Course Title: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Target Audience: Senior high school students
Engage students in the appreciation of contemporary literary works.
Explore various literary dimensions, genres, elements, structure, contexts, and traditions.
Study literature from both the Philippines and the global landscape.
Literature refers to a body of written works across various forms and styles.
Serves as both a reflection of human experience and a means of communication.
Comes in both written and oral forms.
Origin of the Term:
Derived from the Latin word littera, meaning "letters."
Forms of Literature:
Oral Literature:
Passed down through storytelling, songs, and oral traditions.
Written Literature:
Recorded and preserved through writing, includes historical texts and contemporary works.
Aristotle’s View:
Defines literature through tragedy, emphasizing imitation of life.
Literature aims to evoke emotions, primarily through catharsis—cleansing emotions like pity and fear.
Considered art that mirrors human experiences.
T.S. Eliot’s View:
Sees literature as a living tradition with interaction between past and present.
Each work is shaped by predecessors, thus forming interconnected texts within a historical and cultural context.
Enhances Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills:
Deep engagement with texts develops evaluation and analytical abilities.
Fosters Empathy and Emotional Intelligence:
Exposure to diverse perspectives enhances understanding and emotional awareness.
Explores Complex Themes and Human Experience:
Addresses issues like identity, love, conflict, morality, and justice.
Broadens Cultural and Historical Understanding:
Provides insights into various cultures and histories, fostering global awareness.
Improves Communication and Language Skills:
Enhances vocabulary and writing skills essential for effective communication.
Stimulates Creativity and Imagination:
Encourages innovative thinking through new ideas and settings.
Encourages Ethical and Moral Reflection:
Literary works often explore ethical dilemmas, prompting personal value assessments.
Provides an Escape and a Source of Comfort:
Serves as a means of temporary escapism, offering solace and entertainment.
Preserves and Transmits Culture:
Acts as a vehicle for passing cultural stories, myths, and values across generations.
Uses language creatively and symbolically to evoke emotions.
Key Elements:
Verse: Lines of poetry, often rhythmic.
Stanza: Group of verses in a poem.
Rhyme: Repetition of similar sounds.
Meter: Pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
Most common form, straightforward writing without structured meter or rhyme.
Fiction: Imaginative writing (novels, short stories).
Nonfiction: Factual writing (biographies, essays).
Key Elements:
Characters: Individuals in the story.
Setting: Time and place of the story.
Plot: Sequence of events.
Mood: Emotional atmosphere.
Point of View: Perspective of the narrator.
Theme: Central idea or message.
Intended for performance, combines prose and verse.
Key Elements:
Setting: Location of action.
Stage Directions: Instructions for actors and crew.
Dialogue: Spoken words between characters.
Characters: Figures inside the play's narrative.
Activity 1: Personal Reflection
Write the last two lines of a book about your life, explaining your choice.
Activity 2: Creativity Exercise
Continue the saying: "AANHIN PA ANG DAMO..." with a short introduction.