Modern Art Movements (4)
Expressionism Groups
Vienna Secession
Goals & Influence
Ver Sacrum
The design laboratory, 1898-1903, experimental type, illustration, and layout. Square format, ample white space, and intricate printing techniques
Allgemeine Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft, AEG was the first company to hv a corporate identity program with a logo typeface and standardized layouts designed by Berhrens (compay produced street lamps, kettles, and arc lamps.
The London Underground
The Glasgow School
Charles rennie mackintosh, j herbert mcnair, margaret and frances MacDonald
Goals & Influences
Introduced vertical emphasis and abstract human figures
Deutsche Werkbund
WWI: Allies, Central Powers
Spanish Civil War
Art Deco
Key Figures & Their Contributions
Frank Lloyd Wright
Designed buildings, furniture, graphics, and stained glass (waterfall house)
Peter Behrens
New Objectivity, pivotal figure. Influenced industrial design, architecture, and type. Advocation for type reform, influenced geometric sans-serif type. Designed the first corporate identity system (AEG)
Kurt Schwitters
Francis Brugiére
Lucian Bernhard
The Beggarstaffs
Edward McKnight Kauffers
Image Identification List
You’ll need to know name, title, and date (year)
12-4, Scottish Musical Review poster, Charles Mackintosh
12-9, First Vienna Secession Exhibition Poster, Gustav Klimt
12-34, AEG logo, Peter Behrens
13-3, Man with Violin, Pablo Picasso
13-23, Cover for Depero Futurista, Fortunato Depero
14-8, Priester matches poster, Lucian Bernhard
14-29, “Briton Wants You,” Alfred Leete
Essay Questions
What were the key goals and aesthetic principles of the Vienna Secession?
Vienna Secession was inspired by the glasgow school and was a direct response to the conservative Kunstlerhaus policies. There was three stages of design aesthetic within the Vienna Seccesion, the first focusing on allegorical symbolism, then a transition ito french-inspired floral styles, and finally moving into geometric simplicity with a focus on clean sans-serif typography.
Chelsey’s Key points:
Formed in 1897 as a reaction against traditionalism (Kunstlerhaus) in Vienna. Sought to integrate contemporary artistic movements from other european countries in arustrian design.
Rejected the floral excess of art nouveau in favor of flat geometric shapes and simplified forms.
Ephasized clean typography, particularly sans-serif lettering in graphic design.
Published Ver Sacrum- experimented with type, layout, and illustration.
Promoted a modern aesthetic that influenced later movements like art deco and bauhaus.
In what ways did Frank Pick revolutionize public transportation design in London?
It was the first underground electric railway. Controlled publicity of UER (undergroung electric railways) in 1908. Developed structural advertising and signage. Posters focused on destinations over transportation, encouraged off-peak travel to leisure spots, features diverse artistic styles. Pic als commissond the Johnston typefae to improve type. He redesigned station signage using that typeface and introduced the iconic circle and blue bar, which was updated in 1972 but is essentially the same design he made.
Chelsey’s Key points:
Introduced systematic visual identity for the london underground
Standaridized signage by creating a red circle with a blue bar for station names, ensuring high visibility
Commissioned edward johnston to design an exclusive sans-serif typeface (johnston sans in 1916)
Promoted destination-focused advertising that encouraged off-peak travel for leisure and culture
Expanded his design influence to include architecture, ensuring station layout were both functional and aesthetically pleasing
Set a precedent for corporate branding in public transportation that remains influential today.
Explain the role of Futurism in typography and visual communication.
Chelsey’s Key points:
Rejected harmony and embraced expressive, dynamic compositions (crazy type layout for poems, interactive type)
Used varied typeaces, cors, and orientation to mimic movement and enery
Significantly influenced modern advertising, editorial layouts and avant-garde design
Compare or contrast the poster propaganda strategies of the Central Powers and the Allies during World War I. Discuss one specific piece from your text for both sides.
Chelsey’s Key points:
Central powers (germany and austria-hungary) used minimalist (plakatstil) approach and symbolic posters with bold graphic shapes (dragon poster)
Allies created posters that focused on emotional and patriotic appleals by using more literal and illustrative depictions
E.g. “your country needs you” “uncle sam wants you” etc. (point out how both relate to each sides strategies