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AP GOV Unit 4 Overview

Supreme Law of the Land - Constitution

Oath of Office - Oath taken by all state and federal officials

Policy - Law, regulation, or rule by government for specific goals

Legislative - Writes laws

Executive - Enforces laws

Judicial - Interprets laws

Separation of Powers - National power is split between branches

Checks and Balances - A system where each branch can check the power of the other branches

Popular Sovereignty - People remain the source of power

Linkage Institution - Connects people to the political process

Mass Media - Linkage Institution to inform the people about politics

Interest Groups - Linkage Institution to organize like-minded people to influence policy

Political Party - Linkage Institution to get candidates elected

Campaigns/Elections - Linkage Institution to let people change who represents them

Democracy - A system of government to give people power

Direct Democracy - Democracy in which citizens directly perform government duties

Representative Democracy - Citizens elect the government officials

Ideals of democracy - Limited Government, Natural Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Republicanism, Social Contract

Limited Government - Government power is restricted by a Constitution and laws

Natural Rights - People are entitled to life, liberty, and property which the government cannot take away

Popular Sovereignty - The government’s right to rule comes from the people

Republicanism - Representative government’s authority comes from the people

Social Contract - The idea that people allow their government to govern them

Theories of Democracy - Participatory Democracy, Pluralist Theory, Elitist Theory

Participatory Democracy - Political Participation is essential for a functioning democratic government

Pluralist Theory - Emphasizes the role of groups in the political process

Elitist Theory - Elites have a large influence on politics

Core Political Values - Individualism, Equality of Opportunity, Free Enterprise, Rule of Law, Limited Government

Individualism - Individuals should be responsible for themselves

Equality of Opportunity - Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed

Free Enterprise - Government intrudes as little as possible in the economy

Rule of Law - No one is above the law

Limited Government - The power of government is restricted by a constitution and laws

Sections of the US Constitution - The Preamble, The Articles, The Amendments

The Preamble - States the main goals of the Constitution

The Articles - The seven original parts of the Constitution

The Amendments - Changes to the Constitution

Article 1 - Legislative Branch

Article 2 - Executive Branch

Article 3 - Judicial Branch

Article 4 - Relations among States

Article 5 - Amendment Process

Article 6 - Federal Power

Article 7 - Ratification

Bill of Rights - First 10 Amendments

First Amendment - Freedom of Speech

Second Amendment - Right to bear arms

Third Amendment - Prohibition of quartering troops in homes

Fourth Amendment - Prohibition of unreasonable search and seizures

Fifth Amendment - The right to a grand jury, protects against double jeopardy, and self-incrimination

Sixth Amendment - The right to a speedy public trial before an impartial jury, to cross-examine witnesses, and to have a lawyer

Seventh Amendment - Right to a trial by jury in civil suits

Eighth Amendment - Prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment

Ninth Amendment - The rights in the Constitution are not exhaustive

Tenth Amendment - States reserve powers not denied to them by the Constitution or delegated by the National Government

Legislative Checks - Can Impeach President & Impeach Federal Judges

Executive Checks - Veto Legislation & Appoint Federal Judges

Judicial Checks - Declare Executive Branch Actions Unconstitutional & Rule Federal and State Laws unconstitutional

Federal Government - Declares War, Regulates Trade, Makes Money

State Government - Education, Speed Limits, Public Safety

Political Ideology - Beliefs and values a person has about government

Conservative - The government should govern less

Liberal - The government should govern more

Democrats - Liberal

Republican - Conservative

AP GOV Unit 4 Overview

Supreme Law of the Land - Constitution

Oath of Office - Oath taken by all state and federal officials

Policy - Law, regulation, or rule by government for specific goals

Legislative - Writes laws

Executive - Enforces laws

Judicial - Interprets laws

Separation of Powers - National power is split between branches

Checks and Balances - A system where each branch can check the power of the other branches

Popular Sovereignty - People remain the source of power

Linkage Institution - Connects people to the political process

Mass Media - Linkage Institution to inform the people about politics

Interest Groups - Linkage Institution to organize like-minded people to influence policy

Political Party - Linkage Institution to get candidates elected

Campaigns/Elections - Linkage Institution to let people change who represents them

Democracy - A system of government to give people power

Direct Democracy - Democracy in which citizens directly perform government duties

Representative Democracy - Citizens elect the government officials

Ideals of democracy - Limited Government, Natural Rights, Popular Sovereignty, Republicanism, Social Contract

Limited Government - Government power is restricted by a Constitution and laws

Natural Rights - People are entitled to life, liberty, and property which the government cannot take away

Popular Sovereignty - The government’s right to rule comes from the people

Republicanism - Representative government’s authority comes from the people

Social Contract - The idea that people allow their government to govern them

Theories of Democracy - Participatory Democracy, Pluralist Theory, Elitist Theory

Participatory Democracy - Political Participation is essential for a functioning democratic government

Pluralist Theory - Emphasizes the role of groups in the political process

Elitist Theory - Elites have a large influence on politics

Core Political Values - Individualism, Equality of Opportunity, Free Enterprise, Rule of Law, Limited Government

Individualism - Individuals should be responsible for themselves

Equality of Opportunity - Everyone should have an equal chance to succeed

Free Enterprise - Government intrudes as little as possible in the economy

Rule of Law - No one is above the law

Limited Government - The power of government is restricted by a constitution and laws

Sections of the US Constitution - The Preamble, The Articles, The Amendments

The Preamble - States the main goals of the Constitution

The Articles - The seven original parts of the Constitution

The Amendments - Changes to the Constitution

Article 1 - Legislative Branch

Article 2 - Executive Branch

Article 3 - Judicial Branch

Article 4 - Relations among States

Article 5 - Amendment Process

Article 6 - Federal Power

Article 7 - Ratification

Bill of Rights - First 10 Amendments

First Amendment - Freedom of Speech

Second Amendment - Right to bear arms

Third Amendment - Prohibition of quartering troops in homes

Fourth Amendment - Prohibition of unreasonable search and seizures

Fifth Amendment - The right to a grand jury, protects against double jeopardy, and self-incrimination

Sixth Amendment - The right to a speedy public trial before an impartial jury, to cross-examine witnesses, and to have a lawyer

Seventh Amendment - Right to a trial by jury in civil suits

Eighth Amendment - Prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment

Ninth Amendment - The rights in the Constitution are not exhaustive

Tenth Amendment - States reserve powers not denied to them by the Constitution or delegated by the National Government

Legislative Checks - Can Impeach President & Impeach Federal Judges

Executive Checks - Veto Legislation & Appoint Federal Judges

Judicial Checks - Declare Executive Branch Actions Unconstitutional & Rule Federal and State Laws unconstitutional

Federal Government - Declares War, Regulates Trade, Makes Money

State Government - Education, Speed Limits, Public Safety

Political Ideology - Beliefs and values a person has about government

Conservative - The government should govern less

Liberal - The government should govern more

Democrats - Liberal

Republican - Conservative