome

b.t. → bedtime

bucc. → buccal (inside cheek)

BUN → blood urea nitrogen

BV → bacterial vaginosis

BVM → bag-valve-mask

C → Centigrade; Celsius; calorie (kilocalorie)

c → calorie (small calorie)

c̄ or c. → with (cum)

C-1 → most superior (first) cervical vertebra of the spine

C-2 → second cervical vertebra of the spine

C-3 + →third cervical vertebrae, numbers continue to C-7

CA → cancer; coronary artery

ca. → about; approximately

Ca+ → calcium

CABG → coronary artery bypass graft

CAC → Children's Advocacy Center

CAD → coronary artery disease

CAGS → Certification of Advanced Graduate Studies (specialty certificate after a masters degree)

CAP → let (the patient) take

CAT → Computerized axial tomography (scan)

CAOX4 → conscious, alert and oriented times four

Caps. → capsule

CAP →  community acquired pneumonia

CAPD → central auditory processing disorder

C&S → culture and sensitivity (evaluated to detect infection)

Capt. → Captain

cath → catheter

CAUTI → catheter-associated urinary tract infection

CBC → complete blood count

CBI →  continuous bladder irrigation

CBRNE → chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive agents

CBT → cognitive behavioral therapy

CC → Chief Complaint

cc → cubic centimeter; with food; carbon copy (correspondence); Chief complaint

CCl 4 → carbon tetrachloride

CCU → Cardiac or Coronary Care Unit

CDC → Centers for Disease Control

CD4 → T-helper cells

CD8 →  cytotoxic cells

Cdiff → Clostridium Difficile

CEU → continuing education unit

CF → Cystic Fibrosis

cf. → compare (confer)

CFS → chronic fatigue syndrome

CHAOS → congenital high airway obstruction syndrome

CHART → Chief complaint, history, assessment, treatment and transport

Chem panel → Chemistry panel (comprehensive screening blood test - status of electrolyte, liver, kidney)

CHD → congenital heart disease; coronary heart disease; congenital hip dysplasia

ChE → cholinesterase

CHF → Congestive Heart Failure

CHS→  cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

CHSE → Certified Healthcare Simulation Educator

CHSOS → Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist

CI → cardiac index

cib. → food (cibus)

CIN → cervical intraepithelial neoplasia

CIS → carcinoma in situ

CK → creatinine kinase

CKD → chronic kidney disease

CK-MB → serum creatinine kinase, myocardial-bound

Cl → chlorine

CLABSI → central line-associated blood stream infection

CLL → chronic lymphocytic leukemia

CL → Liq clear liquids

CM → Certified Midwife (4-year degree program - often with a BSN)

cm → centimeter

c.m. → tomorrow morning (cras mane)

CMO → comfort measures only

CMP → comprehensive metabolic panel

c.m.s. → to be taken tomorrow morning (cras mane sumendus)

CMT → certified medical technician

CMTE → committee

CMTE → Certified Medical Transport Executive (Assoc of Air Medical Services certification)

CMV → cytomegalovirus

C.n. →  tomorrow night (cras nocte)

CNL→  Certified Nurse Leader (MSN with CAGS)

CNM → Certified Nurse Midwife (MSN with CAGS)

CRNA → Certified Nurse Anesthetist (MSN with CAGS)

CNS → central nervous system

c.n.s. → to be taken tomorrow night (cras mane noc)

CO → carbon monoxide

Co → cobalt

c/o → complains of

CO2 → carbon dioxide

COLD → chronic obstructive lung disease

comp. → compound (compositus)

con-ed → continuing education

COPD → Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

COWS → Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale

CP →  chest pain; cerebral palsy; cleft palate

CPAP → continuous positive airway pressure

CPHSS → Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale

CPK → creatinine phosphokinase

CPM → continuous passive motion

CPR → cardiopulmonary resuscitation

CR →  conditioned reflex; controlled release

CREST → calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, esophageal disfunction, sclerodactyl, telangiectasia (cluster of features of systemic sclerosis scleroderma)

CRP → c. reactive protein

CRS-R → Conners Rating Scales-Revised

CRF → Chronic renal failure

CS → cardiogenic shock

CS → cesarean section

CSA → central sleep apnea

CSF → cerebral spinal fluid; colony-stimulating factor

CSH → combat support hospital

CSM → Circulation, sensation and motor function

CST → continue same treatment

CT → computerized topography (scan); Chemotherapy

CTE → chronic traumatic encephalopathy

Cu → Copper

cuj. → of which (cujus)

CV → cardiovascular; curriculum vitae

cv. → tomorrow evening (cras vespere)

CVA → cerebrovascular accident (stroke)

CVC → central venous catheter

CWD → chronic wasting disease

CX → chest

CXR → chest xray

δ or Δ → delta

DAS →  developmental apraxia of speech

da → give (da)

DAW → dispense as written

D&C/ DNC → D and C dilation and curettage (Gyn term)

D5 → dextrose 5%

D5LR → dextrose 5% in lactated Ringer's solution

D5NS → dextrose 5% in normal saline

D5W → dextrose 5% in water

D10 → dextrose 10%

D50 → Dextrose 50%

D25 → Dextrose 25%

d → density; right

/d →  per day

Db → decibel

DBA → doing business as

DBP → diastolic blood pressure

DC → Doctor of chiropractic; direct current

dc or D/C → discontinue; discharge

DCAP BTLS → deformities, contusions/crepitus, abrasions/ avulsions, punctures/penetrations, burns tenderness, lacerations & swelling

DDx → differential diagnosis

decr. → decrease

Derm → dermatology

DI → diabetes insipidus

DIC → disseminated intravascular coagulation

dieb. alt. → every other day/on alternate days (alternis diebus)

diff. → difficulty

DFV → doppler flow velocimetry

dil. → dilute or diluted

dim. → one-half (dimidius)

DIP → Distal interpharyngeal joint

disp. → dispense

DJD → Degenerative joint disease

DKA → diabetic ketoacidosis

dL → deciliter

DLCO → diffusing capacity

DM → diabetic mellitus

DMARD → disease-modulating antirheumatic drug

DNA → deoxyribonucleic acid

DNH →  do not hospitalize

DNI → do not intubate

DNR → Do not resuscitate

DNAR → Do not attempt resuscitation

d/o →  days-old

DO → Doctor of Osteopathy

DOA → dead on arrival

DOB → Date of birth

DOE → dyspnea on exertion

DOT → Department of Transportation

DOT-OIG (U.S.) → Department of Transportation - Office of Inspector General

Dpat → diphtheria-acellular-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)

DPT → diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (vaccine)

dr. → dram

DRE → digital rectal exam

DRG → diagnosis-related group

DS → double strength

dsg. → dressing

DSM → Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DSM-5 → Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition)

DTR → deep tendon reflexes

DTs → delirium tremens

dur → dolor while the pain lasts

DUI → driving under the influence

DVT → deep vein thrombosis

DW → distilled water or dextrose in water

DWI → driving while intoxicated

Dx → diagnosis

E → eye

EBL → estimated blood loss

EBV → Epstein-Barr virus

ECF → extended care facility; extracellular fluid; electrocardiogram

ECHO → echocardiography

ECMO → extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

ECT → electroconvulsive therapy

ED → Emergency Department; erectile dysfunction

EDC → estimated date of confinement (due date)

EDD → esophageal intubation detection device

EdD → Doctor of Education

EDP → emotionally disturbed person

EEG → electroencephalogram

elix. → elixir

E.m.p. →  as directed (ex modo prescripto)

EMT → emergency medical technician

EMT-P → Paramedic EMT

EOD → every other day

EOMI → extraocular muscles intact

Epi → epinephrine

EPO → erythropoietin

equip. → equipment

ESRD → end stage renal disease

et. → and

ETA → estimated time of arrival

EtCO2 → end tidal carbon dioxide detector

ETOH → alcohol or ethanol

ET → endotracheal (as a route)

ETT → endotracheal tube

exp → expiratory

F → Fahrenheit

FAS → fetal alcohol syndrome

FB → foreign body

FBAO → foreign body airway obstruction

FBS → fasting blood sugar

FEV → forced expiratory volume

FEV1 → forced expiratory volume in 1 second

FFP→  fresh frozen plasma

FHT → fetal heart tones

FHx → family history

FMP → family physician

FNP → Family Nurse Practitioner

FOAM → Free Open Access Medical Education

FSH → follicle stimulating hormone (test)

FSSH → Fellow, Society for Simulation in Healthcare

FTND → full term natural delivery

FTT → Failure to thrive

freq → frequency

FUO → fever of unknown origin

FVC → forced vital capacity

fx → fracture

γ → gamma

Γ → gamma

GCS → Glascow (or Glasgow) Coma Scale

GEMS → Geriatric Emergency Medical Service

GERD → Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GI → gastrointestinal

gm(s) → or G gram(s)

gr. → grain

GSW → gun shot wound

gtt(s) → drop(s)

GvHD → graft vs host disease

GYN → gynecological or gynecology

H → hour(s); histamine; hemagglutinin

H&H→  hemoglobin and hematocrit

HA → hemagglutinin; headache

HAA → hepatitis-associated antigen

HAA → history as above

HACE → high-altitude cerebral edema

HAD → HIV-associated dementia

HADS → hospital anxiety and depression scale

HAE → hereditary angioedema

HAFE → high-altitude flatus expulsion

HAI → hospital-associated infection

HBV → Hepatitis B

HCV → Hepatitis C

HDL → High-density lipoproteins

HDL-C → High-density lipoprotein cholesterol also called "good" cholesterol

HEAL → health, education, advocacy, linkage (sex trafficking)

HEENT → head, eyes, ears, nose and throat

HEPA →  filter high efficiency particulate air filter

HF → heart failure

HHE → Health Hazard Evaluations

HHN → handheld nebulizer

hgb → hemoglobin

HOH →  hard of hearing

HPV → human papillomavirus infection

hr. → hour

HRT → hormone replacement therapy

HR → heart rate

hs → (med) hour of sleep or bedtime

HSV→  herpes simplex virus

HTN →  hypertension

HVA → Hazard Vulnerability Analysis

Hx → history

HxPI or HPI → history of present illness

"in the game" →  Human trafficking

"in the life" → Human trafficking

IBD → inflammatory bowel disease

IBS → inflammatory bowel syndrome

ICD → implantable cardioverter defibrillator

ICU → intensive care unit

IDDM → Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

IM → intramuscular

IMP → impression

IN → intranasal

incr. → increase

Inf. → inferior

Insp →  inspiratory

in vitro → in the laboratory

in vivo → in the body

IO → intraosseous

I&O → intake and output (drinking and eliminating fluids)

IPF → idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

irr → irregular

irrig. → irrigate or irrigation

IS → incentive spirometer

ITLS → International Trauma Life Support

ITU→  intensive therapy unit

IU → international units

IV → intravenous

IVDA → intravenous drug abuse

IVP → intravenous push (bolus)

JT → joint

JVD → jugular venous distention

K+ → potassium

qKCL→  potassium chloride

kg → kilogram

KVO→  keep vein open

L → Liter

lac → laceration

L&D → labor and delivery

LAD → left anterior descending (coronary artery term)

LAT → lateral

lb. → pound

LBP → low back pain

LCIS → lobular carcinoma

LDL → low-density lipoproteins

LDL-C → low-density lipoprotein cholesterol also called "bad" cholesterol

LH → Lutenizing Hormone

LLE → left lower extremity

LLR→  left lateral recumbent

LLQ → left lower quadrant (abdomen)

LMICs→  low-and-middle-income countries

LMP→  last menstrual period

LOC→  loss of consciousness; level of consciousness

LOE → level of evidence

LPM→  liters per minute

LPN → Licensed Practical Nurse

LR→  lactated ringers

LSC=Bilat→  lung sounds clear and equal bilaterally

Lt. → Lieutenant

LLE → left lower extremity

LLQ → left lower quadrant (abdomen)

LUE → Left upper extremity

LUQ → left upper quadrant (abdominal)

Lytes → electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium, carbon dioxide and chloride)

MAEW→  moves all extremities well

MAST → military anti-shock trousers

mcg → microgram

MCI → mass casualty incident; mild cognitive impairment

mCi → millicurie(s)

MCL → medial collateral ligament

MD → Medical Doctor or Medical Director;,Muscular Dystrophy

MDI → metered dose inhaler

mEq → milliequivalent

MI → myocardial infarction

MICU → medical intensive care unit

min.→  minute

MMR → measles, mumps and rubella

mMRC → modified Medical Research Council

m/o → month-old

mod. → moderate

MRI → magnetic resonance imaging

MRSA → Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aurea

MS → Morphine Sulfate; Multiple Sclerosis

MSN →  Master of Science in Nursing (master's degree 1.5-2 years if applicant has a BSN or ADN)

MS04 → Morphine Sulfate

MVC → motor vehicle crash

N&V → nausea and vomiting

N/V/D → nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Na++ → Sodium

NaCl→  Sodium Chloride

NAD → No apparent (or acute) distress

NAEMT → National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians

NaHCO3→  Sodium Bicarbonate

n/c → nasal cannula

ND → Doctor of Nursing (degree 3-6 years to complete)

Neb. → nebulizer

neuro. → neurological

NHLBI → National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute

NICU → neonatal intensive care unit

NIDDM → non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus

NIH → National Institute of Health

NIOSH → National Institute of Safety and Health

NKA → no known allergies

NKDA→  no known drug allergies

no. or # → number

NP → Nurse Practitioner (specialty masters degree)

NPI → National Provider Number

NPO → nothing by mouth (nil per os)

NS → normal saline

NSAID→  Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug

NSR → normal sinus rhythm

NTG → or ntg nitroglycerin

NREMT → National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians

O → chemical symbol for oxygen

OA →  osteoarthritis

O/A → on arrival

OB →  obstetrics or obstetrical

OBS → organic brain syndrome

occ.→  occasional

OCP → Oral contraceptive pill

OD → overdose; right eye

OEMS → Office of Emergency Medical Services (Massachusetts or Virginia)

OOA → on our arrival

OOB → out of bed

OOBA → out of bed with assist

OR → operating room

OS or OL→  left eye

OT→  occupational therapy

OU → both eyes

PAC→  premature atrial contraction (rhythm term)

PACU → post-anesthesia care unit

pacer→ pacemaker

palp/palpate → palpation or palpated

PALS → pediatric advanced life support

Pa02→  Partial pressure of arterial oxygen

Para→  number of live births

PASG → pneumatic anti-embolism stockings

PASG → pneumatic anti-shock garment

PC → after meals

pc → after meals

PC02 → partial pressure of carbon dioxide

PDR → Physician Desk Reference

pe → physical examination

OPQRST → secondary assessment 

PE → pulmonary embolism; pulmonary edema

PEA → pulseless electrical activity (cardiac term)

PEEP → Positive end expiratory pressure

PEF → peak expiratory flow

pedi pediatric

PEPP → Pediatric Emergencies for Pre-hospital Provider Course

per by or through

PERL→  pupils equal & reactive to light

PERRL→  pupils equal round and reactive to light

PFT → pulmonary function test

PHMSA → Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Ph.D. → Doctor of Philosophy

PHTLS → Prehospital Trauma Life Support

PICC → peripherally inserted central catheter

PICC→  line peripherally inserted central catheter

PICU → pediatric intensive care unit

PID→ pelvic inflammatory disease

PJC → premature junctional contraction (cardiac)

P.M. or p.m. → post meridian (after noon)

Pm → promethium

PM paramedic; post-mortem; preventative maintenance; preventative medicine

PMH→  past medical history

PMHx → past medical history

PMHNP → Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (MSN degree with CAGS)

PN → pain

PO or po → by mouth (per os)

POCT Point of Care testing

post. → → posterior

postop→  post operative

PPE → personal protective equipment

PR → by rectum

prn or PRN → as needed

PSVT → paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (cardiac rhythm)

Psych→  refers to psychiatry or a psychiatric ward

pt. → patient

PT → physical therapy

PTA → prior to arrival

PTCA → angioplasty

PVC→  premature ventricular contraction (cardiac)

PVD → peripheral vascular disease

q or Q→  every

QD → every day

qd→  every day

QH → every hour

Q2H → every two hours

Q4H→  every four hours

Q6H → every six hours

qhs → every hour of sleep (or bedtime)

QID → four times per day

qid→  four times per day

qod → every other day

RA → Room air

RA → Rheumatoid arthritis

RAD→  reactive airway disease

RAD → Right anterior descending (cardiac term)

RBC → red blood cell

RCTs→  randomized controlled trials

reg. → regular

Rh → Blood factor (Rh+ or Rh-)

RHC → rheumatic heart disease

RLE → right lower extremity

RLQ → right lower quadrant (abdominal)

RN → Registered Nurse

RNA → ribonucleic acid

R/O → rule out

ROM→  range of motion

RR → respiratory rate

RUE → right upper extremity

Rx → treatment or prescription

S2 → second heart sound

SA → sinoatrial

SAECK (Massachusetts) → sexual assault evidence collection tracking system

SAO2 → arterial oxygen saturation

SARS → severe acute respiratory syndrome

SARS-CoV-1→  severe acute respiratory syndrome (infectious disease) -strain of coronavirus that can sense, single stranded RNA virus which infects the epithelial within the lungs. The virus enters the host by binding to the ACE2 receptor.

SARS-CoV-2 → Severe acute respiratory syndrome (infectious disease) - strain of coronavirus that was firstidentified in humans in December, 2019

S/S or s/s→  signs/ symptoms

sc or sq→ subcutaneous

SICU → surgical intensive care unit

SIDS→  sudden infant death syndrome

sL or SL → sublingual (under the tongue)

s/s/nt → soft, supple, non-tender

SO → standing orders

SOB → shortness of breath

S/P or s/p→  status post

SPO2→  on RA peripheral capillary oxygen saturation on room air

sscp→  substernal chest pain

SSDI → supplemental security disability

SSH→  Society for Simulation in Healthcare

SSI → supplemental security income

START→  triage system Simple triage and rapid treatment

Stat → immediately

staph → staphylococcus

strep → streptococcus

STD → sexually transmitted disease

SVT → supraventricular tachycardia (cardiac rhythm)

sx → signs/ symptoms

sz(s) → seizure(s)

T → temperature

RNCHAMPS → acronym for types of shock

respiratory, neurogenic, cardiogenic, hypovolemic,

anaphylactic, metabolic, psychogenic, septic

SAMPLET → (focused history mnemonic)

T2D → type 2 diabetes

Tbsp→  tablespoon (~15 mL)

tab → tablet

tach→  tachycardia (cardiac term)

temp → temperature

TENORM→  technicologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material

TIA → Transient Ischemic Attack

TICU→  trauma intensive care unit

tid→  three times per day

TKO → to keep vein open (IV)

TMJ→  temporomandibular joint

TOP → topical

tsp → teaspoon (~ 5 mLs)

tx → transport

UA → urinalysis or urinary analysis

UACS → upper airway cough syndrome (e.g. postnasal drip)

URI → upper respiratory infection

USP → United States Pharmacopeia

UTI → urinary tract infection

VD → venereal disease

VF → ventricular fibrillation (cardiac rhythm)

Vfib → ventricular fibrillation (cardiac rhythm)

VRE → vancomycin resistant enterococcus

VT → ventricular tachycardia (cardiac rhythm)

Vtach → ventricular tachycardia (cardiac rhythm)

VTE → venous thromboembolism

WBC → white blood cell

W/C → wheelchair

w/ → with

w/o → without

WNL → within normal limits

x→ times or multiplied by

y/o → year-old
