
Biological Families of Neurotransmitters

  • Neurotransmitters originate from the same starting material, creating a familial relationship among them.

  • Example: All members of the catecholamines family stem from the amino acid tyrosine.

Metabolic Pathway of Catecholamines

  • Tyrosine: Starting amino acid.

  • Dopamine: Converted from tyrosine.

  • Norepinephrine: Made from dopamine.

  • Epinephrine: Formed from norepinephrine.

Implications of Drug Administration

  • Increasing dopamine will inherently increase norepinephrine and epinephrine due to their metabolic pathway.

  • Stimulants commonly affect these neurotransmitters.

  • Understanding this relationship is crucial for predicting effects of drugs on neurotransmitter levels.

Functions of Dopamine

  • Plays multiple roles in brain function, particularly in movement, thoughts, and higher cognitive processes.

Dopamine Circuitry in the Brain

  • Example: Rat brain circuit illustrating motor pathways (e.g., basal ganglia).

Effects of Cocaine on Dopamine

  • Movement:

    • Short-term: Speeds up reaction times.

    • Long-term: Causes tremors and slows movement.

  • Addictiveness:

    • Cocaine is highly addictive.

  • Cognitive Effects:

    • Can lead to paranoia and psychosis resembling schizophrenia.

Summary of Dopamine's Role in Drug Effects

  • Any drug that alters dopamine levels can also impact movement, cognitive functions, and emotional states.

  • Understanding these effects is critical when studying neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine.
