Understanding individual motivations for visiting specific destinations and utilizing available services.
Key focus on needs, wants, and satisfactions related to travel.
Needs and Wants
Motivation for travel
Needs and wants
Relationships of the three
Types of Travel Motives:
Exploring personal desires and interests in travel.
Push and Pull model helps to understand motivations.
Escape from daily routines and monotony.
Desire for adventure and exploration.
Fulfillment of personal and emotional needs.
Seeking happiness, inspiration, and physical fitness.
Learning opportunities and cultural experiences.
Overcoming challenges and discovering oneself.
Physical Motivators:
Health benefits and the enjoyment of nature.
Interpersonal Motivators:
Social interactions and connections.
Cultural Motivators:
Learning about new cultures and traditions.
Status and Prestige:
Social status associated with travel experiences.
Push Factors:
Internal needs that drive individuals to travel (e.g., desire for relaxation, adventure).
Pull Factors:
Attractions and external factors that draw individuals to specific destinations (e.g., beautiful landscapes, vibrant cultures).
Hierarchy of Needs:
Psychological Needs
Safety Needs
Social Needs
Common motivations include:
Need to escape
Social Contact
Status and Prestige
Travel for education
Personal Values
Cultural Experience
Professional & Business
Natural Beauty
Based on travel intentions:
Professional travel related to work.
Leisure activities.
- Resort
- Family
- Elderly
- Single and Couples
Factors that inhibit travel:
Lack of financial resources.
Limited time availability.
Safety and security concerns.
Personal circumstances (e.g., family commitments).
Disabilities or health considerations.
Lack of interest or motivation to travel.
Travel anxiety or fear.
Aesthetics-appreciation of beauty
Self-actualization-personal self-fulfillment
Adventurous individuals seeking new experiences.
Club Mediterranee:
Popular travel club promoting leisure and social interactions.
Balanced travelers seeking both comfort and adventure.
Less adventurous travelers who prefer familiar destinations.