Coinage: (noun) (A) the invention of new words (B) an invented word or phrase
Colloquial: (adj) conversational; informal in style of expression
Onomatopoeia: (noun) the formation or use of a word that imitates or resembles what it stands for: smack, boing, zap
Palindrome: (noun) a word, phrase, or sentence that reads the same backwards or forwards: race car, mom
Portmanteau word: (noun) a word formed by merging the sounds and meaning of two different words; blend: brunch, spork, podcast
“Care and Precision”
Diligence: (noun) constant and earnest effort to accomplish a task; careful attention
Foresight: (noun) the ability to see what is likely to happen and to prepare for it accordingly
Meticulous: (adj) (A) extremely careful and precise (B) Excessively concerned with details
Prudent: (adj) Exercising caution, good judgment, or common sense in handling practical matters
Selective: (adj) careful in choosing; particular; discriminating
Beguile: (verb) (A) to deceive; trick (B) to amuse; delight
Civility: (noun) (A) politeness; courtesy (B) an act or expression of courtesy
Demeanor: (noun) the way in which one behaves or conducts oneself
Foolhardy: (adj) foolishly bold or daring; rash
Unseemly: (adj) not in good taste; improper; unbecoming
“The root - ject (thrown or hurled)”
Conjecture: (noun) the act of forming an opinion from incomplete evidence; guesswork
Dejected: (adj) depressed; disheartened
Objectionable: (adj) arousing disapproval; offensive
Projectile: (noun) an object, such as a bullet or an arrow, that is thrown, fired, or otherwise launched through space
Subjective: (adj) Taking place within an individual’s mind rather than the external environment; personal
(Certainty and Uncertainty)
Apprehensive: (adj) Anxious and fearful about the future; uneasy
Dubious: (adj) (A) doubtful; uncertain (B) questionable as to quality or validity
Inevitable: (adj) Incapable of being avoided or prevented
Precarious: (adj) Dangerously lacking in security or stability; unsafe; risky
Unequivocal: (adj) Leaving no doubt or misunderstanding; perfectly clear
(Strength and Defense)
Bulwark: (noun) (A) a defensive wall; rampart (B) any protection or defense
Fortitude: (noun) Strength of mind that allows one to endure pain or trouble with courage
Haven: (noun) (A) a place of rest or refuge; sanctuary (B) a sheltered harbor or port
Resilient: (adj) (A) recovering strength or spirits quickly (B) springing back into position or shape
Stalwart: (adj) physically strong; sturdy; robust (noun)a sturdy, strong-willed person
(The root - cred- “to believe”)
Accredit: (verb) (A) to recognize as having met official standards (B) to ascribe or attribute to; credit with
Credibility: (noun) the quality of deserving confidence; plausibility; reliability
Credulous: (adj) tending to believe too readily; easily deceived; gullible
Incredible: (adj) (A) too extraordinary to be possible (B) astonishing; amazing
Miscreant: (noun) a person who behaves badly or criminally; villain
(Activity and Inactivity)
Composure: (noun) control over one’s emotions; steadiness of manner
Ennui: (noun) listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from inactivity or lack of interest; boredom
Indolent: (adj) reluctant to exert oneself; habitually lazy
Pandemonium: (noun) wild uproar or noise; tumult
Serenity: (noun) the quality of being untroubled or unruffled; peacefulness
(Boldness and Mildness)
Docile: (adj) easily managed or taught; gentle
Intrepid: (adj) courageous; fearless; bold
Pacific: (adj) promoting peace; peaceful; tranquil; serene
Reserved: (adj) (A) quiet and restrained in manner (B) held for a particular person or persons
Strident: (adj) having a shrill, harsh, and grating sound or effect
(the roots -vert- and -vers- “to turn”)
Avert: (verb) (A) to turn away or aside (B) to prevent from happening
Inadvertent: (adj) accidental; unintentional
Invert: (verb) to turn inside out or upside down
Irreversible: (adj) incapable of being reversed
Versatile: (adj) (A) capable of doing many things competently (B) having varied uses or functions
(Openness and Concealment)
Flagrant: (adj) Extremely or deliberately noticeable; glaring
Flaunt: (verb) To show off in order to impress others; display
Salient: (adj) Standing out and attracting attention; noticeable; prominent
Sequester: (verb) To remove or withdraw from public view; seclude; set apart
Surreptitious: (adj) Done or acting in secret; sneaky
(Teaching and Explaining)
Elucidate: (verb) To make clear or plain
Explicit: (adj) Expressed clearly and precisely, without any possibility of misunderstanding
Imbue: (verb) To pervade or permeate as if with dye or stain
Instill: (verb) To introduce gradually
Pedantic: (adj) Marked by a concern for minute, often unimportant or uninteresting details