fye2 mideterm-finals ppt

Modern Ang Revolution

Social Control

  • Definition: Process by which a group regulates itself based on shared values, beliefs, and principles.

  • Purpose: To prevent or diminish negative deviance (e.g., breaking laws).

  • Influencing Factors: Family, culture, justice system, money, city-state, belief system.

Societal Evolution

Pre-Modern Society

  • Characteristics: Strong traditional values, limited social mobility, reliance on hierarchies.

Modern Society

  • Features: Rapid technological advancement, emphasis on individualism, belief in progress.

Post-Modern Society

  • Nature: Questions absolute truths, embraces diversity and plurality.

Job Specialization & Morality


  • Few specialized jobs, strong moral identity.

  • Limited social mobility.


  • Industrial society with exclusivity and high art.


  • Technological society characterized by inclusiveness and pop art.

Social Structure

  • Modern social structures are essential for society's function.

  • In post-modernism, the need for social structures has become less valid.

Media Perspective

Modern Media

  • One-way communication.

  • Media as a source of information.

Post-Modern Media

  • Hyper-reality where media shapes perceptions.

Anthropocene Era

  • Definition: A period where human activity has a significant impact on Earth.

  • Evidence of substantial human influence on climate, resources, and ecosystems.

Historical Context of Anthropocene

  • Geological age marked by human-induced changes.

  • Impacts: Rapid climate change, biodiversity loss, altered environments since the 1950s.

  • Industrial Revolution is deemed a crucial point marking the Anthropocene.

Climate Change Factors

  • Human activities: Agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, pollution increasing global warming.

  • Discussions among geologists on human legacy in geological record.

Plastic Pollution

  • Plastic as a significant marker of the Anthropocene era, entering the geological record.

Cultural Aspects

  • Different interpretations of the Anthropocene by various stakeholders (scientists, artists, activists).

Ethical Implications

  • Awareness of human influence on Earth leads to discussions on morality related to technology and resource use.

Innovation Drivers

  • Increased network exchanges, improved transportation and communication, growth incentives.

First Industrial Revolution

  • Key focus: transformation from agrarian to industrial society.

  • Innovations: Steam engine, telegraphs, assembly lines.

Economic Impact of the Industrial Revolution

  • Increased production, significant population growth, widening gap between rich and poor, unhealthy working conditions, pollution.

Technology's Evolution & Definitions

  • Technology involves creation, modification, and use rather than being limited to artifacts.

  • Dual nature of technology: physical & functional.

Filipino Psychology

  • Indigenous practice that reflects Filipino thoughts and behaviors.

  • Importance of cultural context and community involvement in research.
