What was different about the voyages of Columbus and Zheng He?
China was richer than Spain or Portugal,and was thought to be the most prosperous country in the early 15 century. Spain and Portugal were much smaller, the small size gave them motivation to become greater. The Chinese knew where they were going because they followed coastlines(best-traveled oceanic routes).Christopher and other similar explorers were consciously exploring,looking for new places to colonize and going where no one else had gone before. The Chinese had no concept of a colony.The Chinese ended the voyages because they found no financial benefit.Zheng He went on a series of voyages for China and their empire to resemble the wealth they brought back like giraffes,elephants,etc… Christopher Columbus influenced the king and queen of Spain to fund a trip overseas to find a new way to Asia but ended up in the Americas instead.
What did the Treaty of Tordesillas decide?
Since there were disputes between Spain and Portugal, this treaty created a line that divided Spain and Portugal's claims.Spain acquired land to the west and most of the americas, Portugal got lands to the east which included parts of modern day brazil. Established a dividing line between all newly discovered territories west of the line belonged to the spanish and the east of the line belonged to the portuguese. Divided spain and portugals claims
Describe Vasco Da Gama’s voyages
**A king who was one of Portugal’s greatest explorers.Traveled 27,000. Brought back items worth 60x the cost of the trip. He managed to find a sea route to India from Portugal and established a Portuguese presence in East Africa and India.
Describe how the invention of movable type by Gutenberg changed how Europeans thought about texts and what that meant for humanism.
Humanists studied many of the same texts as before but they tried to impart a more general understanding of them to their students in the hope that they would improve morally and be able to help others do the same. Studying the humanities made students whether from noble or low born families more refined and better educated people.The moveable type made books cheaper enabling scholars to more easily compare different versions of the same text.Within 50 years of printing it transformed european books
Understand the motivations of Henry the Navigator in promoting exploration in fifteenth-century Europe.
A motivation for exploiting unknown islands was religious,he tried to take the canary islands for christianity in 1424.Henry saw the trade of slaves as a christian act: the africans as non christians, were doomed to suffer in the afterlife, but if they converted, they could attain salvation.
Discuss the motives of Columbus’s explorations in terms of prestige, economics, and religion.
He persuaded the rulers of Spain to finance a trail voyage across the Atlantic Ocean in search of the indies, the source of many valuable spices. travels by water. looks for wealth mainly while spain wants to spread christianity and also obtain wealth
Explain why the encomienda system was created and what it meant for the native peoples of America
lit.entrusted, a system established in 1503 by the Spanish in hope of clarifying arrangements with the colonists and of ending the abuse of indigenous peoples of the americas.This resulted in greater exploration. Instead of letting people go home after building something for a project, the spanish would do the same thing of letting people work but just not allowing them to go home.
Compare the conquests and settlements of the Spanish and Portuguese in South America.
Wherever possible to take over, people did.Thats why countries speak a certain language in South America because the Spanish and Portuguese conquered those areas.
Describe the kinds of things transported in the Columbian Exchange.
In the other direction of smallpox came plant foods indigenous to the Americas like tomatoes,potatoes,peanuts,and chili peppers.This transfer of items was called the columbian exchange.Of all the imports, smallpox had the most devastating effect on the Americas.The long term effects of the columbian exchange in plants and animals indelibly altered the landscape,diets,and population histories of both the Americas and Europe.All the plants,animals,diseases, and goods that crossed the atlantic(and sometimes pacific)
Use one spice, such as nutmeg, and trace how American silver resulted in profits for Dutch investors.
Europeans get silver from the Americas, silver gets transported to Europe,then goes to China to buy things they want.Over time China will see inflation because of silver making its way over there.China to decrease and Europe to rise in economic power.
Discuss the connection between sugar and the Atlantic slave trade.
**The Portuguese continued to capture and enslave canary islanders on a regular basis.They also occupied the island of madeira and in 1454 they established plantations there,which soon exported large amounts of sugar.Henry realized he could transport slaves from the west coast of africa and sell them in europe.Portuguese vessels had traveled many african slaves from the Arguin bank.
Discuss how American silver reshaped the Mughal and Ming economies and either weakened or strengthened their governments.
they remained land based empires.The elaborate and expensive Ming bureaucracy required an efficient system of tax collection.In 1571 Ming officials decided that only payments in silver would be acceptable,generating a surge in a global demand for silver. Mines in japan could not keep up with the demand, and the shortfall was met by the massive new silver mines being opened in the spanish americas.Much of the silver flowed into china, stimulating the Ming economy and increasing tax collections. In the Mughal dynasty, the state was well positioned to take advantage of the expansion of the Indian ocean trade; it licensed imperial mints that struck hundreds of millions of gold,silver, and copper coins of uniform value and trusted purity.State investments in roads helped traders move goods to markets.It also influenced agriculture, which was the ultimate basis of Mughal’s wealth.
Discuss how Luther’s ideas challenged the intellectual foundations of the Catholic Church and what the response of the church was.
Luther’s ideas went against the church and he was wanted and was ordered to be killing ( so he was on the run) for making the 95 thesis and nailing it to the front doors of the church which explained why what the church was doing was wrong because the church would sell indulgence (paying the church to get a pass to heaven) this made the church really corrupt and gave people the wrong idea of how to actually get into heaven. He argued that getting into heaven is based on faith.
Describe the role of elite slaves in the Ottoman Empire.
janissaries- the young children being conquered and taken from their home to work in the ottoman empire to make it more successful- because they were conquered when they were younger and taken over
Discuss how Süleyman incorporated both toleration and centralization in religion and legal matters in order to make the Ottoman Empire more successful.
He was known as the law-giver- created a law code (a simplified and fair tax system to raise for his empire),granted freedom to worship to christians and jews living in the empire. Divides criminal and civil,
Describe the religious differences between the Safavids and the Ottomans and what implications this had for Safavid-Ottoman-European relations.
Safavids believed in being Shi-ites- the caliph has to trace back origin to Muhummad.The Safavids converted people they conquered.
The Ottomans- Suleyman allowed freedom of worship for christians and jews living in the empire.The Ottomans were sunni’s which allowed anyone to become caliph.
The differences in muslim beliefs split the islamic community into 2 separate sections.
Understand how internal weakness, at the imperial and local levels, led to the invasion of Safavid Iran and collapse of the Safavid dynasty in the eighteenth century.
poor leadership, the Shah Abbas killed off/hurt his sons and family and left no one to take over for him, and a series of bad rulers followed after him, making little impact for the empire.
Discuss the economic problems faced by the Ottoman Empire in the eighteenth century.
spent too much money, everybody wanted wealth and they would spend it on things that didn't matter to the point where they have money to casually spend on anything
What was the Ottoman capital city? Constantinople becomes what?
,constantinople in 1453 becomes/is converted to Istanbul,Turkey
What made the Mughal powerful?
making good use of India's resources, developing its production capacity, and supporting a very rich Muslim-dominated trade system in the Indian Ocean.
An elite fighting force of soldiers that the Ottomans had was called?
Janissaries.Their foundation is when they conquer christian lands, they conquer the children and convert them.
What did the mughals use in war?
They used war elephants, they were slow and were not good for the military.
what was the demeanor of the people he met in the americas-
they were timid, shy
Christopher did what that affected his voyage
he misjudges the earth's size and thought that it was smaller than it actually was
Why did african rulers/leaders involved or allowed slave trade
they wanted to get resources-guns mainly
How does the new social ladder change or get more complicated over time?
After Europeans are done killing the native population, they turn to African American slaves because they know how to work things like iron.Later on the use of African slaves becomes racially motivated.
Olaudah Equiano:
writes about his experiences as a slave, important because little to no slaves could read or write, and it gave other people perspective of how hard slave life was and how much they had been mistreated
How is the printing press related to indulgence?:
Johannes Gutenberg is credited with inventing the printing press, and the first book printed was the gutenberg bible. After being translated to different languages, people started to understand in their own language that paying is not the way to get into heaven and it started years and years of wars because of this miscommunication.
How do the catholics response to the protestants reformation
they counter it, catholic counter reformation
How many slaves were brought over from africa to the americas in the atlantic slave trade?
12 million slaves
Match the following people to their achievements:
Christopher Columbus - a merchant from Venice who convinced Spain’s king and queen to fund the travel across the Atlantic Ocean to find a faster route to the Indians, but ended up finding the Americas instead.
Süleyman the magnificent - the greatest ottoman king to live, expanded to europe,1520 comes into power,powerful leader in the world, known as the lawgiver-created law code( a simplified and fair tax system to raise for his empire),granted freedom to worship to christians and jews living in the empire. Divides criminal and civil,built the largest mosques in the world, lots of art involved.
Vasco da Gama -A Portuguese explorer who led the first European naval expedition to reach India by sailing around the Cape Of Good Hope, laying the foundation for the Portuguese presence in the Indian ocean in the century.He basically sailed for India. Son of the king who was portugals most enthusiastic exploration explorer
Henry the Navigator- a portuguese explorer,
Martin Luther- a german theologian who in 1517 launched the Protestant Reformation in reaction to the corruption in the catholic church.His followers called lutherans rejected the priestly hierarchy of catholicism,emphasizing that believers should themselves look for the truth in the bible
John Calvin -theologian and ecclesiastical statesman. He was the leading French Protestant reformer and the most important figure in the second generation of the Protestant Reformation.
Zheng He- a muslim traveler who went on many expeditions to show china's wealth
Shah Abbas- the greatest safavid king,came to power in 1587, borrowed outside ideas and used merritt to employ government workers.Introduced religious toleration w/European Christians.Like Suleyman, he killed his sons and hurt his family,which left no one suitable to take over his spot.
Osman- founder of the ottoman empire
Shah Jahan-He is considered to be one of the greatest Mughals and his reign has been called the Golden Age of Mughals. Shah Jahan erected many splendid monuments, ordered the construction of the taj Mahal.
Mehmet -an Ottoman sultan who reunified the dismembered Ottoman territories following the defeat of Ankara
Akbar-mughal emperor who was one of the most powerful, and pursued a policy of toleration toward the Hindu majority and presided over a cosmopolitan court.Grandson of Babur- a king of the Mughal.Expanded the empire.Blended all religious ideas together.Created a better tax system relating to taxing religion.Had many different wives of different cultures.Created his own religion. Syncretism-blending of religions.