sensation - process of detecting physical energy (stimuli) from the environment and converting it into neural signals
Thresholds: Limits of Sensation
transduction - process by which the brain converts outside stimuli into a sensation
absolute threshold - minimum amount of stimulation needed to detect stimulus at least 50% of the time
difference threshold (just noticeable difference - jnd) - smallest change in stimulation needed to detect change at least 50% of the time
weber’s law - difference threshold is proportional (not by constant amount) to the intensity of the original stimulus
ex) easier to notice small change in weight if you’re lifting a light object than a heavy one
it’s not absolute units that matter, but its the percentage up or down
subliminal threshold - stimulus at a level at which participant is not aware of stimulus presented
Other Key Concepts
signal detection theory - how we detect a faint stimulus in presence of background noise
depends on factors like expectations, motivation, alertness
sensory adaptation - our senses become less sensitive to a constant stimulus over time
ex) getting used to smell of your own perfume
habituation - decrease in response to repeated stimulus due to conscious or unconscious learning
ex) not noticing ticking of a clock after a while
synesthesia - one sense is experienced through another
seeing colors when they listen to music
taste flavors when reading
Structure of the Eye
cornea - clear, uncurved front of eye; bends light to begin focusing it
iris - colored part of eye, a muscle that controls size of pupil
pupil - opening in iris that lets light into eye
dilates in dim light
constricts in bright light
lens - transparent, flexible structure that further focuses light onto retina
accommodation - changes shape to focus on objects at different distances
retina - light-sensitive inner surface of eye, containing photo-receptor cells
fovea - central point of retina, where vision is sharpest and most cones are located
optic disc (blind spot) - where optic nerve leaves the eye, creating area with no photo-receptors
visual/optic nerve - nerve that carries visual information from the retina to the brain
Photo-receptors: Rods and Cones
rods - detect black, white, and gray; responsible for peripheral and night vision
cones - detect color (red, green, blue); responsible for sharp, detailed vision and require bright light
How We See
light enters eye through cornea and pupil
lens focuses light onto retina
rods and cones in retina convert light into electrical signals
these signals are sent through bipolar cells to ganglion cells
ganglion cells form optic nerve, which carries signals to brain for processing
Vision: Color and Perception
Color Vision: How We Perceive Colors
hue - dimension of color we experience; determined by wavelength of light
short wavelength → bluish colors
long wavelengths → reddish colors
intensity - brightness of color; determined by amplitude (height) of light wave
high amplitude → bright colors
low amplitude → dull colors
Vision Types
nearsightedness (myopia) - difficulty seeing distant objects clearly
eyeball is too long, causing light to focus in front of retina
farsightedness (hyperopia) - difficulty seeing close objects clearly
eyeball is too short, causing light to focus behind retina
achromatism - only able to see black, white, and gray
lack of retinal cones
dichromatism - lead individual to be confused between certain colors
most common → red-green color blindness
monochromatism - individual cannot see different colors
lack of/malfunction of cone cells
see everything in different shades of one color
trichromatism - individual can see all three colors (normal)
The Brain’s Role in Vision
feature detectors - specialized neurons in visual cortex that respond to specific aspects of a visual scene (edges, angles, movement, faces)
parallel processing - brain processes different aspects of a visual scene simultaneously (color, depth, movement, etc.)
Damage to Occipital Lobe
prosopagnosia (face blindness) - lose ability to recognize faces
damage to occipital and temporal lobe
can describe facial features, but cannot identify
blindsight - appear to be blind in part of visual field, as they cannot consciously see or respond to visual stimuli in an area
damage to primary visual cortex in occipital lobe
can still respond to certain visual stimuli without conscious awareness (navigate around obstacles or identify location of light source)
Theories of Color Vision
trichromatic theory (helmholtz) - retina has three types of cones sensitive to red, green, and blue light; these cones work together to produce our perception of all colors
color deficiency - genetic condition where one or more types of cones are missing or impaired, causing difficulty distinguishing certain colors
opponent-process theory (hering) - we have three pairs of opponent color receptors (red-green, blue-yellow, black-white); when one color in a pair is stimulated, the other is inhibited
explains afterimages
color constancy - ability to perceive object’s color as relatively constant even under varying lighting conditions
Sound Properties
distance between two identical parts of a wave
frequency (pitch)
number of waves that pass in given point per second
determined by wavelength of sound wave
measured in hertz (Hz)
long wavelength → low frequency (low-pitched sound)
short wavelength → high frequency (high-pitches sound)
amplitude (loudness)
strength of sound wave
determined by amplitude (height) of sound wave
measured in decibels (dB)
high amplitude → loud sound
low amplitude → soft sound
The Ear: Structure and Function
outer ear
pinna - visible part of ear, funnels sound waves into ear canal
ear canal - carries sound waves to eardrum
middle ear
eardrum (tympanic membrane) - vibrates in response to sound waves
ossicles (hammer, anvil, stirrup) - tiny bones that amplify vibration and transmit them to inner ear
inner ear
cochlea - snail-shaped, fluid-filled tube containing hair cells that convert vibrations into neural signals
hair cells - sensory receptor cells responsible for detecting sound vibrations and converting them into electrical signals for brain
basilar membrane - thin, vibrating tissue that supports hair cells
semicircular canals - not involved in hearing; responsible for balance and equilibrium
auditory nerve - carries neural signals from cochlea to brain
Theories of Hearing
frequency theory - rate of nerve impulses traveling up auditory nerve matches the frequency of the sound, allowing us to perceive pitch
explains why we hear low-pitch sounds
100HZ would cause auditory nerve to fire 100 times per second
volley theory - groups of neurons work together to fire in a staggered manner, allowing them to collectively match frequency of higher-pitched sounds
addresses limitations of frequency theory
place theory - different pitches (frequencies) activate specific areas on cochlea
explains why we hear high-pitch sounds
sound localization - we determine location of a sound based on slight timing and intensity differences between our two ears
Hearing Loss
noise-induced hearing loss - damage to hair cells due to loud noises, often affecting high-frequency sounds first
conduction deafness - hearing loss due to damage to middle ear (eardrum, ossicles), often treatable with hearing aids or surgery
prevents sound from traveling efficiently from outer ear to middle ear and inner ear
sensorineural deafness (nerve deafness) - damage to hair cells or auditory nerve, usually permanent
decline in clarity of loudness and range of sounds
cochlear implants - electronic devices that bypass damaged hair cells and directly stimulate auditory nerve, providing sense of sound
four basic sensations - pressure, warmth, cold, pain
pain - vital warning sign something is wrong
congenital insensitivity to pain - rare condition where individuals cannot feel pain
thermoreceptors - sensory receptors located in the skin and respond to temperature changes
When we encounter a hot stimuli, warm receptors are activated by an increase in temperature. These receptors send signals to the brain indicating warmth. When we encounter a cold stimuli, cold receptors in the skin are activated. However, when we encounter extreme heat, our warm and cold receptors become active. When both are simultaneously activated, the brain interprets this mixed signal as a sensation of hot.
Factors Influencing Pain Perception
biological - activity in spinal cord, genetics (endorphin production), brain interpretation
social-cultural - presence of others, empathy, cultural expectations
psychological - attention to pain, past experiences, expectations of relief
Key Concepts & Theories
gate control theory - pain signals can be blocked (“gated”) in spinal cord by competing signals from other senses or by brain signals
phantom limb pain - sensation of pain in limb that has been amputated
likely caused by “cross-wiring” in brain’s somatosensory cortex where areas responsible for missing limb are taken over by nearby areas
process - odor molecules enter nasal cavity, bind to olfactory receptors, and send signals to olfactory bulb in brain
unique, bc sense of smell is the only sense that does not pass through thalamus (relay station)
olfactory bulb - located near limbic system (emotion) and hippocampus (memory), explaining why smells can trigger strong emotions and memories
sensory interaction - taste and smell work together to create flavor
pheromones - chemical signals released by individual that affect behavior or physiology of others
taste buds (papillae) - tiny bumps on tongue that contain taste receptors
When we eat, food molecules dissolve in saliva and then bind to receptor cells, which triggers a chemical reaction that causes taste receptor cells to release neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters stimulate sensory neurons, which transmit electrical signals to brain. The signals go to the thalamus which are sent to various parts of the brain such as limbic system and gustatory cortex.
six basic tastes
sweet (sugars and energy)
salty (amount of sodium in food)
sour (acidic substances and can tell us that food may have spoiled)
bitter (potentially toxic substances)
umami (savory - protein)
oleogustus (fats)
chemical sense - taste receptors detect chemicals in food
supertasters - individuals have a higher than average number of taste receptors
more intense taste
medium tasters - individuals with average number of taste receptors, who have a more balanced sensitivity to different tastes
non-tasters - individuals have fewer taste receptors, making them less sensitive to certain tastes
taste and smell interact closely to create full sensation of flavor
taste buds detect basic taste
olfactory receptors identify aromas released from food
these inputs are processed by brain to produce different flavors that we experience
ex) skittles experiment
kinesthesis - sense of body position and movement of individual parts
allows you to know where your limbs are in space and how they are moving
vestibular sense - sense of balance and head position, located in inner ear
When you move your head, fluid inside semicircular canals moves, causing hair cells in canals to bend, ultimately allowing you to maintain balance.
perception - how we organize, interpret, and make sense of these sensory signals through our five senses
sensation ≠ perception!!!
sensation = detecting a stimulus
perception = interpreting a stimulus
How We Process Sensory Information
bottom-up processing - building perception from smallest sensory details and working up to a complete picture
ex) seeing individual dots and recognizing them as a picture
top-down processing - using our existing knowledge, expectations, and context to interpret sensory information
ex) reading misspelled word but still understanding
Making Sense of Sensations
visual capture - tendency for vision to dominate other senses
ex) movie sound seems to come from screen, not speakers
gestalt psychology - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts; we organize sensory information into meaningful patterns and wholes
figure-ground - organizing the visual field into objects that stand out (figure) from their surroundings (ground)
proximity - we group nearby figures together
similarity - we group figures that are similar to each other
anomaly - when an object is different from the others, it becomes the focal point and stands out
continuity - we perceive smooth, continuous patterns rather than discontinuous ones
connectedness - we see uniform and linked objects as a single unit
closure - we fill in gaps to create complete, whole objects
symmetry - objects that are symmetrical to each other are perceived as one object
Depth Perception: Seeing in 3D
depth perception - ability to judge distance and see objects in three dimensions, even though the images on our retinas are two-dimensional
visual cliff experiment - showed that infants and young animals have innate depth perception
Types of Depth Cues
monocular cues - cues that can be perceived with one eye alone
interposition (overlap) - closer objects block the view of objects farther away
shading and contour - helps us perceive the shape and form of an object
linear perspective - parallel lines appear to converge with distance
relative size - if two objects are similar in size, the one that appears smaller is perceived as father away
relative height - objects higher in the visual field are perceived as farther away
texture and gradient - objects with finer, less detailed texture are perceived as farther away
motion parallax - objects closer to you appear to move quickly while those that are farther away seem to move more slowly
binocular cues - cues that require both eyes
convergence - eyes turn inward more to focus on closer objects
retinal disparity - brain compares slightly different images from each eye to calculate distance
the greater the disparity, the closer the object
Perception: Movement, Constancy, and Interpretation
movement perception
apparent motion/movement - when we perceive motion even though nothing is actually moving
stroboscopic motion - illusion of movement created by a series of rapidly changing still images
ex) flip books or animated films
phi phenomenon - illusion of movement created by flashing lights in a sequence
ex) holiday lights
induced movement - when a stationary object appears to move because of the motion of surrounding objects
autokinetic effect - when a stationary point of light in a dark environment appears to move
perceptual constancy - we perceive objects as stable and unchanging even as sensory input (light, angle, distance) changes
size constancy - we perceive an object’s size as constant even when its distance changes
muller-lyer illusion - two lines of same length appear different due to direction of arrows at their ends
ponzo illusion - two horizontal lines of same length appear different because of converging lines around them
ames room - a distorted room that makes people appear to shrink or grow as they move across it
color constancy - we perceive the color of an object to remain consistent, even if the lighting changes
shape constancy - tendency of brain to perceive an object’s shape as the same, even when it moves
lightness constancy - our ability to perceive the blackness, whiteness, and grayness of an object as consistent even under different lighting conditions, essentially this is the shading of an object
Perceptual Interpretation
perceptual adaptation - ability to adjust to changed sensory input, such as inverted or distorted visual field
perceptual sets - mental shortcut your brain uses to quickly interpret what you’re experiencing
schemas - mental frameworks that organize our knowledge and influence how we interpret new information
context effects - surrounding environment or situation can alter our perception of a stimulus
cultural context - culture can also shape how we perceive things
Factors Influencing Perception
biological - sensory processing, innate visual abilities, critical periods for development
psychological - attention, learned schemas, emotions, expectations
socio-cultural - cultural norms and beliefs, physical contact
Human Factors and Perception
human factors psychology - field that focuses on how people and machines interact
these psychologists use their understanding of perception and behavior to design user-friendly products and technology
extrasensory perception (esp) - controversial claim that some people can perceive information without using the normal senses
telepathy - mind-to-mind communication
clairvoyance - perceiving remote events
precognition - predicting future events
psychokinesis - moving objects with the mind
sensory deprivation - reducing sensory input to a minimum
can lead to altered states of consciousness and even hallucinations
selective attention - ability to focus on specific sensory information while filtering out other stimuli
ex) listening to friend’s voice in a crowd
cocktail party effect - ability to focus on a single sound, like a conversation, while filtering out other distracting sounds
inattentional blindness - when our attention is divided, we often experience inattentional blindness, which is the failure to notice stimuli in our visual field due to our attention being focused elsewhere
change blindness - type of inattentional blindness where we fail to notice changes in environment