The Ten Commandments

  • revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai

the ten commandments

  1. you shall have no other gods before me

    1. God is the single, all-powerful higher power; Christianity is a monotheistic religion. no one is equal to God, but we worship Jesus and the Holy Spirit in addition to Him

  2. you shall not make idols [of yourself]

    1. don’t put yourself above or equal to God

  3. you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain

    1. don’t use God as an excuse or scapegoat for your actions, words, or beliefs; don’t disrespect God by using his name nonchalantly

  4. remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy

    1. observe the Sabbath each week (Sundays) and worship the Lord on this day

  5. honor your father and your mother

    1. respect your parents as you all were made in the image of God

  6. you shall not murder

    1. don’t take life; God is the only One who has the power to create life and take it away

  7. you shall not commit adultery

    1. the sacrament of marriage is sacred and should be done within the confines of a monogamous relationship with your singular significant other

  8. you shall not steal

    1. don’t take other people’s belongings

  9. you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

    1. be truthful and exercise integrity even when it’s difficult to do so

  10. you shall not covet

    1. don’t be greedy or jealous of others; be happy with what you have and help those who have less than you do
