Unit 4 

  • Renewable: Naturally replenished (e.g., solar, wind, water, geothermal). 


  • Weather: Short-term atmospheric conditions (e.g., daily temperature, rain). 


3. Convection Currents 

  • Drives tectonic plate movement and atmospheric circulation. 


4. Layers of the Atmosphere 

  • Troposphere: Weather occurs; temperature decreases with altitude. 

  • Stratosphere: Contains ozone layer; temperature increases with altitude. 

  • Thermosphere: Auroras occur; temperature increases with altitude. 




5. Soil Texture and Soil Horizons 

  • Soil Texture Triangle: Tool to classify soil based on sand, silt, clay percentages. 

  • Soil Horizons 

  • O: Organic material. 

  • A: Topsoil, rich in nutrients. 

  • E: Leaching zone. 

  • B: Subsoil, accumulates materials from above. 
