Def. - The practice of suppressing and limiting access to materials considered obscene, offensive or a threat to security. People may also be restricted in their speech by censorship laws.
In Saudi Arabia it is illegal to distribute copies of the Bible as it goes against the state religion of Islam.
Works of Charles Darwin have been censored by the Church - some say evolution goes against Bible.
CHARLIE HEBDO: In 2015 a satirical newspaper published a cartoon depictions of the prophet Muhammad. In response to this two gunmen stormed their office and shot 4 of the cartoonists. In response to this protests arose on both sides. A movement called "Je suis Charlie" began in France and spread through the West. In solidarity with Charlie Hebdo over 7 million copies of the newspaper sold. Leaders from the West all held vigils for the victims. On the other hand, protests rose up against Macron in some Muslim majority countries. They argued that there was a disparity in how muslims are treated in France. Those against Macron argues that "insults are not freedom" and there should be limitations on what can be published in the media.
WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH: The Westboro Baptist Church are known for their provocative signs which condemn same-sex marriage. They are a recognised hate group, and will protest at soldiers funerals. The groups freedom to protest is protected by the US 1st amendment. However, they now have a limitation on how close they can protest to a funeral in 2006 after legalisation was passed called the "respect for America's fallen heroes.”