whap industrial 3.06


  • Discussion on effects of the Industrial Revolution, Atlantic Revolutions, and Napoleonic Wars.

  • Key understanding: New political and economic theories developed due to these changes as industrialization spread.

Political Theories Following the Revolutions

Classical Liberalism

  • Focuses on individual rights and civil liberties.

  • Emerged from events like the French and American Revolutions.

Classical Conservatism

  • Emphasizes tradition, including monarchies and social hierarchies.

  • Gained prominence post-Napoleonic Wars, especially during the Congress of Vienna.

Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars

The Congress of Vienna

  • Held to address territorial changes in Europe due to Napoleon’s campaigns.

  • Aimed to restore traditional absolutist monarchies.

    • Louis XVIII in France (House of Bourbon).

    • Ferdinand VII in Spain (House of Habsburg).

    • William I in the Netherlands (House of Orange).

  • Europe’s borders were significantly restructured, including the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire into a confederation of German states.



  • Promotion of interests for a particular nation defined by shared ethnicity, culture, or a state.

  • Focus on gaining and maintaining national sovereignty.

Types of Nationalism

State-Building Nationalism
  • Culturally distinctive groups forming a new state (e.g., United States, Haiti, Mexico).

Separation Nationalism
  • Culturally distinct groups seeking independence or autonomy (e.g., Revolutions of 1848).

Unification Nationalism
  • Merging politically divided but culturally similar regions (e.g., Italian and German Unification).

    • Italian Unification: Led by Count Camillo Benso di Cavour and Giuseppe Garibaldi; culminated in 1871 with the capture of Rome.

    • German Unification: Initiated by Otto von Bismarck; involved wars against Denmark, Austria, and France from 1866 to 1871, culminating in the proclamation of the German Empire.

Industrial Revolution's Impact

Economic Theories

Laissez-Faire Capitalism
  • Emerged as a reaction against Mercantilism, advocating minimal government intervention in the economy.

  • Led to increased productivity but raised questions about wealth distribution and working conditions (e.g., child labor and factory accidents).

Labor Unions

  • Organized groups advocating for better working conditions (8-hour workdays, improved pay).

  • Used collective bargaining to negotiate with employers.

Socialism and Communism


  • Advocates for community or government ownership/regulation of production and distribution.

  • Addresses poor working conditions and economic disparities.


  • Ideology proposed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto (1848).

  • Calls for abolition of private property and advocates for revolutionary change.

Industrialization in the Ottoman and Russian Empires

Ottoman Empire

  • Faced challenges in adapting to industrialization due to a lack of natural resources and internal reforms (Tanzimat).

    • Reforms aimed at modernization but hampered by conservative resistance and limitations.

Russian Empire

  • Initiated reforms post-Crimean War under Alexander II, including the emancipation of serfs in 1861.

  • Industrialization accelerated but led to socio-economic shifts, including reliance on foreign capital in the late 19th century.


  • The Industrial Revolution had profound and lasting impacts on political ideologies, economic theories, and social structures across Europe.

  • Discussion questions: How should we view industrialization's impact on empires like the Ottoman and Russia? What effects did European imperialism have on resource needs for industrialization?
