Social Problems - Chapter 5

Sex - the biological distinction between men and women

Gender identity - a person’s deeply held sense of their gender

Transgender - refers to having a gender identity that differs from a person's biological sex at birth 

Cisgender - a gender identity that reflects the sex assignment a person has at birth

LGBTQ+ Community - refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning population

Sexual Orientation - refers to a person's romantic and emotional attraction to another person

Heterosexuality - sexual attraction to someone of the other sex

Most commonly accepted orientation

Hetero - meaning other

Homosexuality - sexual attraction to someone of the same sex

Homo - same

Bisexuality - sexual attraction to people of both sexes

Pansexuality - a fluid pattern of sexual attraction that may include females and males but also people of any sexual identity

Asexual - the absence of sexual attraction to people, regardless of sex or sexual identity

Homophobia - an aversion to or hostility towards people thought to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual

Pornography - words or images intended to cause sexual arousal

Prostitution - the selling of sexual services

Sex trafficking - commercial sex that is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform the sexual act has not yet reached the age of 18 years, which includes recruiting, harboring, or transporting people for the purpose of involuntary sex

Abortion - a termination of a pregnancy

Sexually transmitted infections - infections spread by sexual contact
