I.S.S. Chapter 8

Atlas/map skills: (notes and Atlas Search assignment)

  • Strategies for using an atlas

  • Latitude/Longitude (Coordinate Plane)--be able to use latitude and longitude to find something on earth, be able to find the latitude and longitude of something on earth

  • Different types of maps/what they show/the type of distortion they have:  Mercator, Gall-Peters, Winkel-Tripel, Political Map, Land Cover Map, Physical Map, Climate, Population, etc…

  • Know the continents of the world:  North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia/Oceania, Antarctica

5 Themes of Geography: (notes, Apocalypse map activity, and documentary/practice)

  • Names of each theme, definitions, examples, and key questions associated with each.

    • Location

      • Where am I?  Where is it?

      • Maps: Creation/distortion/bias 

      • Absolute and Relative Location

        • What are examples of these?

        • Latitude/Longitude (Coordinate Plane)

        • GPS--what it stands for, primary users, terminology, how it works.

    • Human-Environment Interaction

      • How do humans and the environment shape each other?

      • Adapt, Modify, Depend

        • What are examples of these?

    • Place

      • What is an area like?  What kind of place is it?  Describe using the 5 senses.

        • Smell, touch, sound, taste, sight

        • What is it “like” overall?  (busy, happy, boring, etc…)

    • Movement

      • Why, where, and how objects, people, and information move from one location to another?

        • Barriers and facilitators of movement (how movement happens)

        • Push and pull factors (why movement happens)

    • Region

      • How can we divide or group areas of the world using measurable characteristics?

      • What are some measurable characteristics that are/could be used to define regions?

      • Understanding regional maps (can you identify the measurable variable?)

  • Thinking/analyzing like a geographer

    • Can you Identify/apply each of the 5 themes and all of their parts to analyze a subject

      • We practiced this analysis all unit with each of the 5 themes with pictures, videos, readings, etc…

    • A good way to practice this type of analysis is to look for and explain aspects/examples of the five themes in many different “subjects” (things to analyze)

      • Things you see outside the window on your ride to or from school, things you see looking out of a window at school or at your house, things you see in pictures, things you find in books/articles you read or videos you watch

      • Be able to explain how examples you find fit with the specific themes and their parts.  

      • When you can do this for any subject for all 5 themes and their parts, you’re ready.
