Lord of the Flies Group #1 Vocabulary

  1. Proffer – (v.) hold out (something) to someone for acceptance; offer

  2. Efflorescence – (n.) the action or process of developing and unfolding as if coming into flower.

  3. Specious – (adj.) misleading in appearance, especially misleadingly attractive.

  4. Swathing –( adj.) wrap in several layers of fabric.

  5. Pursed- (v.) puckered.

  6. Furtive – (adj.) sly devious.

  1. Gesticulated – (v.) to gesture with one’s hands.

  2. Errant – (adj.) disobedient.

  3. Ebullience – (n.) liveliness.

  4. Recrimination – (n.) accusation made in retaliation.

  5. Tumult – (n.) uproar.

  6. Festooned – (adj.) decorated.

  1. Vicissitudes – (n.) difficulties or hardships.

  2. Contrite – (adj.) sincere sorrow for shortcomings.

  3. Declivities – (n.) descending slopes.

  4. Susurration – (n.) murmur.

  5. Sepals – (n.) modified leaf at the base of a petal.

  1. Impalpable -  (adj.) not capable of being felt.

  2. Incursion – (n.) breakthrough into enemy territory.

  3. Detritus – (n.) debris.

  4. Runnels – (n.) little streams.

  5. Swarthiness (n.) darkness of skin.

  6. Malevolently – (adv.) with hostility.

  1. Derision – (n.) ridicule

  2. Tempestuously – (adv.) stormily

  1. Diffidently – (adv.) with hesitation and respect.
