1. Provide the three land empires that ended in the 1900s?
Austro-hungarian empire,Ottoman empire,Russian empire
2.Provide two common themes in the fall of these land empires.
The lack of industry in the empires ethnic conflicts,agricultural based
3.Who was the leader who helped form the People’s Republic of China?
Mae Zedong
4. What was going on in China from 1912-1949, that was put on hold from 1937-45 for WWII?
Chinese Civil War
5. What was one of the things the Ottoman Empire depended on for their economy?
6. What was one conflict lost by tsarist Russia that contributed to its overthrow?
7. Name the two gentlemen that rocked the foundation of science in the early 1900s.
Planck and Einstein
8. Name their two theories/fields of study.
relativity and quantum mechanics
9. What are the two factors that can impact time?
Speed and Location/gravity
10. Provide three members of the Triple Entente.
France,Britain and Russia
11. Provide three members of the Central Powers / Triple Alliance.
Germany,Italy and Austria Hungary
12. Provide four causes for WWI.
Alliances,Competition,Nationalism, and Balkan war
13. What is the term used to describe shifting an entire country’s economy toward the war effort.
total war
14. This is the term used to describe repeating a governmental message over and over to the population.
15. Provide three different technologies/weapons used in WWI.
Barbed wire,Machine guns,gas,submarines, planes, tanks, artillery
16. What was the nickname for the generation of young adults during the WWI era?
Lost Generation
17. This is the name for the 19th-century belief that humans were on the verge of discovering the perfect society and mastering the universe.
18. Who came up with this philosophy?
Auguste Comte
19. Provide the three stages of this philosophy.
Primitive,organized, Positive stage
20. Which field of study ruined the idea in #32 by stating subatomic elements were random, everywhere, and popping in and out of existence?
Quantum mechanics
21. Which concept ruined the idea in #32 by determining we could not travel throughout the universe without massive differences in time?
22. According to Einstein, what is interchangeable with energy?
23. What is his formula for this discovery?
E=mc squared
24. This was the event where the Turks forcibly removed a certain ethnicity for fear it may actively rebel and join the Russians who were getting closer.
Armenian genocide
25. This is how WWI was considered a “World War’ in Africa.
Germany lost control of the colonies in Africa from britain
26. This is how WWI was considered a “World War’ in Asia.
Germany lost colonies to Japan
27. This is the event in which the British supplied non-Turks in the Middle East to rebel against the Ottoman Empire.
Arab revolt
28. What was promised to the non-Turks by the British in exchange for their cooperation in rebelling against the Ottoman Empire?
Self determination
29. This is the state practice of extreme authoritarian control, hyper nationalism, and anti-communism.
30. This was the classicide committed against successful peasants and the Soviet Union during the 1920s and 1930s the resulted in the death of more than 6 million Soviets due to execution, prison camps, and the ensuing famine.
31. This was the show trial and murder of thousands of government and military officials by Joseph Stalin from 1936 to 1938.
the great purge