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Chemistry HL S2 (2.1-2.4)


S2.1: The Ionic Model

  • giving and taking of electrons to form electrostatic attraction

  • positive ion → cation, negative ion → anion

Transition Metals

  • When the ionization energies for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. are close to each other, the element will be able to lose those valence electrons easily

    • results in variable oxidation states depending on the number of valence electrons in the d and s shells

Compound Names

  • polyatomic ions

    • nitrate: NO3-

    • sulfate: SO4²-

    • phosphate: PO4³-

    • hydroxide: OH-

    • hydrocarbonate: HCO3-

    • carbonate: CO3²-

    • ammonium: NH4+

Ionic structures and properties

  • giant ionic lattice structures

    • made up of very strong electrostatic forces of attraction

      • ionic bonds or lattice enthalpy

  • physical properties depend on lattice structures

Lattice Enthalpy (LE)

  • energy needed to seperate into constituent ions (hence △H>0)

  • △H is a negative enthalpy change

  • LE values are a function of the ionic radii and charge

  • △H = (Knm)/(Rm+ + Rx-)

    • K - constant

    • n, m - magnitude of charges

    • Rm+, Rx- - ionic radii

  • increase in ionic charge = increase in ionic attraction between ions = increase in lattice enthalpy

  • increase in ionic radius of on of the ions = decreased attraction between ions = decreased lattice enthalpy

  • lattice enthalpy is greater for ions with a larger charge density as they have a small radius and are highly charged

Properties of ionic compounds

  • high melting + boiling point

    • due to high LE

  • generally soluble in water (polar) but not in non-polar liquids

  • good electrical conductivity in liquid/aqueous states

  • generally brittle

    • due to crystalline structure

  • low volatitilty

    • volatility - tendency of a substance to vaporize

Ionic character and electronegativity

  • ionic character is determined by the formula:

    • %ionic character = △Xp/3.2

      • △Xp=electronegativity difference

  • bonding continuum

    • Ionic → △Xp>1.8

    • Polar Covalent → 0<△Xp<1.8

    • Covalent → △Xp<1.8

S2.2: The Covalent Model

  • atoms sharing electrons

Octet Rule

  • tendency of atoms to gain a valence shell consisting of 8 electrons

    • pairs of electrons not involved in the bond are called lone pairs

  • ability of two atoms to form a covalent bond is due to similar strength with which they attract valence electrons

  • exceptions to the rule

    • applies to small atoms with less than 8 electrons

      • forms an incomplete octet

      • ex: BeCl2, BF3

Bond Strength

  • bond length → distance between 2 bonded nuclei

  • bond strength = bond enthalpy → energy required to break the bond

    • as bond length increases, bond enthalpy decreases

Coordination Bond

  • bond that is formed by both electrons in pair originating from the same atom

    • ex: H3O+

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)

  • because electron pairs in the same valence shell carry the same charge, they repel each other and so spread themselves as far as possible

  • electron pair = electron domain

    • all electron locations in valence shell, all single, double, triple = 1 electron domain

  • repulsion applies to electron domains (can be single/double/triple or non-bonding pairs)

  • total number of electron domains around central atom determines geometrical arrangement of electron domains

  • shape of molecules is determined by angles between bonded atoms

  • lone pairs and multiple bonds cause slightly more repulsion

    • lone pairs have a higher concentration of charge (not shared)

    • multiple bonds have a higher concentration of charge (more electrons)

    • non-bonding/lone pair > multiple bond > single bond


  • two electron domains

    • linear shape (bond angle of 180°)

  • three electron domains

    • triangular planar (bond angle of 120°) → all single bonds

    • bent/V-shaped (120°, 121°, 118°) → one double bond

    • bent/V-shaped (117° bond angle) → one double bond, one lone pair

  • four electron domains

    • tetrahedral (109.5°) → all single bonds

    • trigonal pyramid (107°) → one lone pair

    • bent/V-shaped (104.5°) → two lone pairs

Bond Polarity

  • polar bonds - differing electronegativities

    • different pulling strength for electrons

  • the more electronegative atom exerts a greater pulling power on the shared electrons → gains more “possesion”

  • bond dipole - two partially seperated opposite electric charges

    • the more electronegative atom becomes partially negative

    • the less electronegative atom becomes partially positive

    • increased electronegativity difference = increased bond polarity

  • pure covalent bonds → zero electronegativity difference

  • polar bonds introduce some ionic nature to the covalent bonds

  • Pure Covalent

    • equal sharing of electrons

    • discrete molecules

  • Polar Covalent

    • partial/unequal sharing/transfer of electrons

  • Ionic

    • complete transfer of electrons

    • lattice of oppositely charged ions

Molecular Polarity

  • depends on polar bonds it contains

  • depends on molecular geometry

  • non-polar

    • dipoles can cancel out, creating non-polar molecules

  • polar

    • if the molecule contains bonds of different polarity or the bonds are not symmetrically arranged, dipoles will not cancel out

    • creates a net dipole (turning force in electric field)

  • IR active

    • happens only when an overall dipole moment related to the position and vibration of its bonds is found

Covalent Network Structures

  • discrete molecules → finite amount of atoms

  • covalent networks → no finite number of atoms

    • single repeating pattern of covalent bonds

  • allotropes → different bonding/structural patterns of the same element in the same physical state, causing different chemical and physical properties

Allotropes of Carbon

  • Diamond

    • structure: sp3 hybridied and covalently bonded to 4 others tetrahedrally arranged in a regular repetitive pattern (angle → 109.5°)

    • non-conductor of electicity, all electrons are bonded

    • very efficient thermal conducter, better than metals

    • highly transparent, lustrous crystal

    • hardest natural substance, brittle, very high melting point

    • uses: polished for jewelry, tools and machinery for grinding/cutting glass

  • Graphite

    • structure: sp2 hybridized and covalently bonded to 3 others, forming hexagons in parallel angles with bond angles of 120° (weak London dispersion forces)

    • good electrical conductor; contains one delocalized electron per atom

    • not a good thermal conductor, unless the heat conducts parallel to crystal layers

    • non-lustrous, grey crystalline solid

    • soft and slippery due to sliding layers, brittle, very high melting point, stable mostly

    • uses: dry lubricant, pencils, electrode rods in electrolysis

  • Graphene

    • sp2 hybridized and covalently bonded to 3 others, forming hexagons with bond angles of 120° (single layer → 2D only) honeycomb/chicken wire

    • very good electrical conductor, one delocalized electron per atom

    • best thermal conductivity known

    • almost completely transperent

    • thickness of just one atom (2D) → thinnest material to ever exist, 100x stronger than steel (strongest), very flexible, very high melting point

    • uses: transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids, photovoltaic cells, touchscreens, high performance electronic devices, etc.

  • Fullerene (C60)

    • sp2 hybridized, bonded in a sphere of 60 carbon atoms, consisting of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons (closed spherical cage)

    • poor conductors of electricity, delocalized electron has little movement

    • very low thermal conductivity

    • black powder

    • very light and strong, reacts with potassium (K) to make superconducting crystalline material, low melting point

    • uses: lubricants, medical, industrial devices for binding specific target molecules; reltaed forms are used to make nanotubes/nanobuds used as capacitators in the electronics indsutry, and catalysts

London Dispersion Forces

  • non-polar molecules do not have a permanent dipole

    • electrons behave somewhat like clouds of negative charge, density of the cloud could be greater over one atom at any moment

    • when there is a differing density, the bond will have seperation of charge, creating a weak dipole (temporary/instantaneous dipole)

  • creates weak forces of attraction that occur between opposite ends of two temporary dipoles

    • weakest form of intermolecular force

    • strength increases with molecular size (greater number of electrons)

  • LDF is the only force that exists for non-polar molecules

  • also exists in polar molecules, but is often overlooked for stronger forces

Dipole-dipole attraction

  • polar molecules have permanent seperation of charge (electronegativity difference)

    • known as a permanent dipole

    • opposite charges on neighbouring molecules attracting each other

  • strength varies on distance and relative orientation of the dipoles

Dipole-induced dipole attraction

  • occurs in mixtures with both polar and non-polar molecules

  • the permanent dipole from a polar molecule creates a temporary seperation of charge in the non-polar

  • act in addition to LDF (non-polar) and dipole-dipole attraction (polar)

  • van der Waal’s force: all 3 forces added together

Hydrogen Bonding

  • when a molecule contains hydrogen covalently bonded to fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen (electronegative atoms)

    • particular case of dipole-dipole attraction

  • the large electronegativity difference between hydrogen and the bonded atoms results in the electron pair being pulled away from hydrogen

  • hydrogen now exerts a strong attractive force on a lone pair in the electronegative atom due to its small size and the absence of other electrons to shield the nucleus

  • strongest form of intermolecular force

Melting and Boiling Point

  • changing state = breaking intermolecular forces

  • covalent substances generally have lower MP and BP than ionic substances

    • relatively weak intermolecular forces < electrostatic attraction

    • covalent substances are generally liquid/gas at room temperature

  • strength of intermolecular forces increase with molecular size and extent of polarity


  • non-polar substances are generally dissolvable in non-polar solvents by formation of LDF between solute and solvent

  • polar covalent compounds can generally dissolve in water (highly polar H2O) through dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding

  • solubility of polar compounds is reduced in larger molecules

    • polar bonds only a small part of the structure

    • non-polar parts reduce solubility

  • inability of non-polar groups to associate with water means non-polar substances do not dissolve well in water

  • polar substances have low solubility in non-polar solvents

    • they remain together due to dipole-dipole attractions

  • giant molecular are generally insoluble in all solvents

    • too much energy required to break the strong covalent bonds

Electrical Conductivity

  • covalent compounds do not contain ions, so they cannot conduct electricity in the solid or liquid state

    • some polar covalent molecules (when they can ionize) will conduct electricity

Resonance Structures

  • delocalization - tendencty to be shared between more than bonding position

    • delocalized electrons spread out → greater stability for molecule/ion

  • delocalization occurs when there is more than one position for a double bond within a molecule

    • two equally valid positions for a double bond

    • ex: expected is 1 single and 1 double bond, in reality is is 2 equal bonds, intermediate in length and strength

  • resonance - molecule is a combination of two Lewis formulas

    • electrons from the double bond delocalize and spread themselves equally between both possible bonding positions

      • shown with a dotted line

    • known as a resonance hybrid

  • resonance influences bond strengths/lengths which in turn can influence reactivity

Benzene (C6H6)

  • six carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal ring, each bonded to a hydrogen atom in a triangular planar arrangement with bond angle 120°

  • true form of benzene is the resonance hybrid

    • circle represents equally spread delocalized electrons

  • 1-1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen indicates a high degree of unsaturation, greater than that of alkenes or alkynes

    • does not show characteristic properties

    • no isomers, reluctant to undergo additional reactions

Expanded Octet

  • when the central atom is period 3 or lower, sometimes there are more than 8 electrons around the central atom

  • d orbitals available in the valence shell have energy values similar to those of the p orbitals

    • promotion of electrons (3p→3d) allows additional electron pairs to form

  • causes some elements to expand their octets (5-6 electron domains)

Species with five electron domains

  • triangular bipyramidal shape → angles of 90° and 120°

  • if one or more domains are non-bonding electrons, they will repel the most

    • one lone pair gives an unsymmetrical tetrahedron or see-saw shape (bond angles <120° and <90°)

  • to minimize additional repulsion and bonding domains, the lone pair must be located in an equatorial position (horizontal plane around central atom) instead of an axial osition (above/below horizontal plane)

    • two lone pairs give a T-shaped structure (bond angles <90°)

    • three lone pairs give a linear shape (bond angle 180°)

Species with six electron domains

  • octahedral shape with angles of 90°

    • no lone pairs of electrons → symmetrical octahedral shape

    • one lone pair → square pyramidal shape (bond angles slightly less than 90°)

    • two lone pairs → square planar shape (bond angles of 90°)

      • maximizes distance apart by arranging pairs on opposite sides

Molecular Polarity

Formal Charge

  • formal charge used to predict a preferred Lewis formula

  • treats covalent bonds as if they were purely covalent with equal electron distribution

  • FC = V - (1/2 B + L)

    • V = valence, B = bonding, L = lone (number of electrons)

  • low FC means less charge transfer has taken place in forming a structure from its atoms

    • generally means most stable → preferred structure

  • sum of formal charges for a species must be equal to the charge

Sigma Bond

  • when two atomic orbitals combine head-on along the bond axis (imaginary line)

    • overlap of s, p, and hybrid orbitals in different combinations

    • always the bond that forms in a single covalent bond

  • electron density is concentrated between the nuclei of the bonded atoms

Pi Bond

  • when two p orbitals collide laterally (sideways-on)

  • electron density is concentrated above and below the plane of the bond axis

  • only forms within double and triple bonds

  • weaker than sigma bonds as electron density is further from nucleus

Sigma and Pi Bonds

  • s+s → sigma

  • s+p → sigma

  • p+p (head-on) → sigma

  • hybrid + s → sigma

  • hybrid + hybrid → sigma

  • p+p (laterally) → pi


  • formation of covalent bonds often starts with excitation of the atoms

    • amount of energy put in to achieve this is more than compensated by the extra energy released on forming bonds

  • if different orbitals are used in forming covalent bonds, unequal bonds are expected

    • instead, unequal atomic orbitals within an atom mix to form new hybrid atomic orbitals which are identical but different from the original bonds

  • hybrid orbirtals have different energies, shapes, and orientation in space from their parent orbitals

    • allows them to form stronger bonds by allowing for greater overlap

  • sp³ orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 2 p orbitals produce 4 sp³ orbitals

    • shape and energy have properties of s and p, but more like p than s

  • sp² orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 2p orbitals produce 3 sp² orbitals

  • sp orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 1 p orbital produce 2 sp orbitals

Carbon → Hybridization

  • C: atomic nyumber = 6 (1s²2s²2px12py1)

    • forms 4 covalent bonds, but only has two singly occupied bonding electrons

  • excitation occurs (2s → 2p) to change from ground state

  • sp³ hybridization

    • orbitals orientate themselves at 109.5°, forming a tetrahedron

    • each hybrid orbital overlaps with an atomic orbital → 4 sigma bonds

  • sp² hybridization

    • when carbon forms a double bond

    • orientate themselves at 120°, forming a triangular planar

    • each hybrid orbital overlaps with a neigbouring atomic orbital → 3 sigma bonds

    • as the 2 carbon atoms appproach each other, the p orbitals in each atom that did not hybridize overlap sideways

      • forms a pi bond

      • double bond (C2) → 1 sigma, 1 pi

      • characteristic lobes of electron density above and below the bond axis

  • sp hybridization

    • orientate themselves at 180°, giving a linear shape

    • overlap of the two hybrid orbitals with other atomic orbitals → 2 sigma bonds

    • when carbon forms a triple bond

    • C2H2

      • each carbon atom has 2 unhybridized p orbitals that are orientated 90° to each other

        • combines to form 2 pi bonds

      • four lobes of electron density turns into a cylinder of negative charge around the atom, making the molecule susceptible to electrophilic reactants (attracted to electron-dense regions)

Hybridization and Molecular Geometry

  • tetrahedral → sp³

  • triangular planar → sp²

  • linear → sp

  • lone pairs can also be used in hybridization

    • non-bonding pairs can also hybridize

      • ex: NH3 → lone pair in N resides in the sp³ orbital

Hybridization and Benzene (C6H6)

  • each of the 6 carbon atoms are sp² hybridized

    • forms 3 sigma bonds (120°) → planar shape

    • leaves the unhybridized p electron on each carbon atom

      • dumbbell shape perpendicular to the plane of the ring

      • do not form pi bonds but effectively overlap in both directions

      • spreads themselves evenly to be shared by all 6 carbon atoms

    • forms a delocalized pi electron cloud

      • electron density is concentrated in 2 donut-shaped rings above and below the plane

2.3: The Metallic Model

Metallic Bonding

  • metals: low ionization energies so they react by losing valence electrons forming a positive ion

    • metallic character: loss of control over outer shell electrons

  • when there is no other element present to accept the electrons and form an ionic compound, the outer electrons are held loosely by the nucleus so they ‘wander off’

    • delocalized electrons

  • metal atoms form a regular lattice structure through which electrons move freely

    • metallic bonding: force of electrostatic attraction between lattice of cations and delocalized electrons

Uses of metals

  • Good electrical conductivity

    • because of highly mobile delocalized electrons

      • used for electrical circuits (copper)

  • Good thermal conductivity

    • because of delocalized electrons and closely packed ions

      • used for pots and pans for cooking

  • Malleable (can be shaped under pressure)

    • because of the lack of direction in the movement of delocalized electrons

      • used for machinery

  • Ductile (can be drawn out into threads)

    • because the metallic bond remaining intact while formation changes

      • used for electric wires and cables

  • High melting points

    • because of strong electrostatic forces

      • used for high-speed tools

  • Shiny, lustrous appearance

    • because delocalized electrons in metal crystal structure reflect light

      • used for jewelry

  • non-directional nature of metallic bonding allows metals to mix with other metals or non-metals in the molten state

    • resulting mixture is an alloy

      • enhances properties of the metallic structure

Metallic bond strength

  • determined by

    • number of delocalized electrons

    • charge of the cation

    • radius of the cation

  • the greater the electron density and the smaller the cation, the greater the electrostatic attraction

  • Across a period

    • increasing melting point

      • greater attraction between ions and delocalized electrons

    • lower degree of reactivity

  • Down a group

    • decreasing melting point

      • weaker attraction between ions and delocalized electrons

    • higher degree of reactivity

Transition elements

  • elements with an incomplete d-sublevel OR elements that can give rise to cations with an incomplete d-sublevel

  • proximity in energy between outer occupied sublevels enables them to delocalize large amounts of d-electrons to form metallic bonds

Transition elements: High melting point

  • metals have a large amount of delocalized electrons and a large positive charge on the metal cations which leads to strong metallic bonding → high melting points

  • transition metal trends are less evident due to ability of transition elements to delocalize large numbers of electrons and the similar ionic radii

  • difficult to predict trends accurately compared to the s-block metals

Transition elements: High electrical conductivity

  • metals have a large amount of delocalized electrons which increases their conductivity

    • example: copper (Cu) is used in wires

2.4: Models to Materials

Bonding Triangle

  • bonding seen as a continuum (ionic, covalent, metallic) → different bonding types are present to different degrees

    • position on triangle determined from electronegativity

  • high electronegativity difference = ionic

  • low electronegativity difference = covalent or metallic

  • intermediate electronegativity difference = polar covalent

Composite Materials

  • mixture between two or more different materials

    • materials have seperate phases (different positions on bonding triangle)

  • mixture retains properties of individual materials that compose it

    • example: fibreglass, concrete


  • produced by adding one metal element to another metal (or carbon) in liquid/molten state so the different atoms can mix

    • in solid, ions of the different metals are scattered through the lattice

      • forms a structure of uniform composition

  • metallic bonds are present → delocalized electrons bind the lattice

    • possible due to the non-directional nature of the delocalized electrons and accomodation of the lattice to different sizes of ions

  • alloys have properties distinct of component elements (different packing of cations in lattice)

  • pure metal → regular arrangment of atoms

    • interrupted in an alloy by different cations

      • more difficult for atoms to ‘slip over each other’ → stronger

  • alloy is sronger, more chemically stable, and more resistant to corrosion


  • monomers (small molecules) are able to react together to form a linked chain held together by covalent bonds, forming a polymer

  • polymers are macromolecules → composed of thousands of atoms and so are relatively large compared with other molecules

  • nature/properties of a polymer vary with the monomer, length, and amount of branching

  • structure is shown as a repeating unit with open bonds on each end

  • natural polymers - found naturally (example: protein, starch, DNA)

  • synthetic polymers - human-made and non-biodegradable (example: plastics)

Addition Polymers

  • addition reaction - a multiple bond in a molecule breaks and creates new bonding positions

    • alkenes/alkynes have double/triple carbon-carbon bonds respectively so they readily undergo addition reactions

      • they can act as monomers and form addition polymers

  • %atom economy = molar mass of desired product / molar mass of all reactants x 100

    • addition polymerization reactions do not generate a by-product so it has a 100% atom economy

Condensation Polymers

  • condensation reaction - two functional groups react to form a new covalent bond with the release of a small molecule (H2O, HCl, NH3, etc.)

    • A-OH + H-B → A-B + H2O

  • to form condensation polymers, monomers must have functional groups (active ends)

    • allows them to form new covalent bonds with neighbours on both sides

    • the functional groups in neighbouring molecules must be able to react together

Carboxylic acid + alcohol → polyester (ester link)

  • when one monomer has two carboxylic acid groups (COOH) and the other has two alcohol groups (OH), an ester link forms between them

    • chain extends in both directions → polyester

Carboxylic acid + amine → polyamide (amide link)

  • when one monomer has two carboxylic acid groups (COOH) and another monomer has two amine groups (NH2), an amide link forms between them

    • forms a polymer known as polyamide

Chemistry HL S2 (2.1-2.4)


S2.1: The Ionic Model

  • giving and taking of electrons to form electrostatic attraction

  • positive ion → cation, negative ion → anion

Transition Metals

  • When the ionization energies for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. are close to each other, the element will be able to lose those valence electrons easily

    • results in variable oxidation states depending on the number of valence electrons in the d and s shells

Compound Names

  • polyatomic ions

    • nitrate: NO3-

    • sulfate: SO4²-

    • phosphate: PO4³-

    • hydroxide: OH-

    • hydrocarbonate: HCO3-

    • carbonate: CO3²-

    • ammonium: NH4+

Ionic structures and properties

  • giant ionic lattice structures

    • made up of very strong electrostatic forces of attraction

      • ionic bonds or lattice enthalpy

  • physical properties depend on lattice structures

Lattice Enthalpy (LE)

  • energy needed to seperate into constituent ions (hence △H>0)

  • △H is a negative enthalpy change

  • LE values are a function of the ionic radii and charge

  • △H = (Knm)/(Rm+ + Rx-)

    • K - constant

    • n, m - magnitude of charges

    • Rm+, Rx- - ionic radii

  • increase in ionic charge = increase in ionic attraction between ions = increase in lattice enthalpy

  • increase in ionic radius of on of the ions = decreased attraction between ions = decreased lattice enthalpy

  • lattice enthalpy is greater for ions with a larger charge density as they have a small radius and are highly charged

Properties of ionic compounds

  • high melting + boiling point

    • due to high LE

  • generally soluble in water (polar) but not in non-polar liquids

  • good electrical conductivity in liquid/aqueous states

  • generally brittle

    • due to crystalline structure

  • low volatitilty

    • volatility - tendency of a substance to vaporize

Ionic character and electronegativity

  • ionic character is determined by the formula:

    • %ionic character = △Xp/3.2

      • △Xp=electronegativity difference

  • bonding continuum

    • Ionic → △Xp>1.8

    • Polar Covalent → 0<△Xp<1.8

    • Covalent → △Xp<1.8

S2.2: The Covalent Model

  • atoms sharing electrons

Octet Rule

  • tendency of atoms to gain a valence shell consisting of 8 electrons

    • pairs of electrons not involved in the bond are called lone pairs

  • ability of two atoms to form a covalent bond is due to similar strength with which they attract valence electrons

  • exceptions to the rule

    • applies to small atoms with less than 8 electrons

      • forms an incomplete octet

      • ex: BeCl2, BF3

Bond Strength

  • bond length → distance between 2 bonded nuclei

  • bond strength = bond enthalpy → energy required to break the bond

    • as bond length increases, bond enthalpy decreases

Coordination Bond

  • bond that is formed by both electrons in pair originating from the same atom

    • ex: H3O+

Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)

  • because electron pairs in the same valence shell carry the same charge, they repel each other and so spread themselves as far as possible

  • electron pair = electron domain

    • all electron locations in valence shell, all single, double, triple = 1 electron domain

  • repulsion applies to electron domains (can be single/double/triple or non-bonding pairs)

  • total number of electron domains around central atom determines geometrical arrangement of electron domains

  • shape of molecules is determined by angles between bonded atoms

  • lone pairs and multiple bonds cause slightly more repulsion

    • lone pairs have a higher concentration of charge (not shared)

    • multiple bonds have a higher concentration of charge (more electrons)

    • non-bonding/lone pair > multiple bond > single bond


  • two electron domains

    • linear shape (bond angle of 180°)

  • three electron domains

    • triangular planar (bond angle of 120°) → all single bonds

    • bent/V-shaped (120°, 121°, 118°) → one double bond

    • bent/V-shaped (117° bond angle) → one double bond, one lone pair

  • four electron domains

    • tetrahedral (109.5°) → all single bonds

    • trigonal pyramid (107°) → one lone pair

    • bent/V-shaped (104.5°) → two lone pairs

Bond Polarity

  • polar bonds - differing electronegativities

    • different pulling strength for electrons

  • the more electronegative atom exerts a greater pulling power on the shared electrons → gains more “possesion”

  • bond dipole - two partially seperated opposite electric charges

    • the more electronegative atom becomes partially negative

    • the less electronegative atom becomes partially positive

    • increased electronegativity difference = increased bond polarity

  • pure covalent bonds → zero electronegativity difference

  • polar bonds introduce some ionic nature to the covalent bonds

  • Pure Covalent

    • equal sharing of electrons

    • discrete molecules

  • Polar Covalent

    • partial/unequal sharing/transfer of electrons

  • Ionic

    • complete transfer of electrons

    • lattice of oppositely charged ions

Molecular Polarity

  • depends on polar bonds it contains

  • depends on molecular geometry

  • non-polar

    • dipoles can cancel out, creating non-polar molecules

  • polar

    • if the molecule contains bonds of different polarity or the bonds are not symmetrically arranged, dipoles will not cancel out

    • creates a net dipole (turning force in electric field)

  • IR active

    • happens only when an overall dipole moment related to the position and vibration of its bonds is found

Covalent Network Structures

  • discrete molecules → finite amount of atoms

  • covalent networks → no finite number of atoms

    • single repeating pattern of covalent bonds

  • allotropes → different bonding/structural patterns of the same element in the same physical state, causing different chemical and physical properties

Allotropes of Carbon

  • Diamond

    • structure: sp3 hybridied and covalently bonded to 4 others tetrahedrally arranged in a regular repetitive pattern (angle → 109.5°)

    • non-conductor of electicity, all electrons are bonded

    • very efficient thermal conducter, better than metals

    • highly transparent, lustrous crystal

    • hardest natural substance, brittle, very high melting point

    • uses: polished for jewelry, tools and machinery for grinding/cutting glass

  • Graphite

    • structure: sp2 hybridized and covalently bonded to 3 others, forming hexagons in parallel angles with bond angles of 120° (weak London dispersion forces)

    • good electrical conductor; contains one delocalized electron per atom

    • not a good thermal conductor, unless the heat conducts parallel to crystal layers

    • non-lustrous, grey crystalline solid

    • soft and slippery due to sliding layers, brittle, very high melting point, stable mostly

    • uses: dry lubricant, pencils, electrode rods in electrolysis

  • Graphene

    • sp2 hybridized and covalently bonded to 3 others, forming hexagons with bond angles of 120° (single layer → 2D only) honeycomb/chicken wire

    • very good electrical conductor, one delocalized electron per atom

    • best thermal conductivity known

    • almost completely transperent

    • thickness of just one atom (2D) → thinnest material to ever exist, 100x stronger than steel (strongest), very flexible, very high melting point

    • uses: transmission electron microscopy (TEM) grids, photovoltaic cells, touchscreens, high performance electronic devices, etc.

  • Fullerene (C60)

    • sp2 hybridized, bonded in a sphere of 60 carbon atoms, consisting of 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons (closed spherical cage)

    • poor conductors of electricity, delocalized electron has little movement

    • very low thermal conductivity

    • black powder

    • very light and strong, reacts with potassium (K) to make superconducting crystalline material, low melting point

    • uses: lubricants, medical, industrial devices for binding specific target molecules; reltaed forms are used to make nanotubes/nanobuds used as capacitators in the electronics indsutry, and catalysts

London Dispersion Forces

  • non-polar molecules do not have a permanent dipole

    • electrons behave somewhat like clouds of negative charge, density of the cloud could be greater over one atom at any moment

    • when there is a differing density, the bond will have seperation of charge, creating a weak dipole (temporary/instantaneous dipole)

  • creates weak forces of attraction that occur between opposite ends of two temporary dipoles

    • weakest form of intermolecular force

    • strength increases with molecular size (greater number of electrons)

  • LDF is the only force that exists for non-polar molecules

  • also exists in polar molecules, but is often overlooked for stronger forces

Dipole-dipole attraction

  • polar molecules have permanent seperation of charge (electronegativity difference)

    • known as a permanent dipole

    • opposite charges on neighbouring molecules attracting each other

  • strength varies on distance and relative orientation of the dipoles

Dipole-induced dipole attraction

  • occurs in mixtures with both polar and non-polar molecules

  • the permanent dipole from a polar molecule creates a temporary seperation of charge in the non-polar

  • act in addition to LDF (non-polar) and dipole-dipole attraction (polar)

  • van der Waal’s force: all 3 forces added together

Hydrogen Bonding

  • when a molecule contains hydrogen covalently bonded to fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen (electronegative atoms)

    • particular case of dipole-dipole attraction

  • the large electronegativity difference between hydrogen and the bonded atoms results in the electron pair being pulled away from hydrogen

  • hydrogen now exerts a strong attractive force on a lone pair in the electronegative atom due to its small size and the absence of other electrons to shield the nucleus

  • strongest form of intermolecular force

Melting and Boiling Point

  • changing state = breaking intermolecular forces

  • covalent substances generally have lower MP and BP than ionic substances

    • relatively weak intermolecular forces < electrostatic attraction

    • covalent substances are generally liquid/gas at room temperature

  • strength of intermolecular forces increase with molecular size and extent of polarity


  • non-polar substances are generally dissolvable in non-polar solvents by formation of LDF between solute and solvent

  • polar covalent compounds can generally dissolve in water (highly polar H2O) through dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding

  • solubility of polar compounds is reduced in larger molecules

    • polar bonds only a small part of the structure

    • non-polar parts reduce solubility

  • inability of non-polar groups to associate with water means non-polar substances do not dissolve well in water

  • polar substances have low solubility in non-polar solvents

    • they remain together due to dipole-dipole attractions

  • giant molecular are generally insoluble in all solvents

    • too much energy required to break the strong covalent bonds

Electrical Conductivity

  • covalent compounds do not contain ions, so they cannot conduct electricity in the solid or liquid state

    • some polar covalent molecules (when they can ionize) will conduct electricity

Resonance Structures

  • delocalization - tendencty to be shared between more than bonding position

    • delocalized electrons spread out → greater stability for molecule/ion

  • delocalization occurs when there is more than one position for a double bond within a molecule

    • two equally valid positions for a double bond

    • ex: expected is 1 single and 1 double bond, in reality is is 2 equal bonds, intermediate in length and strength

  • resonance - molecule is a combination of two Lewis formulas

    • electrons from the double bond delocalize and spread themselves equally between both possible bonding positions

      • shown with a dotted line

    • known as a resonance hybrid

  • resonance influences bond strengths/lengths which in turn can influence reactivity

Benzene (C6H6)

  • six carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal ring, each bonded to a hydrogen atom in a triangular planar arrangement with bond angle 120°

  • true form of benzene is the resonance hybrid

    • circle represents equally spread delocalized electrons

  • 1-1 ratio of carbon to hydrogen indicates a high degree of unsaturation, greater than that of alkenes or alkynes

    • does not show characteristic properties

    • no isomers, reluctant to undergo additional reactions

Expanded Octet

  • when the central atom is period 3 or lower, sometimes there are more than 8 electrons around the central atom

  • d orbitals available in the valence shell have energy values similar to those of the p orbitals

    • promotion of electrons (3p→3d) allows additional electron pairs to form

  • causes some elements to expand their octets (5-6 electron domains)

Species with five electron domains

  • triangular bipyramidal shape → angles of 90° and 120°

  • if one or more domains are non-bonding electrons, they will repel the most

    • one lone pair gives an unsymmetrical tetrahedron or see-saw shape (bond angles <120° and <90°)

  • to minimize additional repulsion and bonding domains, the lone pair must be located in an equatorial position (horizontal plane around central atom) instead of an axial osition (above/below horizontal plane)

    • two lone pairs give a T-shaped structure (bond angles <90°)

    • three lone pairs give a linear shape (bond angle 180°)

Species with six electron domains

  • octahedral shape with angles of 90°

    • no lone pairs of electrons → symmetrical octahedral shape

    • one lone pair → square pyramidal shape (bond angles slightly less than 90°)

    • two lone pairs → square planar shape (bond angles of 90°)

      • maximizes distance apart by arranging pairs on opposite sides

Molecular Polarity

Formal Charge

  • formal charge used to predict a preferred Lewis formula

  • treats covalent bonds as if they were purely covalent with equal electron distribution

  • FC = V - (1/2 B + L)

    • V = valence, B = bonding, L = lone (number of electrons)

  • low FC means less charge transfer has taken place in forming a structure from its atoms

    • generally means most stable → preferred structure

  • sum of formal charges for a species must be equal to the charge

Sigma Bond

  • when two atomic orbitals combine head-on along the bond axis (imaginary line)

    • overlap of s, p, and hybrid orbitals in different combinations

    • always the bond that forms in a single covalent bond

  • electron density is concentrated between the nuclei of the bonded atoms

Pi Bond

  • when two p orbitals collide laterally (sideways-on)

  • electron density is concentrated above and below the plane of the bond axis

  • only forms within double and triple bonds

  • weaker than sigma bonds as electron density is further from nucleus

Sigma and Pi Bonds

  • s+s → sigma

  • s+p → sigma

  • p+p (head-on) → sigma

  • hybrid + s → sigma

  • hybrid + hybrid → sigma

  • p+p (laterally) → pi


  • formation of covalent bonds often starts with excitation of the atoms

    • amount of energy put in to achieve this is more than compensated by the extra energy released on forming bonds

  • if different orbitals are used in forming covalent bonds, unequal bonds are expected

    • instead, unequal atomic orbitals within an atom mix to form new hybrid atomic orbitals which are identical but different from the original bonds

  • hybrid orbirtals have different energies, shapes, and orientation in space from their parent orbitals

    • allows them to form stronger bonds by allowing for greater overlap

  • sp³ orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 2 p orbitals produce 4 sp³ orbitals

    • shape and energy have properties of s and p, but more like p than s

  • sp² orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 2p orbitals produce 3 sp² orbitals

  • sp orbitals

    • 1 s orbital and 1 p orbital produce 2 sp orbitals

Carbon → Hybridization

  • C: atomic nyumber = 6 (1s²2s²2px12py1)

    • forms 4 covalent bonds, but only has two singly occupied bonding electrons

  • excitation occurs (2s → 2p) to change from ground state

  • sp³ hybridization

    • orbitals orientate themselves at 109.5°, forming a tetrahedron

    • each hybrid orbital overlaps with an atomic orbital → 4 sigma bonds

  • sp² hybridization

    • when carbon forms a double bond

    • orientate themselves at 120°, forming a triangular planar

    • each hybrid orbital overlaps with a neigbouring atomic orbital → 3 sigma bonds

    • as the 2 carbon atoms appproach each other, the p orbitals in each atom that did not hybridize overlap sideways

      • forms a pi bond

      • double bond (C2) → 1 sigma, 1 pi

      • characteristic lobes of electron density above and below the bond axis

  • sp hybridization

    • orientate themselves at 180°, giving a linear shape

    • overlap of the two hybrid orbitals with other atomic orbitals → 2 sigma bonds

    • when carbon forms a triple bond

    • C2H2

      • each carbon atom has 2 unhybridized p orbitals that are orientated 90° to each other

        • combines to form 2 pi bonds

      • four lobes of electron density turns into a cylinder of negative charge around the atom, making the molecule susceptible to electrophilic reactants (attracted to electron-dense regions)

Hybridization and Molecular Geometry

  • tetrahedral → sp³

  • triangular planar → sp²

  • linear → sp

  • lone pairs can also be used in hybridization

    • non-bonding pairs can also hybridize

      • ex: NH3 → lone pair in N resides in the sp³ orbital

Hybridization and Benzene (C6H6)

  • each of the 6 carbon atoms are sp² hybridized

    • forms 3 sigma bonds (120°) → planar shape

    • leaves the unhybridized p electron on each carbon atom

      • dumbbell shape perpendicular to the plane of the ring

      • do not form pi bonds but effectively overlap in both directions

      • spreads themselves evenly to be shared by all 6 carbon atoms

    • forms a delocalized pi electron cloud

      • electron density is concentrated in 2 donut-shaped rings above and below the plane

2.3: The Metallic Model

Metallic Bonding

  • metals: low ionization energies so they react by losing valence electrons forming a positive ion

    • metallic character: loss of control over outer shell electrons

  • when there is no other element present to accept the electrons and form an ionic compound, the outer electrons are held loosely by the nucleus so they ‘wander off’

    • delocalized electrons

  • metal atoms form a regular lattice structure through which electrons move freely

    • metallic bonding: force of electrostatic attraction between lattice of cations and delocalized electrons

Uses of metals

  • Good electrical conductivity

    • because of highly mobile delocalized electrons

      • used for electrical circuits (copper)

  • Good thermal conductivity

    • because of delocalized electrons and closely packed ions

      • used for pots and pans for cooking

  • Malleable (can be shaped under pressure)

    • because of the lack of direction in the movement of delocalized electrons

      • used for machinery

  • Ductile (can be drawn out into threads)

    • because the metallic bond remaining intact while formation changes

      • used for electric wires and cables

  • High melting points

    • because of strong electrostatic forces

      • used for high-speed tools

  • Shiny, lustrous appearance

    • because delocalized electrons in metal crystal structure reflect light

      • used for jewelry

  • non-directional nature of metallic bonding allows metals to mix with other metals or non-metals in the molten state

    • resulting mixture is an alloy

      • enhances properties of the metallic structure

Metallic bond strength

  • determined by

    • number of delocalized electrons

    • charge of the cation

    • radius of the cation

  • the greater the electron density and the smaller the cation, the greater the electrostatic attraction

  • Across a period

    • increasing melting point

      • greater attraction between ions and delocalized electrons

    • lower degree of reactivity

  • Down a group

    • decreasing melting point

      • weaker attraction between ions and delocalized electrons

    • higher degree of reactivity

Transition elements

  • elements with an incomplete d-sublevel OR elements that can give rise to cations with an incomplete d-sublevel

  • proximity in energy between outer occupied sublevels enables them to delocalize large amounts of d-electrons to form metallic bonds

Transition elements: High melting point

  • metals have a large amount of delocalized electrons and a large positive charge on the metal cations which leads to strong metallic bonding → high melting points

  • transition metal trends are less evident due to ability of transition elements to delocalize large numbers of electrons and the similar ionic radii

  • difficult to predict trends accurately compared to the s-block metals

Transition elements: High electrical conductivity

  • metals have a large amount of delocalized electrons which increases their conductivity

    • example: copper (Cu) is used in wires

2.4: Models to Materials

Bonding Triangle

  • bonding seen as a continuum (ionic, covalent, metallic) → different bonding types are present to different degrees

    • position on triangle determined from electronegativity

  • high electronegativity difference = ionic

  • low electronegativity difference = covalent or metallic

  • intermediate electronegativity difference = polar covalent

Composite Materials

  • mixture between two or more different materials

    • materials have seperate phases (different positions on bonding triangle)

  • mixture retains properties of individual materials that compose it

    • example: fibreglass, concrete


  • produced by adding one metal element to another metal (or carbon) in liquid/molten state so the different atoms can mix

    • in solid, ions of the different metals are scattered through the lattice

      • forms a structure of uniform composition

  • metallic bonds are present → delocalized electrons bind the lattice

    • possible due to the non-directional nature of the delocalized electrons and accomodation of the lattice to different sizes of ions

  • alloys have properties distinct of component elements (different packing of cations in lattice)

  • pure metal → regular arrangment of atoms

    • interrupted in an alloy by different cations

      • more difficult for atoms to ‘slip over each other’ → stronger

  • alloy is sronger, more chemically stable, and more resistant to corrosion


  • monomers (small molecules) are able to react together to form a linked chain held together by covalent bonds, forming a polymer

  • polymers are macromolecules → composed of thousands of atoms and so are relatively large compared with other molecules

  • nature/properties of a polymer vary with the monomer, length, and amount of branching

  • structure is shown as a repeating unit with open bonds on each end

  • natural polymers - found naturally (example: protein, starch, DNA)

  • synthetic polymers - human-made and non-biodegradable (example: plastics)

Addition Polymers

  • addition reaction - a multiple bond in a molecule breaks and creates new bonding positions

    • alkenes/alkynes have double/triple carbon-carbon bonds respectively so they readily undergo addition reactions

      • they can act as monomers and form addition polymers

  • %atom economy = molar mass of desired product / molar mass of all reactants x 100

    • addition polymerization reactions do not generate a by-product so it has a 100% atom economy

Condensation Polymers

  • condensation reaction - two functional groups react to form a new covalent bond with the release of a small molecule (H2O, HCl, NH3, etc.)

    • A-OH + H-B → A-B + H2O

  • to form condensation polymers, monomers must have functional groups (active ends)

    • allows them to form new covalent bonds with neighbours on both sides

    • the functional groups in neighbouring molecules must be able to react together

Carboxylic acid + alcohol → polyester (ester link)

  • when one monomer has two carboxylic acid groups (COOH) and the other has two alcohol groups (OH), an ester link forms between them

    • chain extends in both directions → polyester

Carboxylic acid + amine → polyamide (amide link)

  • when one monomer has two carboxylic acid groups (COOH) and another monomer has two amine groups (NH2), an amide link forms between them

    • forms a polymer known as polyamide