2.4 Physc

Explicit memories: facts and experiences we know about Effortful processing: encoding  requires attention conscious effort.  Implicit memories( non-declarative) : info we  store on Accident and Unintentionally  memorized ex. Speeching your native langue . automatic proccessing:  unconscious storing in brain of  info space time frequency well learned info sounds smells word meanings without try we process space ex. Place where are in textbook time ex. Note sequence of events frequency ex. Keep track how time things happen Sensory goes to WM gives it images sounds strong scents Iconic memory:SM  photographic last only  few secs echoic Memory:  short SM of auditory simiti can be recalled 3 to 4 secs . we can only usually rember 7 bit info in STM. only rember six letters 5 words . graph 2.4-2 the shorter time btween ask them Participants recall the info the better change the have remembering it . chucking : puting info into familiar segments  manageable recall more easily.  Chucking occurs naturally. Ex. recall 4 sec basketball play ealsiy in the moment Menmonics: M aid use vivid imagery organizational  devices.  Ex. carrots wit bun millk filles shoes papper towels of tree branch way to rember grccey lsit . Method of Loci : add  vivid details t M familiar palace you know . ex rember card guy put them in his childhood home .  Hierarchies:  few board categories dived subdvied narrow concept and facts . help  uus recall info easy  words were groups to gether 2 to 3 times easy recall . Spacing effect:  easy to learn things  if spread a  out learning over time instead to all one day .  lot of studies show this works Massed practice :when you cram thign int one day . Testing Effect: it is better to test your self on the info instead reread the textbook cause testing requires retrieving info . Shallow processing :  encoding on basic level  base structure or appearance of words . Deep Processing : encodes based on  meaning of words  deeper  the processing  the easier it will be able to rember it . put personal meaing into your studying easiest to rember stuff. 
