Review Math HW
Check units (4.6-5.4)
Summary of Topics by Unit in Study Guide:
Problems involving changes in geometric shapes (e.g., circular infections, water tanks).
Use of related rates to find how one quantity changes concerning another.
Key formulas for geometric shapes (e.g., circles, cylinders, hemispheres).
Practice includes applications of the chain rule and implicit differentiation.
Application of L’Hôpital’s Rule to evaluate limits.
Conditions and forms where L’Hôpital’s Rule applies (indeterminate forms like 0/0 and ∞/∞).
Multiple practice problems focused on evaluating limits and verifying applicability.
Visualization and graphing of parametric curves.
Finding slopes of parametric curves using derivatives.
Parameterization of lines and circles.
Tangent line equations at given parameter values.
Introduction to definite integrals using Riemann sums (left-hand, right-hand sums).
Approximation of areas under curves.
Interpretation of integrals as total distance and area.
Practice estimating integrals using tabular data and graphs.
Precise statement and application of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Evaluation of definite integrals and their interpretation as area.
Applications in physical contexts (e.g., water flow and pollution removal).
Properties of definite integrals (e.g., linearity, additivity).
Average value of functions over an interval.
Calculating and interpreting areas between two curves using definite integrals.