What Are the Approaches to Treating Psychological Disorders?
What Is Psychotherapy?
What Are the Central Issues in Psychotherapy?
What Are Psychodynamic Therapies?
What Are Humanistic Therapies?
What Are Behaviour Therapies?
What Are Cognitive Therapies?
What Are Therapy Integrations?
What Are Biological Therapies?
What Are the Sociocultural Approaches and Issues in Treatment?
What Is Group Therapy?
What Is Family and Couples Therapy?
What Are Self-Help Support Groups?
What Is Community Mental Health?
What Is the Importance of Cultural Perspectives?
How Does Therapy Affect Health and Wellness?
LO1What Are the Approaches to Treating Psychological Disorders?
LO2What Is Psychotherapy?
LO3What Are Biological Therapies?
LO4What Are the Sociocultural Approaches and Issues in Treatment?
LO5How Does Therapy Affect Health and Wellness?
Define abnormal behaviour
How is it diagnosed
Define Mental disorders and list some
Depreciate between anxiety and fear
What is Panic Attack and the criterias
What is the DSM-IV Anxiety Disorders?
Explain panic disorder
What is Agoraphobia?