Untitled Flashcards Set

what is the purpose of corrections’

(Mission Statement, Dual missions of corrections, Public safety now vs later)

Deterrence Cost vs Benefits. cost>harm deterrence  making the claim you made free will to commit the crime. Change the decision making of commiting the crime, Specific: I'm getting punished to understand in the future not to commit the crime, knowledge of understanding vs General Crime I'm watching them get punish so i wont get another crimeTo deter you from future behavior, punishment comes into play with the decisions you made, making the cost that changes your decisions, not committing the crime that will give you life in prison. Maximize pain, Cost and minimize pleasure and benefit. Both trying to say you made a free will decision, saying their rational

Incapacitation:to remove you from society, keep others safe, public safety now 

Can reentry take place during invocation:yes, write your resumes, find more skills. College classes come through prisons. Just cause you cant come to place you can come to other people.PS now, keeping people incapacitated, and using deterrence earning good time credits, ps later. 

Restorative Justice:Turnign people into pre-crime conditions 

Legitimate penological interests(take away rights if you have a purpose)

Petitions are rules that people like us or criminals could write in person to speak out against any bad conditions that they may be suffering. If a rule doesn;t seem to fit to the legitimate penological interests then you have a choice to argue your right.

DOC Policy:

statutes/laws, rules and regulations, internal policies and procedures

 DOC MISSION(not about ps safety now) they are about Ps later.

zero tolerance policies

Zero tolerance are the worst of the worst offenses, we can have zero behaviors, 

3 things, Drugs, sexual assault, cellphone. Violation of Safety and Security 

Asterisk fractions, fractions goes to violations to title2c, and 3 zero tolerance(worst of the worst when it comes to safety and security, harshes penalties) enfractions, experts think  Drugs, sexual assault, cellphone(interfering the victim, operating illegal buinsess) are the worst of the worst and harm safety and security.

(example of deterrence:Deterrence, making the cost of having drugs and cellphone so high to not make you see your parents ,) weigh the cost and benefits of having a cell phone.)

DOES DETERENEC AND RETIRBUTION BALANCE: NO FOR EXAMAPLE 3 STRIKES LAW, 3 strikes law, third felony will get you prison for life no matter what kind of crime it is, its deterrence by giving you a punishment so harsh that it doesn’t benefit you, stealing a bike for life isnt worth it. But its no retribution because of balanced harm because stealing a bike shouldn't give you the death penalty. 

CAN DETTERENCE AND INCAPACATION HAPPEN AT THE SAME TIME? YES INcapacitation and deterrence could happen at the same time, because you are sent to solitary confinement as a punishment of a crime to not cause harm to people and prison but now you want to be good behavior so you will not get solitary confinement 

Recidivism:recommit another crime 

Successful changing  criminogenic factors can decrease recidivism 

Balancing harm equations is not recidivism.

Restorative justice:pre crime conditions=all restored

Trying to restore people in precrime conditions, using the correction punishment system to get back to their original condition, offender is also restored,

Reentry Prepare to society=prepared to function 

Help to get identification, the medication on how to get it, 

Strategy, helping navigate society, finding a job.

Early intervention:prevention before incarceration=no CJ involvement. Scared straight. 

:trying to prevent someone, an action to reach before they are engaged  to the system, prevent them from going into the system. 


Recidivism is the gold standard, we should have evidence,

recidivism(arrangement in criminal behavior, recommited has to be someone who is already engaged to the criminal system, first time offenders cannot be recidivism) is the biggie(agree).Getting arrest 20 years again doesnt count, not a set standard of definition. Some say either in 1 year or 5 years. Recidivism is a measure of PublicSafety, negative measure. Its a biggie because cj system is crime prevention, but it is true that our missions or correctional theories should be measured by recidivism.

 Is recidivism a measure for retribution, no because the goal is to balance the equation, although we may never balance the harm equation, is it far to balance the recidivism. Is it fair to compare rehab and reentry using recidivism? PS now vs PS later, retritbution is about now,is about later, when we look at the 7 theories, sometime the theories is reitrbion isnt reicdivism, so recidivism is better, but we dont ask retribution to help future crime,

Which is public safety now:

Punishment model 

Incapaction: removing people from society so they won’t harm now.  No, incapacitation is  not public safety later, we remove you today and not tomorrow. 


Reentry:helping someone navigate the system inside is public safety now. Cannot have deterrence without incapacitation.

Retribution:not interested in future crime but balancing the crime now, today's crime.

Public safety later:



Early intervention


engaged in actions without

knowledge or foundation, language can win/

lose the argument, no corrections people in

the acknowledgements.

Win hearts and minds

Collateral Sanctions:Collateral Sanctions are not Restoratice justive, pre crime condditon, is it continuing then you are not restored back to the community but restricted

Not Reeentry and Collaterla sanctions, fi you are supposed to go bakc to the world then you are retsticed

Collateral Sanctions not rehab because you are restircred while rehab gives you a go ahead

It is early intervention and collateral sanctiosn but could be a little late while early is early.


Social Welfare response vs


of 4


SOC 322 MIDTERM Review Word List [v1 – March 1, 2025]
The Midterm will be available on CANVAS from 12:00am on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 through
11:59pm on Sunday, March 16, 2025
Students will have 3 hours to complete the test once they open/access it.
Fill-in-the-Blank, Multiple Choice and Short Answer
Independent work please.
Midterm Topics: general theoretical, general operational, inmate discipline, legitimate penological
interests, retribution, deterrence, close custody, MAT-MOUD, collateral sanctions
Key Words (philosophies/theories – ‘what is the purpose of corrections’)
Deterrence: Cost Benefit Analysis Retribution: Harm Equation
Incapacitation: Remove from Society Rehabilitation: Fix Criminogenic Factors
Restorative Justice: Return Victim, Community and Offender to pre-Crime condition
Reentry: Transition, Prepare Early Intervention: Pre-crime Diversion
DOC Mission: Dual Mission, public safety
‘now’ and public safety ‘later’, humane,
dignified, community engagement.
NJDOC zero tolerance policies – evaluate,
purpose, visit restrictions
Administrative Rules (NJAC, NJAC10A =
NJDOC) = operational details, window into
the ‘black box’. Black box = people go in,
people come out, we don’t know what
happens in there but expect them to be fixed.
Rule Petitions – ‘use the system to change the
system’, purpose, approach (mission,
penological interests, rights). Clarity,
omissions. Applies to NJAC10A, examples
DOC Policy: statutes/laws, rules and
regulations, internal policies and procedures.
CJ SYSTEM mission: all components = public
safety and individual rights, relationship to the
DOC mission
The 7 theories in CONFLICT: we ask can
purpose/theory 1 co-exist with purpose theory
2? Example: can we achieve both deterrence
and retribution at the same time? (others too)
Punishment Response vs. Social Welfare
Response: former = use punishment to
achieve some of the 7 purposes; latter = social
welfare benefit to society AND the offender
through some of the 7 purposes (which?)
Utilitarian vs. Non-utilitarian: our 7 theories
either just serve their intended goal OR they
achieve an additional, ‘fringe benefit’
Scope: how big, extent. We say the scope of
corrections can be measured by the number
incarcerated or ~2.2million
MOE: Selecting an appropriate Measure of
Effectiveness for a theory/strategy, what does
it promise.
Recidivism: definition, elements, failure event,
time horizon, not 1st timers, considered the
‘biggie’, it is public safety oriented

POLICY matters: what we decide to do can
have positive/negative outcomes, should not
be arbitrary
CONTEXT matters: Social Context on the
outside can influence the CJ System
Quackery: engaged in actions without
knowledge or foundation, language can win/
lose the argument, no corrections people in
the acknowledgements. Win hearts and minds.
EVIDENCE matters: we should do strategies
that have been shown through research to
have positive outcomes.
Policy Trade Off: Sacrifice public safety NOW
for public safety LATER or sacrifice public
safety LATER for public safety NOW.
Integration of theory [book] and practice
Inmate Tracking – purpose, fields, discoveries,
Evidence of 7 theories and philosophies within
DOC operations
Forms of punishment (sentences, fines, etc.,
more than just prison)
Constituents of Corrections – who are
impacted by correctional efforts
Pre-DOC system failures – post release
expectations, to whom does recidivism
NJAC10A: 4 Inmate Discipline
Laws and DOC infractions – drawing the line
safety now compliance, prison norms
Purpose: control, morale, influence behavior,
violations of 2C
Infractions - Due process - Proportionality
Asterisk (*) charges - Charges that go to the prosecutor - On the spot
Zero-T – sexual assault, cell phones, drugs = extreme harm to safety and security, evidence of
the 7 theories inside the DOC, visitation loss (harms reentry?)
Legitimate Penological Interests
Turner v. Safely: can only take away
constitutional rights of prisoners if there is a
‘legitimate penological (operation of the
prison) interest’, standard to evaluate prison
practices, court said on correctional
professionals know what is a harm to interest,
prisoners can file law suits but legitimate
penological interests is a response
Cannot take away rights if:
There is no rational connection
There is an alternative to achieve same goal/
There is no impact to officers, staff, prisoners,
The response is excessive
Petitions: we could point to Legitimate
Penological Interests (and the four exceptions)
as a justification for a change in policy.
DOC: Only we know what harms safety and
security, you outsiders do not (in support of
the black box)
Retribution Harm Equation
(quantify, +1, -1, 0) Quantifying Harm, how = sentence

Idea: Same crime = same punishment, about
the crime, not the criminal Proportionality (defined, degrees, punishment
types, within DOC)
Parole and discretion; same crime = different
punishments (retribution)
Liberal vs. Conservative views (same
Retribution’s ‘Problems’
- Prison (prison experiences are different) - Inequality (disproportionate representation)
- Utility (non-Utilitarian) - Criminology (harm is not all free-will)
Retribution and Deterrence: can we? Mitigating and Aggravating Factors –
presumptive term, direction of sentencing,
purpose, seven theories, retribution and harm
Parole Eligibility – flat formula vs. man-min,
max-outs, moving dates, truth in sentencing
Basic premise, definition Key components, identified and defined
Specific and General, General Deterrence –
Fairness Issue
Effectiveness and deterrable offenders,
conformists, career criminal
Effectiveness and individual differences Parole and certainty
MOE Perception
Types: Adjustment Unit, Emergency
Confinement, Investigative Housing Unit,
Management Control Unit, Prehearing
Disciplinary Housing, Restorative Housing
Unit, Protective Custody, Temporary
Administrative Housing
Mission implications - Protective Custody and
Public Safety – NOW or LATER “Member of vulnerable population”
Collateral Sanctions
Purpose Scope
“Appropriate” – connected to crime, accounts
for rehabilitation, accounts for the passage of
Collateral Sanctions and Retribution
Collateral Sanctions and Reentry
Defined Now vs. Later
Public Safety NOW concerns Post-release issues

Petition Letters
Purpose – general, SOC322 Review/Analysis of NJAC10A – contrary to
mission, penological interests, incomplete,
vague, missing all together, more.
