
Untitled Flashcards Set


Anti imperialists 

Spanish American war 

U.S.  acquisition of island territory in the Caribbean and Pacific 

U.S. suppression of a nationalist movement in the Philippines 

Increase in involvement 

Imperialism: the expansion of one's country's political, economic, and military influence over another country. 

America Turns Outward 

The US had many reasons for overseas expansion. 

  • Frontier closed: 1890 census Fredrick Jackson Turner 

    • U.S annexation of Hawaii (Queen Liliuokalani) 

  • Economic: open up markets abroad, and access to cheap raw materials. 

    • Open Door Policy in China (Mckinley) 

    • Spanish-American War caused by the Maine explosion, yellow journalism, economic motives, and De Lome Letter

    • The U.S. intervention in building the Panama Canal

    • Taft Dollar Diplomacy 

    • Wilson's “Moral Diplomacy” 

  • Strategic and Military: Acquire naval bases 

    • The end of the war is a turning point: the U.S. acquires Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam. 

    • U.S. fights in a guerilla war in the Philippines (Emilio Aguinaldo) - very controversial

  • Ideology motives: we had to “civilize” non-American/European people. 

    • US

  • Both farmers and factory owners began to look for markets beyond American shores. 

  • Many Americans believed that the US had to expand or explode. 

The country was growing in population, wealth, and productive capability. 

William Randolph 

Joseph Pulitzer 

Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge started interpreting Darwinism to mean that the earth belonged to the strong and the fit aka the USA. The view was strengthened as time went on. 

Africa was first explored by the Europeans in the 1880s. 

In 1890, Japan, Germany, and Russia all extorted concessions from the anemic Chinese Empire. 

If America had to survive in the competition of modern nation-states, then it too might have to become an imperial power. 

The development of a new steel navy also focused attention overseas. 

  • Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that control of the seas was the key to world dominance. 

  • Mahan helped stimulate the naval race among the great powers that were gaining power around the turn of the century. 

  • Americans joined in the demands for a stronger navy and for an American-built isthmian canal between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. 

The US’s international interest manifested in a lot of ways 

  • Two-time secretary of State James G. Blaine pushed his Big Sister Policy, aimed at rallying the Latin American nations behind the country's leadership and opening US traders to Latin American markets. 

In 1889, the US and German militaries almost started a war over the Samoan Islands in the South Pacific, which were formally divided between the two nations. 

The lynching of 11 Italians in new Orleans in 1891 brought America and Italy to the brink of war until the US agreed to pay compensation. 

America’s demands on Chile after the deaths of two American sailors in the port of Valparaiso in 189 made hostilities between the two countries seem inevitable. 

  • The spread of concern over Chile's modern navy spread alarm in the Pacific Ocean. 

An argument between the US and Canada over hunting near the Pribilof Islands off the coast of Alaska was settled by arbitration in 1893. The willingness of Americans to risk war over minor disputes gave the nation a new aggressive mood. 

President Cleveland and his secretary of state, Richard Olney, waded into the affair with a combative note to Britain invoking the Monroe Doctrine. Not content to stop there, Olney told the strongest naval power that the US now had power in the western hemisphere. 

Cleveland told congress that Britain could either accept there boundaries, or they would fight for it. Long eventually backed off after there problems with the Dutch in south africa. 

Great Rapprochement between the US and Britain. 

Purchase of Alaska in 1867 for $7.5 million. 

When the frontier closed caused ideas for an American empire 

Imperialists- Gold in Alaska maybe there are those in other places. Social Darwinism to justify their stuff. America needed to join what the Europeans were doing. 

Reverend Josiah Strong- white was the pinnacle of human evolution. The Christian duty to expand civilization. 

Alfred Thayer Mahan- influence of sea power in history- all the powerful countries had strong navies to have an overseas economy. 

  • Needed to secure islands to have boats and fleets. 


  • Self-determination- a nation should be able to decide for themselves who rules. 

  • Warned agonist foreign entanglement 

Main Concern- what happens if we take over a country with full brown people? 

Main debate- did the Constitution follow the flag? 

  • Citizenship 

Spanish American war- 

America wanted Cuba which was a Spanish imperial colony. 

1895- Cuban nationalists renewed their struggle with Spain. 

Yellow Journalism- 

Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst 

To get the people's attention about Cuba, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used yellow journalism by writing increasingly sensational stories that were on the edge of the truth. It was used to specifically exaggerate the horrors committed by the Spanish against the Cubans. This led to people thinking intervening in Cuba was the only humanitarian thing to do. 


Yellow journalism was used when the USS Maine exploded docked in Cuba. They claimed that the Spanish ignited the boat but the investigation was inconclusive. But people used the headlines to sell more newspapers. 

President McKinley told Spain to back off or go to war. And they did, but they still declared war. Launched the US right into the imperial game. 

Cuba gained independence, but the Platt agreement allowed the US to intervene with Cuba if its economy was being negatively affected. 

Theodore Roosevelt sent boats allied with Filipino nationals and defeated Spain. The US had no intentions of helping the Philippines it was just a transfer of power. 

Open Door Policy with China

the 19th century was not the best for the Chinese, economically they were taking over. The US economy in China was quickly disappearing, so John Hay asked Europe for an open door to trading in China. So the US held on to some of their trading rights.  

Progressive Era: 

Progressive- the growing power of big business

Progressive causes: 

  • Uncertainties in the economy 

  • Increasingly violent conflicts between labor groups and their employer 

  • Political machine power 

  • Jim Crow segregation in the South 

  • Lack of women's suffrage 

The people involved were very diverse, but they all agreed that, on some level, society was deteriorating, and the only cure was significant government intervention. 

 They believed true societal change would not occur from grassroots efforts. 

Muckrakers- Journalists who showed the country's true corruption. 

Famous examples: 

  • Ida Tarbell exposed John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.  

  • Jacob Riis exposed the poor living conditions of the New York working class. 

They thought this would put pressure on government officials to make changes.

Secret Ballot- voting is done in secret 

Because political bosses were able to favor those who voted for them when they voted in public for the bosses to see. 

Direct election of senators

Many senators were corrupted by big businesses during the Gilded Age. 

17th Amendment- People voted directly for the senators. 

18th Amendment- Prohibition 

19th Amendment- Women's Suffrage 


Initiative- Voters could require legislators to consider a bill that they chose to ignore. 

Referendum voters themselves could vote on the adoption of proposed laws. 

Recall- removed corrupt politicians before their term was complete. 

Frederick Taylor- Scientific management 

Make things more efficient to save government energy. 

W.E.B Dubois- Niagara Movement 

NAACP- abolish all forms of segregation. 

Theodore Roosevelt- 

Square Deal- Found the best agreement for both big business and small during the coal strike. 

Trust Buster → started enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act by breaking up monopolist business. 

  • Good vs. bad trust 

Pure food and drug act- food was sanitary 


Forest reserve act aka national parks, state parks, etc 

Spurning the Hawaiian Pear

A key provisioning spot for American whaling ships, fertile ground for American protestant missionaries, and a new source of sugar cane production, Hawaii's economy became increasingly integrated with the United States.

McKinley Tariff and potential annexation- placed a higher tax on imported sugar, Hawaii’s primary market. The higher taxes strained relationships with the Hawaiian farmers and American investors. This eventually led to the annexation of Hawaii to avoid the sugar tax. 

Queen Liliuokalani and Annexation- between 1893 and 1898 Queen Liliuokalani and her people mobilized against annexation by the US through political parties, press, and petitions. They also sent delegations to DC. 

Cleveland’s Balk and Eventual Annexation

Cubans Rise in Revolt

Cuba was a country where Spanish General Weyler used the reconcentration system; America had made many investments. 

Scorched earth policy- the practice of burning crops and killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy cannot live off the land, native Cubans use this in their revolt against Spanish rule. 

Impact of the Tariff-

Insurrectos and their Role in Gaining American Attention- Cuban insurgents who sought freedom from colonial Spanish rule. Their destructive tactics threatened American economic interests in Cuban plantations and railroads.

General Weyler- a Spanish General in Cuba whose brutal tactics against Cuban rebels outraged American public opinion, herded many civilians into barbed-wire reconcentration camps so they could not help the insurrectos

Yellow Journalism Does its Work- (also called sensationalism), writings made people more interested in the war by publishing sometimes untrue articles that inflamed opinion and anger, emotional appeal

De Lome Letter- Publication of the letter helped generate public support for a war with Spain over the issue of independence for the Spanish colony of Cuba. Señor Don Enrigue Dupuy de Lôme, the Spanish Ambassador to the United States, wrote this letter to Don José Canelejas, the Foreign Minister of Spain.

Sinking of the USS Maine- it was sent to Cuba to protect and evacuate Americans ('friendly voyage"), blew up in Havana Harbor, drastically exaggerated by yellow press

McKinley’s Decision-  

Teller Amendment- The amendment allows the United States the right to use military or naval force to help Cuba gain its independence but clearly states that the United States, once independence had been gained, would not attempt to “exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control” over the island of Cuba and would “leave the government.

Purchase of Alaska in 1867 for $7.5 million. 

When the frontier closed caused ideas for an American empire 

Imperialists- Gold in Alaska maybe there are those in other places. Social Darwinism to justify their stuff. America needed to join what the Europeans were doing. 

Reverend Josiah Strong- white was the pinnacle of human evolution. The Christian duty to expand civilization. 

Alfred Thayer Mahan- influence of sea power in history- all the powerful countries had strong navies to have an overseas economy. 

  • Needed to secure islands to have boats and fleets. 


  • Self-determination- a nation should be able to decide for themselves who rules. 

  • Warned agonist foreign entanglement 

Main Concern- what happens if we take over a country with full brown people? 

Main debate- did the Constitution follow the flag? 

  • Citizenship 

Spanish American war- 

America wanted Cuba, which was a Spanish imperial colony. 

1895- Cuban nationalists renewed their struggle with Spain. 

Yellow Journalism- 


Joseph Pulitzer

William Randolph Hearst 

To get the people's attention about Cuba, Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst used yellow journalism by writing increasingly sensational stories that were on the edge of the truth. It was used to specifically exaggerate the horrors committed by the Spanish against the Cubans. This led to people thinking intervening in Cuba was the only humanitarian thing to do. 


Yellow journalism was used when the USS Maine exploded docked in Cuba. They claimed that the Spanish ignited the boat but the investigation was inconclusive. But people used the headlines to sell more newspapers. 

President McKinley told Spain to back off or go to war. And they did, but they still declared war. Launched the US right into the imperial game. 

Cuba gained independence, but the Platt agreement allowed the US to intervene with Cuba if its economy was being negatively affected. 

Theodore Roosevelt sent boats allied with Philipino nationals and defeated Spain. The US had no intentions of helping the Philipines it was just a transfer of power. 

Open Door Policy with China

the 19th century was not the best for the Chinese, economically they were taking over. The US economy in China was quickly disappearing, so John Hay asked Europe for an open door to trading in China. So US held on to some of their trading rights.  

Progressive Era: 

Progressive- the growing power of big business

Progressive causes: 

  • Uncertainties in the economy 

  • Increasingly violent conflicts between labor groups and their employer 

  • Political machine power 

  • Jim Crow segregation in the South 

  • Lack of women's suffrage 

The people involved were very diverse, but they all agreed that, on some level, society was deteriorating, and the only cure was significant government intervention. 

 They believed true societal change would not occur from grassroots efforts. 

Muckrakers- Journalists who showed the country's true corruption. 

Famous examples: 

  • Ida Tarbell exposed John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.  

  • Jacob Riis exposed the poor living conditions of the New York working class. 

They thought this would put pressure on government officials to make changes.

Secret Ballot- voting is done in secret 

Because political bosses were able to favor those who voted for them when they voted in public for the bosses to see. 

Direct election of senators

Many senators were corrupted by big businesses during the Gilded Age. 

17th Amendment- People voted directly for the senators. 

18th Amendment- Prohibition 

19th Amendment- Women's Suffrage 


Initiative- Voters could require legislators to consider a bill that they chose to ignore. 

Referendum voters themselves could vote on the adoption of proposed laws. 

Recall- removed corrupt politicians before their term was complete. 

Frederick Taylor- Scientific management 

Make things more efficient to save government energy. 

W.E.B Dubois- Niagara Movement 

NAACP- abolish all forms of segregation. 

Theodore Roosevelt- 

Square Deal- Found the best agreement for both big business and small during the coal strike. 

Trust Buster → started enforcing the Sherman Antitrust Act by breaking up monopolist businesses. 

  • Good vs. bad trust 

Pure Food and Drug Act- food was sanitary 


Forest reserve act aka national parks, state parks, etc 
