Class activity
Reconvene to go over class activity
Focus on describing common tests
Preparation for next week's topic: interpretation of these tests
Number of groups being compared
Groups: related (paired) or independent
Size of sample
Distribution of data
Parametric Tests:
Assume data follows a specific distribution (usually normal)
Sensitive to underlying distribution and sample size
Non-parametric Tests:
Fewer assumptions about data distribution
Used for non-normally distributed data, ordinal data, or when parametric conditions aren’t met
Key Differences:
Parametric: Assumptions about distribution; sensitive to outliers
Non-parametric: Robust against outliers; also known as "distribution free"
When data meets assumptions: normality and sample size
Large sample size: >25
Continuous outcome variables
Small sample size: <25
Heavily skewed data
Categorical outcome data
Independent Samples:
Unrelated groups (e.g., comparing blood pressure in nurses vs doctors)
Dependent Samples:
Related groups (e.g., blood pressure before and after drug treatment in the same patients)
Null Hypothesis (Ho): No relationship between categorical variables
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): Relationship exists
Independent samples
Outcome: nominal or ordinal
McNemar test for paired data
Based on counts, not standard deviation
Compares expected vs. observed frequencies
Does not measure strength of association
HPV vaccination status and cervical cancer relationship
Lung cancer and smoking status correlation
Ho: No correlation between two variables
Ha: There is a correlation
Focus on the strength and direction of the relationship
Pearson's r: Measures linear relationships
Spearman correlation: Non-parametric equivalent
Correlation between height and age
Steps per day and age at mortality
Ho: No significant difference between means of two groups
Ha: Significant difference exists
Binary independent variable with continuous outcome
Mann-Whitney U test: Non-parametric equivalent
Comparing V02 max in intervention groups
Audiogram scores vs. noise exposure
Ho: No significant difference between means of three or more groups
Ha: Significant difference exists
Categorical independent variable with continuous outcome
Kruskal-Wallis test: Non-parametric equivalent
Fall risks among different age groups
Patient readmission rates between hospitals
Ho: No difference between means of paired data
Ha: Significant difference exists
Compares data from same subjects under different conditions
Wilcoxon signed-rank test: Non-parametric equivalent
Knowledge scores before and after an education intervention
Mean A1c levels before and after diabetes intervention
Helps interpret results and understand research methodologies
Basic knowledge is crucial for analyzing studies
Questions or concerns?
Assignment 1 due November 8, 5 PM: Group work required; one submission needed per group, all submit quiz portion.