
History Pracice

Which two statements indicate the reliability of a secondary source?

Answer = cites sources and presents information in an unbiased manner; presents factual information in a clear and accurate manner

A historian is looking to study causes for a particular cities rapid development. which two types of historical records can the historian research for this task?

Answer = election records with information reflecting disagreements among government leaders; documents discussing legislation passed by those in power

Political Power --> Dennis will write about the relationship between the leaders of Egypt and rome.

Social History --> Mitchell will write about how Egyptian leaders punish people for crimes.; Lauren will write about family life among different classes of Egyptians.

Economic History --> Carson will write about the early barter system in Egypt before the invention of money.; Carissa well right about the effects of agricultural technologies on the wealth of ancient Egyptians.

Cultural History --> Donna will write about popular music and dance in Egypt.

this pie chart shows the percentage of military deaths during world war 1 among the Allied Powers. based on the chart, what percentage of soldiers who died were Russian?

Answer = 30%

the scrap shows the number of shipwrecks in the Mediterranean Sea from 150 BC to AD 35. which conclusion can be drawn from the data?

Answer = after 50 bc, people developed better navigation and shipbuilding methods to protect their ships.

which three of the following technological advances allowed European soldiers to find routes to Asia?

Answer = rutters; compasses; mapmaking

determine whether the following features belong to Maya the aztec, or both.

Maya --> created an advanced system of writing

Both --> practice agriculture on a large scale semicolon followed polytheistic religious beliefs

Aztec --> built one of the most beautiful cities in the world

which act of the conquistador Pizarro was crucial in overthrowing the Inca?

Answer = the execution of the Inca ruler, Athahualpa

The first stock exchange was established in ____________. brokers, merchants it, and investors met at these stock exchanges. The stock exchange helped _________ and companies raise money for their businesses.

Answer = Antwerp, Belgium; merchants

Why did the French consider New Orleans to be strategically important for trade during the Columbian Exchange?

Answer = New Orleans was on the Mississippi River.

There was a growing demand for _________ in Europe, which was used to make alcohol such as run. Political turmoil was another factor that led to grower of the slave trade, since the ________ in West Africa were constantly at war with each other.

Answer = sugar; tribes and kingdoms

Why did the crew of the Song ship throw some captive Africans overboard?

Answer = The captives' deaths were covered by insurance.

Which three ideas are specifically associated with the Renaissance?

Answer = emphasis on individual growth And achievement; interest in classic Greek and Roman texts; significance of human thought and experience

Type the correct answer in the box

Identify the type of source based on the information provided

A historian found a journal belonging to an ancient Indian princess. The princess liked to keep a record of all the royal women of her dynasty who lived before her time. She tried to collect as much accurate information about their history as possible. Her joumal is a great source of historical information

Based on the passage, the princess's diary is a _________ sourse.

Answer = secondary

In what way we're artists of the Northern Renaissance different from the artists of the Italian Renaissance?

Answer = They primarily painted their works using oil paint.

What was the long-term effect of the European Reformation?

Answer = Each country developed a system of government that agreed with it's dominant religion.

The Anglican church was reestablished in England --> Elizabeth I, a Protestant who was tolerant of Catholics, became the queen of England.

A new religion formed in Germany taught that salvation can be met through faith alone. --> Martin Luther writes his Ninety-Five Theses, criticizing some of the church's practices.

England establishes its own church separate from the Roman Catholic Church. --> Pope Clement VII refuses to annual Henry VII's marriage to his first wife.

The rulers of Germany's territories were free to decide the religion of their state. --> Holy Roman emperor Charles V declares war on Protestants in Germany.

The Council of Trent condemned the _________ doctrines, which is considered as _________, and issued decrees to clarify the church's position on various _________ beliefs.

Answer = Protestant; heresy; Catholic

listed the works which were banned by the church --> Index Librorum Prohibitorum

questioned many tenets of the Catholic Church --> Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses

an authoritative treatise on witchcraft --> Malleus Maleficarum

a set of meditation, prayer, and contemplation exercises to strengthen one's relationship with God --> Spiritual Exercises

Read the following provisions of the Bill of Rights and identify the political idea that is central to all the provisions.

Answer = limits on the lower of the monarchy

English Civil War --> New Model Army interferes with Parliament's proceedings; monarchy replaced by replaced by Commonwealth

Glorious Revolution --> constitutional monarchy introduced

What was the impact on religion of the scientific discoveries made during the Scientific Revolution?

Answer = The power of the church in Europe weakened, and science began to become a secular field.

In which two ways was Galileo's improved telescope useful during the Scientific Revolution?

Answer = It helped him study the four moons that revolve around jupiter.; it helped him make observations that supported the heliocentric theory.

how would the Enlightenment movement have suffered if the Scientific Revolution had not occurred?

Answer = Lack a scientific explanations would have halted the idea of rational thinking, thus curbing human growth.

maintain that religion was useful to humankind but didn't have to be true --> Voltaire

maintain that each person entered into society with an unspoken agreement to refrain from harming one another --> Jean Jacques Rousseau

believe that people should exchange some of their individual freedoms for common security --> Thomas Hobbes

believe the natural law was given to humans by God --> William Blackstone

which two ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers are contained in the US Constitution?

Answer = limiting the powers of star governments; separating powers in the government

which three events contributed to the American Revolution?

Answer = the passing of the Stamp Act; the Boston Massacre; the Intolerable Acts

which French colony use the French Revolution as inspiration to gain its own independence?

Answer = Haiti

Economic Causes --> the government faced high levels of debt and went bankrupt semicolon peasants and Farmers couldn't afford to buy food and began starving

Political Causes --> the people were at the mercy of King Louis XVI who had unlimited authority; members of the third estate broke away from the Estates-General

after losing the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon planned an economic war against britain. he tried to stop the entry of British goods into europe. this policy was known as the ___________. after Russia left the Continental system, Napoleon ___________.

Answer = Continental System; invaded Russia

which two sentences best describe the effects of the agreements of the Congress of Vienna?

Answer = the delegates of the Congress suppress the growing nationalism in France by weakening Francis political power.; the delegates to the Congress stabilize the relations among the major European countries by restoring a balance of power.

which three of the following were motivating ideas for Latin American revolutionary leaders?

Answer = successful revolutions in their country; the publication of common Sense by John Locke; the concept of equality among men

Brazil --> Dom Pedro

Mexico --> José Maria Morelos

Venezuela --> Simón Bolívar

Chile --> Bernardo O'Higgins

look at the data in the following table, which is based on British census records.

wish you sentences describe a major cause and major effect of the population changes shown in the table?

Answer = Laborers migrated in large numbers from rur to urban areas.; The amount of land available for agriculture increased rapidly.

How did crip rotation increase production in the Agricultural Revolution?

Answer = by allowing farmers to leave fields fallow less often

According to Marxist theory, which three conditions would lead to a communist society?

Answer= equality and economic justice through socialism; shared resources and cooperation among people; a gradual decline in the need for government

Why was the new Poor Law unsuccessful in improving the condition of the poor?

Answer = The terrible conditions in poorhouses kept many poor people away.

Which belief is a nationalist most likely to hold?

Answer = All people in a sovereign state should be treated equally by the law.

Arrange the events in chronological order.

1. The Enlightenment

2. The Napoleonic Wars

3. The Congress of Vienna

4. German unification

What teo reforms did Nicholas II introduce after the Revolution of 1905?

Answer = the creation of the Duma; the establishment of a constitutional monarchy

what two concerns led Russia's noble class to oppose in industrialization?

Answer = It required new investment in factories and railways.; It would threaten the power of nobles.
